JMassachu setts Legislators
[Issued Annually.]
WOV 17 lyiu
Copyrighted by
Half-tones of Portraits and Interiors from Elmer Chickering, the "Royal Photographer"
21 West Street, Boston, Mass.
/ ( \(/JOi/S
As has been noted by the editor of these Souvenirs, each session has some
unusual feature to distinguish it from every other. That of 1900 certainly round-
ed out the century as, in many respects, the most remarkable Legislature that for
many years sat beneath the gilded dome. It began with a peculiarly "strenuous"
contest over the Speakership of the House. To the credit of the contestants be
it said that the result was accepted witli a good grace, and the unsuccessful com-
petitors of the winner became his able and efficient supporters on the floor. Death
early claimed a member, and within the first four months of the session two other
members passed away. These were Messrs. Rivers of Milton, Wright of Fitch"
burg and Keyou of Medford. There were two unusual investigations, a state
board in each case being the abject of attack. Their results, as shown by legis-
lative action, did not justify the time and expense of the investigations. There
was also an investigation of the allegation by the newspapers of improper influen-
ces attending the passage of a certain bill, but the committee's report completely
exonerated the members from any suspicion. But the unusual feature of the
whole session, and that which drew out its length beyond that of all its predeces-
sors, with a single exception, was the contest over the lease of the Fitchburg rail,
road to the Boston & Maine and that of the Boston & Albany to the New York
Central. These subjects occupied the attention of the railroad committee until
June 8 and they were not entirely disposed of until July 17. But in spite of the
unusual and laborious nature of the session, the members voted down the proposi-
tion to allow themselves additional compensation and the close of the century was
reached with the dignity and decorum that characterizes the fitting representation
of the law making power of the original and typical "commonwealth." .The leg-
islators of 1900 can certainly claim distinction of membership in a body marked
by enough events out of the ordinary to make it a notable "One in a Hundred"
of similar bodies of the old Bay State. Each Souvenir has some peculiar and
unusual feature, and that of this year's is the copy, on page 127, of the very rare
painting of Daniel Webster under his favorite tree at his home in Marshfield,
after he had retired from active participation in public life.
A. M. BRIDGMAN, Editor.
His Excellency, W. iMURRAY CRANE, Governor.
Hon. W. M. OLIN, Secretary. Hon. E. S BRADFORD, Treasurer.
His Honor, JOHN L. BATES, Lieutenant Governor.
HoN.J.W. KIMBALL, Auditor. Hon. H. M. KNOWLTON, Atty General
Hon. David F. Slade. Hox. William W. Davis. Hon. Henry D. Yerxa.
Hon. Charles I. Q/irk. Hon. George F. Harwood.
Hon. S. Herbert Howe. Hon. M. V. B. Jefferson. Hon. Parley A. Russell.
J B. Fmith. (Gov's Secy.) F, F. Hamlin, (Executive Clerk.)
H. D. CooLiDGE, Clerk. ■ Rev. Ed.muno Dowse, Chaplain
Hon. George E. Smith, President.
W, H. Sanger, Assistant Clerk. F. H. Griek, Clerical Assistant.
Rev. D. W. Waldron, Chaplain. j. w. Kimball. Clerk.
Hon. James J. Myers, Speaker.
F. E. Bridgman, Asst. CI. Carl Raymond, ist CI. Asst. C. J. Smith, 2d CI. Asst
This hall has seen varied gatherings, but none of greater interest than that
of April 17, 1 86 1. On that day, the first volunteer company of the whole country,
during the late War of the Rebellion, assembled here, chose its officers, received
overcoats from the government and in an hour and a half from the time of assem-
bling was ou it way to the front. The story, in more detail, is as follows : In
Cambridge, in i860, had been formed a company of "Wide Awakes" to help
elect President Lincoln. Hon. J. M. S. Williams, congressman from that district,
promised them that if they would keep up their organization they could go to
Washington to see Lincoln inaugurated. But the United States government for-
bade the assembling of such bodies at the national capital. During the dark days
of February, 1861, several of the company agreed to volunter if they were
needed, and, on the 14th of February, several of them signed an agreement to
that effect. First on the list was the name of John Kinnear, now assistant door-
keeper of the House. In the first week in March, he, with a few others, visited
the State House and personally tendered their services to Governor Andrew. He
advised them that there was no immediate need of their services and that they
return to Cambridge, whence he would summon them if necessary. Then came
the news of the breaking out of rebellion. The> at once visited the State House,
finding Governor and Council in session. Governor Andrew told them to return
to Cambridge and that they would receive orders in an hour. They returned and
the orders speedily reached them. Then, again, they hastened to the State
House, many of their members leaving their work and throwing their tools into
the street. Reaching the State House, they assembled in Doric Hall, ninety-
seven of them. In a small adjoining room they chose officers, electing James
Prentice Richardson, now of Texas, as captain. They first went to the Old Col-
ony station, but were soon ordered to the "S. R. Spaulding," where they
embarked for Fortress Monroe. They were first assigned to the Fifth regiment,
but were soon transferred to the Third, becoming Company C. This was, with-
out doubt, the first volunteer company of the Rebellion. It is a matter of history
that this prompt, loyal and genera! response of this company, in contrast with the
scattering returns from more pretentious organizations, did much to encourage
the State authorities and "the great war Governor."
In this hall lay, in state, the body of Charles Sumner, Sunday, March 15, 1874,
where it was viewed by a multitude as vast as time would allow.
In this hall gathered the "Army of the Unemployed," February 20, 1894,
whence they were removed by detachments of the district and Boston police, but
without violence. They had just been addressed on the Capitol steps by Gover-
nor Greenhalge.
This view is taken from the main entrance and shows the statues of Wash-
ington and John A. Andrew in the distance.
Hon. G. L. Clemence. Hon F. A. Harrington. M. A. Morse. C. C. Beebe.
F. P. Bennett, (H. Ch). Hon. F. A. Patch. (Ch). J. L. Ellsworth, (CI).
F. N. Haskins. Samuel V. Crank. George E. Smith. Samuel B. George.
Hon. C. G. Washburn. Hon. Wm. Tolman. J. B. Whelan. F.D.Henderson.
Alex. S. Patox, (H. Ch). Hox. Wm. Reynolds, (Ch). C. A. Cook, (CI).
Arthur E. Roberts. J. M. Moore. Walter S. Keene Samuel E. Hull.
Hon. W. H. Lott. Hox. W. A. Butler, Hon. J. A. Keliher. James Hunt.
H. H. Newton, (H. Ch). Hon. L. E. Chamberlain, (,Ch). F. E. Wetherell, (CI).
Frank A. Foster. N. H. Chadwick. Wallace Spooner. \Vm. M.Brown.
Arthur H. Cluer. JohnN. Ball. Cornelius Minihan. Thomas J. Dillon.
Hon. a. a. Maxwell, Hon. W S. Leach. W. I. McLoughlin. M. J. Donovan.
W. M. Brigham, (H. Cb). Hon.T. W. Kexefick, (Ch). C. E. Haywood, (CI).
H.R. Skinner. Ulysses G. Haskell. Geo. H. Fall. John E Kavenaugh.
Hon. W. S. Leach. Hon. W. B. Mahonev. F. W. Francis. James F. Carey.
W. H. Feiker, (H. Ch). Hon. John E. Parry, (Ch). C. A. Carruth, (CI).
M. M. Mansfield. N. A. Bugbee. Arthur. H. Gardner. Michael Kelly.
Hon. J. E. Parrv. Hon. J. E. Mahoney. George Balcom. J. A. Watson.
E, E. WiLLARD, (H. Ch). Hon. H. C. Attwill, (Ch). W. E. Mahoney, (CI).
George F. Leslie. H. C. Bulfinch. Michael E. Gaddis. A. H. Gardner.
Hon. J. A. Keliher. Hox. C. W. Hazelton. J. Q. A. Pettengill. A. Clark.
Lester L. Burrington, (H. Ch). Hon. Wm. ToLMAN,(Ch). E. L. Brown, (CI).
T. A. Winsloe. a. W. Esleeck. Aaron C. Dowse. Chas. S. Sullivan.
Hon. T. W. Kenefick. Hox. W. S. Leach. J. H. Donovan F. C. Mahony.
C. R. Saunders, (H. Ch). Hon. Chas. H. Innes, (Ch). W. S. Keene, (CI).
B. B. Humphrey. Chas. O'M. Edson. Alvin G. Weeks. James F. Bliss.
George H. Garfield, Thomas J. Dillon. Martin P. Higgins.
Francis J. Horgan. W. C. Knowlton. U. G. Haskell. F. O. MacCartney.
Henry L. Chase. Charles C. Brooks. Wm. J. Bullock.
BILLS IN 3d READING :— Senators Butler, Chamberlain, J. E. Mahoney.
ENGROSSED BILLS: — Senators Clemexce, Hazeltox, Currier.
BILLS IN 3d READING: — Representatives Apsev, Walsh, Blood.
ENGROSSED BILLS: — Representatives Whall, Shufelt, Haskell.
Hon. p. F. Tague. Hon F. E. Huntress. Silas D. Reru. J. T. Langford-
E. C. Mead, (H. Ch.) Hon. Thomas Post, (Ch). Hugh L. Stalker, (CI).
Butler Ames. Wm H. Feiker. Mortimer D. A. Murphy. S. W. Twombly.
Hon. Fred Joy. Hox. J. E. Baldwin. R. E. Conwell. Charles P. Mills.
S. D. Reed, (H. Ch;. Hox. W. S. Leach, (Ch). Benjamin G. Collins, (CI).
Eugene H. Sprague. Willard A. Burnha.m. H. U. Hunt. P. B. Hancock.
Hon. Thomas Post. Hon. W. O. Luscombe. M. B. Jones. F. W. Farwell.
Frank W. Francis, (H. Ch). Hon. C. T. Witt, (Ch). Aaron S. Crosby, (CI).
John J.Douglass. Francis D. Henderson. Harry L. Belden. S. J, Spear.
(45) ' •
Hon. Wm. Moran. Hon, Wm. Reynolds, H. B. Whall. T. F. L Curley.
J, F. Dalton, (H. Ch). Hon. Amos A. Lawrence, (Ch). Chas T. Taxman, (CI).
Wm S.Warriner. Edward W. Hunt. R. H. Leland. Amedee Cloutier.
Hon. Chas. G. Washbukx, (Ch). Hon. L. E. Chamberlain.
Hon. T. W. Kexefick. Hon. H. C. Attwill.
Hon. G. W. Currier. W. Howland, (H. Cb). W. B. Stonk. G. S. Selfridge.
W. M. Brigham. W. a. Davenport. J. M, Minton John H. Colbv.
David Manning. James E. Odlin. W. A. MacCord. C. O. Engstrom, (CI).
Hon. \Vm. Morax. Hox. A. A. Lawrence. Timothv Paige. Wm. C. Parker.
C. A. Cook, (H Ch). Hox. J. E. McClellan, (Ch). Thomas Donahue, (CI).
W.M. Daly. Elliot J. Aldrich. Michael J. Lvdon. Daniel J. Driscoll.
Hox. J. A. Keliher. Hox. Wm. H. Lott. Wm. S. Kvle. Thomas L. Davis.
M. A. Morse, (H. Ch). Hox. Leoxard VV. Ross/cCh). M. D. A. Murphv,(C1).
Charles H. Allex. James F. Carev. D. J. Driscoll. A. Webster Butler.
Hon. Frank A. Patch. Hon. J. E. Baldwin. John Bleiler. Wm. R. Davis,
C. P. Mills, (H. Ch). Hon. F. A. Harrington, (Ch). Thomas L. Davis, (CI)-
John P. Lanergan. Edward H. Keith. James F. Heath, W. E. Mahonev.
HoN.W. H.LoTT. C. J.McPherson.
Hon. F. a. Harrington. Hon. C. H. Hanson.
Chas. F. a. Smith, (H. Ch.) Hon. B. H. Woodsum, (Ch). M. W. Burlen, (CI).
Albert S. Apsey. James H. McKinley. Thomas H. Green. James Pearce.
Fred H. Bates. James Howell. A. Webster Butler. William L. Mooney.
Hon. Wm. Reynolds, E. E. Willard.
Hon. J. E. Baldwin. Hon. A, A. Lawrence.
William S Kyle, (H. Ch). Hon. Fred Joy, (Ch). Thomas F. Porter, (CI).
John Bleiler. Clarence A. Briggs. James A. Montgomery. George F. Dow.
Frederic M. Hersey. G. E. Varney. Richard J. Hayes. Horace B. Gale.
Hon. p. Tague. Hon. F. E. Huntress. Hon. J. E. Parry. Chas. P. Keith.
H. C. White, (H. Ch). Hon. A. A. Maxwell, (Ch). Arthur P. Russell, (CI)
W. T. A. Fitzgerald. William Schofield. M.J.Sullivan. W. S.McNary-
Samuel W. TwoMBLV. David I. Walsh. Geo. H. Stackpole. A. D. Bagley.
Hon. Wm. Reynolds. Hon. Chas. T.Witt. J. G. Hagburg. L. D. Robinson.
A. M. GouLDiNG, (H. Ch). Hon. A. P. Gardner, (Ch). Wm. F. Herron, (CI).
Daniel W. Davis. Patrick H. Tohin. William S. Warriner. C.P.Keith.
Hon. S. S. Gleason. Hon. W. B. Mahoxev. L. L Bukrin(;ton. J. P. Lanercan-
W. C. Litchfield, (H. Ch). Hon. H. K. Sanderson, (Ch). A. N. Frost, (CI).
Daniel S. Coolidge. James Burns. Elliot j. Aldrich. Charles H.Upson.
B. C Harvev, (H. Ch). HON. Frank A. Fa.es, (Ch). John E. Thomson, (CI)
Hon. R. a. Soule. Hon. P. F. Tague. Thomas DoNAHtiE. John T. Sparks.
F. E. FiTTs, (H. Ch). Hon. Frank A. Patch. (Ch). William C. Parker (CI).,
Alex. S. Paton. Lewis D. Robinson. Levi M. Snow. Frank Bartlett.
committep: on probate and insolvency.
A A ivT H. R. Skinner.
Hon. a. a. Maxwell.
Hon. Wm. A. Butler. Wm. I. McLoughlin.
C. E. Haywood, (H. Ch). Hon. Chas. H. Innes. (Ch) Archie N. Frost, (CI).
J. Manuel Marshall. Geo H. Fall. J. E. Kavenaugh. John J. Mansfield.
Hon. G. L. Clemence. Hon. Wm. B. Mahoney. Geo. F. Leslie. J. P. Love.
D. S. CooLiDGE, (H. Ch). Hon. H K. Sanoersox, (Ch). W. Hopewell, ^Cl).
George R. Hamant. G. R. Fessenden. Martin Robbins W. C Litchfield.
Hon. F. a. Hakrixgton. Hon. Alp.ert H. Ray. Henrv L. Chase.
W. J. Bullock, (H. Ch). Hon. W. H. Lott, (Ch). William D. Wheeler, (CI).
C. F. King. Geo. R. Fessenden. Chas. H. Upson. Jere F. McCarthy.
Hon. C. H. Hanson. Hox. F. A. Fales. Tho.mas E. Gibney. S. F. Borofsky.
D. M.NiCKERSON,jR.,(H.Ch). Hon. B. H.WooDSUM,(Ch). A. W. Esleeck,(C1).
T. F. Dalton. Frank Bartlett. Fred H. Bates. George R. Fessenden.
Hon. Fred Jov. Hon. Wm. Tolman. Hon. L. W. Ross. Hugh L. Stalker.
Wm. Turtle, (H. Ch). Hon. Rufus A. Soule, (Ch). Charles H. Blooo, (CI).
F. J. H organ. Edward C. Mead. John P. Munrop:. Walter S. Weston.
E. M Thurston. F. S. Dewey, Jr. E. W. Sheppard. Carleton F. How.
Hox. J. E. McClellan. Hox. F. A. Falks. C. S. Marchant. H. F. Shufelt.
D. W. Davis, (H. Chj. Hox. S. S. Gleasox, (Ch). Wm. S. O'Brien, (CI).
John F. Marsh. Joseph L. Cole. James C. Poor. Thomas J. Doolixg.
Hon. T. W. Kenefick. Hon. Rufus A. Soule. Hon. Fred Joy. W. B. Stone.
James J. Myers, (H. Ch). Hon. G. E. Smith. (Ch). Hon. Chas. G. Washburn.
WiLLARD Howland. C. R. Sa CINDERS. James H. Mellen. Benj. C. Dean.
Charles H. Adams. William Turtle. H. Huestis Newton.
Hon. R. a. Soulk. Hon. F. A. Fales. H. C. White. A. E. Roberts.
Hon. L. W. Ross, iCh). Wm. Schofield. (H. Ch). Eijward L. Brown, (CI).
N. H. Chadwick. Samuki. Roads, Jr. John E. Thomson. F, D.Henderson.
Hon. H. C. Attwill. Hon. J. 1;. McClellan. Hon. A.. P. Gardner. W.R.Davis.
Butler Ames, (H. Ch). Hon. C. W. Hazelton, (Ch). Fred C. Gilpatric, (CI).
J. F. McCarthy. Chas. H. Persons. Silas A. Stone. Benj. C. Harvey.
Samuel Roads, Jr. H. E. Fletcher. Austin Bigelow. Wm. L. Barber.
Hon. C. H. Innes. Hon. A. P. (iARDXEK. Hon. A. H. Ray. Chas. A. Dean.
G. S. Selfridge, (H. Ch). Hon. F. E. Huntress, (Ch). A. Harrington, (CI),
John J. Gartland, Jr. John G Hagberg. J. H. Casey. F. O. J. Tarbox.
George. C. Belcher. C, A. Card. Orange Whitney. Charles H. Allen.
Hon. S. S. Gi.eason. Hon. A. H. Ray. Curtis Eddv. Jacob A. Leonard.
H L. Brown, (H. Ch). Hon. W. O. Luscombk, (Ch;. W. E. Fairbanks, (CI).
E. A. Hubbard. W. F. Herron. Edward W.Hunt. Walter C. Knowlton.
Hon. B. H. WooosuM. Ho\. G W. CiJKKiKK. G. H. Garfield. G H. Hapgood.
J. T. Langford, (H. Ch). Ho.x. C. H. Ha.nson, (Chj. S. H. Borofskv, (CI).
John E. O'Neil. James Hukns. Daviu J. Gleason. Alvin G. Weeks.
Hon. Thomas Post. Hon. H. K. Sanderson.
Hon. C. T. Witt. Hon. Wm. Moran.
Hon. W. O. Luscombe. G. H. Carleton. J. H. Mellen. F. P. Bennett.
Charles H. Adams. W. S. Watson. Benj. C. Dean. Silas D Reed.
D. V. McIsaac. J. HowEi^L Crosby. Joseph E. Buswell John H. Casey.
Hon. T. W. Kenefick. Hon. C. W. Hazelton. J. F. Bliss. E. J. Mills.
C. F. A. Smith, (H. Ch). Hon. L. E. Chamberlain, (Ch). T. A. Winsloe.
F, O. MacCartney. C. a. Carruth. C. O'M. Edson. J. L. Donovan.
Hon. H. C. Attwill. Hon. W. B. Mahoney. C. T. Taxman. J. H. Colby.
W. B. Stone, (H. Ch). Hon. T. Post, (Ch). J. M. Moore, (CI).
H. D. Hunt. M. W. Burlen. M. M. Mansfield J. Q. A. Pettengill.
WiLMAM R. Salter.
Freeman O. Emersox.
EuwiN J. Mills.
When Speaker Myers announced the assignments of the Representatives to
the regular standing committees, the above members declined to accept the posi-
tions to which they had been assigned.
Isaac C. Wright. Sewell G. Gushing.
William W. Brooks.
Edward J. Donovan. Joseph P. Lomasney.
Mr. Wright died April lo, and was succeeded by Mr. Cushing. Mr. Brooks
succeeded Mr. G. R. R. Rivers, who died Feb. ii. Mr Donovan resijjned,
having been chosen city clerk of Boston, and was succeeded by Mr. Lomasney.
Charles G. Davis, ist Clerk. Charles A. Legg, Chief Engineer.
Capt. John G. B. Adams, Sergeant-at-arms.
Daniel W. Taft, Watchman. R. J. Taylor, at Elevator of Gov. and Council.
Chakles H. Johnson. t J. Henry Locke. f Francis A. Ireland f A. G. BEAN.f
J. E. Armstrong. t David T. Remington, D'Keeper. Benj. H. Jellison.j
Ed C. CooK.f Lawrence G. Mitchell* H. C. Marsh* Sterlinc; Palmer*
f Messenger. *Page.
HOUSE door-kep:pp:rs and other officers.
Ezra T. Pope.j John B. HoLLis.t Henry W. Sykes f I^enjamin R BROWN.f
Edwin C. Gould. fSiDXEV Holmes. fCHARLES J. TARBELL.tTHOMAS P. pROST.f
J. KiNNEAR, Asst. D'Keeper. T. J. Tucker, D'Keeper. J Beatty, Postmaster.
E. S. Backman.* Fred W. Wilson* James H. Hazelwood.*
William C. Marden.* C. H. Davis.* Floyd A. Hayward.* G. P. Briggs.*
t Messenger.
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Built in 1730, on tlie lot of Gov. Jolin W'inthrop, corner of Milk and Wasliington streets, and
dedicated in April of the same year. On November 27, 1773, heie was held the meeting at which it
uas resolved that the English tea should not be landed; and on December 16 here was held the
meeting, with 7,000 people attending, before the pouring of the tea into Boston harbor by the Sons of
Liberty, disguised as Mohawk Indians. Here Warren spoke in March, 1775, three months before he
was killed at the battle of Bunker Hill. In the siege of Boston it was used as a riding-school by the
British. Its external appearance lias not been changed for 150 years. No religious services have been
held here since 1872. Now occupied by a loan collection of Revolutionary and other relics, the
admission fees going to the preservation fund.
(The following inscriptions on the tablets adjoining the present young and thrifty elm briefly
state the main facts of interest) :
•'THE OLD ELM destroyed by a gale Feb. 15, 1876. This elm planted A.D. 1876."
"THE OLD ELM. — This tree has been standing here for an unknown period. It is believed
to have existed before the settlement of Boston, being fully grown in 1722; exhibited marks of old
age in 1792, and was nearly destroyed by a storm in 1832. Protected by an enclosure in 1854
]. V. C. Smith, Mayor."
Built in 1763; dedicated, March 14, and completed the san^e month, on the
site of an earlier one built in 1 742 and burned on Jan. 1 3, 1 761 . Enlarged m 1 805
to its present proportions. Rebu.lt largely in 1 899. The upper hall is the armory
of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company. Called also "The Cradle ot
As one of the foremost "Legislators" of Ma'^sachusetts, it is eminently proper to
place here, close beside the "Old State House," this rare but peculiarly interesting
picture of Daniel Webster beneath his favorite tree at his home in Marshfield.
Built in 1748, on site of burned town hall, at the head of State Street Boston.
In the foreground occurred the Boston Massacre of March 5, 1770. Been used as State House
City Hall, and Post Office. British troops quartered here, 1768, and General Gage held council of
war here before battle of Bunker Hill. Declaration of Independence read from balcony in view ; from
other end Washington reviewed procession in 1789. Here State Constitution planned and ratified.
William Lloyd Garrison took refuge here from mob. October, 1835, it being then used for City Hall.
IN 1900.
His Excellency, Winthrop Murray Crane, Republican, was born in
Dalton, where he has lived all his life, April 20, 1853. He was educated in pub-
lic and private schools. He has always been euj^aged in the manufacture of
paper, his father and grandfather having been engaged in the same business there
before him. Although much interested in politics, and always having been an
active PvCpublican, he never accepted a nomination for an elective office before that
of Lieutanant Governor. In 1892 and 1896, delega'-e at large to the national Re-
publican conventions. Lieutenant Governor in 1897, and chairman of these com-
mittees of the Executive Council, — on pardons, finance, charitable instituiious,
prisons, military and naval affairs, railroads, State House, nominations ; in the
same positions in 1898 ; ^nd also in 1899.
Vote of state : A. B. Coats, Prohibition, 7402 ; W. Murray Crane, Republican,
168,903; Robert Treat Paine, Jr., Democrat, 103,802; G. E. Peare, Socialist
Labor, 10,778 ; W. P. Porter, Democrat Social N. P , 8262.
His Honor, John L. Bates, Republican, was born in (North) Easton, Sept.
18, 1859; educated in Boston public schools; Boston University, class of 1882 ;
Boston Univtrsity Law School, class of 1885. Taught school in Westers New
York, 1882-83. and in Boston in 1883-4 ; admitted to Suffolk bar, 1885, and prac-
ticed in Bosto ) since that time. Member of common council, 1891-92. Trustee
of Boston University. Director of Columbia trust company. Trustee of VVildey
savings bank. President, 1S93-4, of East Boston citizens' trade ai^sociation ;
trustee of Meridian Street Methodist Bethel church and Bromfield Street M. E.
ctiurch. Member of Baalbec lodge of Masons, and of St. John's chapter, also
32 o ; of Zenith lodge of Odd Fellows ; of Royal Arcanum, and of A. O. U. W. ;
and president of the United Order of the Pilgrim Fathers, 189234. On com-
mittees on insurance and revision of corporation laws in House of 1894; House
chairman of committee on insurance, and on committee on metropolitan affairs,
1895 ; chairman of House committee on bills in 3d reading, and on metropolitan
affairs, 1896. Chosen Speaker of the House by unanimous votes in 1897, 1898
and 1899 Chairman of the committees on pardons, finance, charitable instilH-
tions, prisons, military and naval affairs, railroads. Slate House, and nominations
in the Council of 1900.
Vote of the state: John L. Bates, Republican; 172,205 ; J. H. Mack, Dem-
ocrat, 100,79s : J- H. Roberts, Prohibition, 4850; 1, W. Skinner, Democrat So-
cial N. P., 8614 ; J. F. Stevens, Socialist Labor, 10 566.
I 29
Hon. William Milo Olin, of Boston, Republican, sixteenth incumbent of
the office since 1 710, serving his tenth term. Born of New England parents in
Warrenton, Ga., Sept. 18, 1845, resident of this state since 1850; graduate of
public schools. Entered the office of the Worcester Transcript, as "devil," fol
lowed with work at the case until 1862. At sixteen, he enlisted in the Thirty-
sixth Massachusetts Volunteers and served throughout the war. Joined reportor-
rial staff of Boston Advertiser, with which he was connected for fourteen years as
reporter, editor and Washington correspondent. In 1879, appointed private sec-
retary and military secretary, with rank of colonel, by Gov. Talbot, re appointed
by Gov. Long in 1880-1-2. Private secretary to Collector Worthington, Sewator
Dawes, Collector Be?rd, leaving the last named for his present office. Lieutenant
colonel and assistant adjutant-general under Gen. Wales, First Brigade, M. V. M.;
adjutant general and inspector-general of the national encampment, G. A. R. ;
Mason, 32 ° and Knight Templar; president of Roxbury Military Historical
Society ; director of Vicksburg National Military Park Association.
Vole of state: C. H. Bradley, Demociat Social N. P., 10,231 ; J. B. Lewis,
Jr., Prohibition, 6351 ; H. Lloyd, Democrat, 94,742 ; F. McDonald, Socialist La-
bor, 13,549; William M. Olin, Republican, 164,553.
Hon. Edward Standish Bradford, Republican, of Springfield was born
in (North) Providence, R. L, Dec. i, 1842. Started in life in the wool business
and manufacturing, and was afterwards with Samuel Slater & Sons at Webster,
where he was chairman of the selectmen and ©verseers of the poor tor three years.
In 1868 he removed to Springfield to take charge of manufacturing interests in
Holyoke. Member of the Springfield common council in 1886-7-8, mayor in
1 889-90-1. Director of Chapin national bank, ex director of Hampden county
musical association ; ex-park commissioner, ex-presiHent of Winthrop club, and of
Union Relief association ; director of Nayasset club, chairman of Republican
city committee in 1896. In 1888-9, member of state board of insanity. In
House of Representatives in 1894, serving on committees on cities and election
laws; in Senate in 1895-6-7, serving on committees on cities (ch). bills in 3d read-
ing, expenditures, treasury, woman suffrage, ways and means (chairman), towns,
Vote of state : Edward S. Bradford, Republican, 165,657 ; J. J. Flynn, Dem-
ocrat, 97,692 ; H. R. Griffin, Prohibition. 5070 ; F. A. Nagler, Socialist Labor,
11,250; C. W. White, Democrat Social N. P., 8648.
Hon. John White Kimball, of Fitchburg, Republican, a native of that
city, was born Feb. 27, 1828 ; educated in its public schools. Serving his eighth
term as auditor. Member of House of Representatives in 1864-72, committee on
military affairs; 1888-990-1, committees on finance and railroads, chairman of lat-
ter in two last years named ; on joint special committee to convey to Congress the
resolution relating to couplers and brakes on freight cars ; on special committee
to investigate the West End R. R. Co. in 1890. Has held these offices: justice
of the peace, tax collector, selectman, postmaster, and alderman of Fitchburg;
police commissioner of Massachusetts : United States pension agent, Western
Massachusetts district ; custodian in United States Treasury Department, Wash-
ington ; commander of the Department of Massachusetts, G. A. R. ; before the
war, captain and adjutant. Ninth Regiment, M. V. M. ; during the war, lieutenant-
colonel Fifteenth Massachusetts Volunteers, colonel Fifty-third Massachusetts
/olunteers, and brevet brigadier-general United States Volunteers ; eince the war,
colonel Tenth Regiment, M. V. M. A member of the Loval Legion; member of
Aurora lodge of Masons and Jerusalem commandery, Fitchburg ; member of
Fitchburg grange of Patrons of Husbandry. Is trustee and auditor of Fitchburg
savings bank ; member of Middlesex club, and RepubHcan Club of, Massachusetts.
Vote of state : E. G Brown, Democrat, 95, 990 ; F. A. Forstrom, Socialist
Labor, 11, 304; John W. Kimball, Republican, 162,695 ; A- McDonald, Demo-
crat Social N. P. 10,447; F. A. Palmer, Prohibition, 5019.
Ho\. HosEA MoKRiLL Knowlton, New Bedford, Republican, born in Dur-
ham, Me., May 20, 1847. Educated in Bangor, (Me), High school, Keene, (N.
H.) High school and Powers Institute, Bernardston ; Tufts College, class of 1867 ;
Harvard Law School. Admitted to bar, New Bedford, June, 1870 U. S. Reg-
ister in Bankruptcy 1877,-1878, inclusive. City solicitor, 1877. Member of House,
1876-7, committees on insurance, revision of judicial system, chairman of cammit-
tee on elections; Senate, 1878-9. railroad committee. District attorney for South-
ern District of Massachusetts, 1879 to 1893 inclusive; attorney general 1894-5-6-
Vote of the state. A. W Barr, Democrat Social N. P. 10,847 ; Hcsea M.
Knowlton. Republican. 166.592; J. H. Morrison, Democrat, 94,076; S. Perley,
Piohibition, 5078 ; W. P. J. Skahan, Socialist Labor, 11,182.
Hon David F. Slade, of Fall River, Republican, was born in Somerset,
Nov. 5. 1855. Graduate of Btown University, Providence. R. I. and of Boston
Universi y Law School. Lawyer, member of law firm of Jackson, Slade & Bor-
den of Fall River. Member of House of Representatives in 1894-5-6 : served on
committees on judiciary, federal relations (House chairman) and rules. Been a
member of the Republican city committee of Fall River, and of the Republican
state committee. Is a trustee of the Fall River Five Cents savings bank, a mem-
ber of the Ouequechan C'ub of Fall River, the Republican Club of Massachusetts,
the Middlesex and Norfolk clubs, the Episcopalem club of Boston, and an officer
in several organiaztions of his city. On committees on pardons, harbors and
public lands, military and naval affairs, nominations, and accounts in the Council
of 1900.
Vote of district: J. A. Billings, Democrat Social N. P., 2636; C. J. McGurk,
Democrat, 7084 ; John Meal, Socialist Labor, 1309; David F. Slade, Republi-
can, I 7,901.
Hon. William W. Davis, Republican, was born in Cambridge, Aug. 6.
1862 ; educated in its public schools In hotel business since 1888, and is mana-
ger of the Norfolk House, Boston. Member of Joseph Warren Commandery of
Knights Templar, Royal Arcanum, Home Circle, Mass. Hotel Association,
H. M. M. B. A, Middlesex club, Dudley club, Lincoln Republican club. In Bos-
ton common council 1894. Committee on insurance in Hous:- of 1S95 ; clerk of
committees on insurance and on State House, redistricting committee, congres-
sional recess committee investigating caucuses in city of Boston, 1896 ; chairman
of committee on election laws, and on libraries, and mercantile affairs in Senate ot
1897 ; on committees on election laws (chairman), libraries (chairman), fisheries
and game, mercantile affairs in Senate of 1898. On committees on harbors and
public lands, prisons, military and naval affairs. State House, warrants in Coun-
cil of 1899; and on those on harbors and jxiblic lands (chairman), prisons, military
and naval affairs, State House, and warrants (chairman) in that of 1900.
Vote of district: William W. Davis, R-^publican, 24,535 ; T. J. A. Tohnsou,
Democrat, 13,762.
Hon. Henry Detrick Yerxa of Cambridge ; elected by vote of the House
and Senate for the unexpired term of Hon Oliver H. Durrell, deceased. Born
ia New Brunswick, 1847 In 1865 he engaged in the grocery business in Boston,
and shortly after the firm of Cobb, Bates & Yerxa was organized. He has ever
since retained an active interest in the business. President of the Cambridge
park commission from July 31st, 1893, until his resignation of the office May
15th, 1897; member «f the board of directors of the Faneuil Hall national bank,
and the Mercantile trust company. On committees on finance, harbors and pub-
lic lands, State House, accounts, and warrants in the Council of 1900.
Hon. Charles I. Quirk, Democrat, of Boston, was born in Boston, Aug.
15, 1871 ; educated in its pubHc schools; was graduated from Boston Latin
School in 1889, and Boston College, class of 1891. Professor at that college for
one year ; studied law at Boston University Law School, class of 1895 ; admitted
to Suffolk bar in 1894. In the House of 1895, committees on judiciary, probate
and insolvency ; in 1896, on probate and insolvencv, elections; in 1897, on
probate and insolvency, election laws; in Senate of 1898, on committees on judic-
iary, engrossed bills, election laws. On committees on pardons, harbors and pub-
lic lands, charitable institutions, prisons, railroads, in the Council of 1899; and
on pardons, harbors and public lands, charitable institutions, prisons, railroads,
in the Council of 1900.
Vote of district: T. P. Dresser, Republican, 13,707; Charles I. Quirk,
Democrat, 21,241.
Hon. George F. Harwood, Republican, of Lynn, was born in Halifax, Eng-
land, July 7, 1844, but removed to this country at an early age ; educated in pri-
vate schools of Danvers. In the crockery and glass ware business until 1893,
and since then has been in the real estate business. Member of common council
in 1893 4-5, and of the aldermen in 1896-7. Member of Pine Grove cemetery
commission. Member of Providence lodge of Odd Fellows, of Veteran Fire-
man's association. West Lynn yacht club, Lynn Republican club, and Lynn
press club. On committee on cities in House of 189S ; and on manufactures, and
State House in 1899. On committees on charitable institutions, prisons, military
and naval affairs, nominations, and warrants in the Council of 1900.
Vote of district : George F. Harwood, Republican, 22,424 ; A. S. Kent, So-
cialist Labor, 3808; D. H. Maguire, Democrat, 8365.
Hon. S. Herbert Howe, Republican, of Marlboro was born in that city,
Dec. 21, 1835 ; educated in the public schools. Engaged in the manufacture of
shoes, being president of the S. H. Howe shoe company; also president of the^
Marlboro savings bank. Member of the United Brethren lodge of Masons, of
Houghton royal arch chapter and of Trinity comnnandery; also member of Marl-
boro lodge of Odd Fallows. In the House of 1876, on committee on manufac-
tures (chairman). On committees on finance, harbors and public lands, charitable
institutions, military and naval affairs, an! Slate House in the Council of 1899;
and on the same in the Council of 1900
Vote of district : M. H Fletcher, Democrat, 15,818; S. Herbert Howe,
Republican, 23,81 1.
Hon. M. \^ B. Jefferson, Republican, of Worcester was born in Uxbridge,
May 19, 1834; educated in its public schools and Uxbridge Academy. Was in
the mill business for seven years in California, and since then, for 40 years, has
been a woolen manufacturer in the village of Jefferson in the town of Holden,
near Worcester. Member of Montacute lodge of Masons, of Eureka chapter,
and of Worcester county commandery. Delegate to the Chicago national Re-
publican convertion in 1888, to the St. Louis convention in 1896, from Worces-
ter. Has been appointed for six years by the mayor as one of the license com-
missioners of Worcester. In the House in 1880 i, on the committee on the Hoo-
sac Tunnel and Troy & Greenfield rai'road ; in the Senate in 1885 6, on the com-
mittees on labor, railroads, and treasury On the committees on finance, harbors
and Dublic lands, charitable institutions, prisons, and railroads in the Council of
1899; and on pardons, finance, charitable institutions, prisons, railroads in the
Council of 1900.
Vote of di.strict : Martin V. B Jefferson, Republican, 20,634 ; R. C. Taylor,
Democrat, 1 1 ,703.
Hox. Parley A. Rus'^ell, Republican, of Great Barrington was born in
that town June 18, 1838 ; educated in its public schools and at private schools.
Has been engaged in woolen manufacturing business until within a few years.
Past master of Cincinnaius lodge of Masons (1863) and still member of lodge;
has been chief engineer in the fire department for some years. Chairman of
board of water commissioners since 1892. On committees on finance, military
affairs, railroads. State House, and accounts in the Council of 1899; ^"d on par-
dons, fin ince, railroads. State House, and accounts in the Council of 1900.
Vote of district ; E. W. Hodges, Democrat, 15,054; H. Koepke, Socialist
Labor, 23'?7; Parley A. Russell, Republican, 24,968.
Private Secretary — John H. Smith, Republican, of Boston: educated in
the public schools. Political writer on Boston Herald before being appointed to
his present position. Private secretary to Gen. John M. Corse when he was post-
master of Boston.
Executive Secretary. — Edward F. Hamlin, Republican, of Newton, was
born in Plainfield. Mass. in 1844; removed to Northampton in 1857. Sept.,
1862, enlisted as private in Co. 1, 52d regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers; pro-
moted to first sergeant : served in Department of the Gulf ; mustered out at ex-
piration of service, Aug. 14, 1863. In 1867 was elected first lieutenant and cap-
tain, Co. H. 2d regiment, Massachusetts X'olunteer Militia; appointed to clerk-
ship in adjutant-general's office by Gov Washburn in 1874; in 1S77 appointed
clerk of Governor and Council by Gov. Rice and held that position to March i,
1S98, when title of office was changed to "Executive Secretary."
Hon. George Edwin Smith, Republican, of the Fourth Middlesex district,
of Everett, was born in New Hampton, Helknap county, N. H., April 5, 1849.
Fitted for college at Literary Institution, New Hampton ; graduated at Bates Col-
lege in 1873. Studdied law in the office of Senator William P. Frye, Lewiston,
Me., admitted to Suffolk county bar. May, 1875, practiced there since. Moved to
Everett in 1 878 ; trustee of public library, member of school committee, chairman of
committee to procure city charter in 1892, city solicitor 1893-4. Chosen by alumni
one of overseers of Bates College in 1879 and was elected in 1884 and continues
to be one of the Board of Fellows. Member of Palestine lodge of Masons of
Everett and of Beauseant commandery of Knights Templar of Maiden. Member
of House of Representatives in 1883-4 from 8th Middlesex district (Maiden and
Everett), serving on committees on education, taxation, and roads and bridges
(chairman). In the Senate of 1897, serving on committees on judiciary, bills in
3d reading (chairman) and liquor law. In 1898-9- 1900 chosen president of the
Senate by unanimous vote.
Vote of district: J. H. Clausen, Democrat, 1172 ; J. Miller, Socialist Labor,
31-.9 ; George E. Smith, Republican, 4351.
First District. — Attlebero. Berkley. Easton, Mansfield, North Attleboro,
Norton, Raynham, Rehoboth, Seekonk, Taunton. — Hon. Warren S. Leach,
Republican, of Raynham was born in Biidgewater, Feb. 23, 1847 ; educated in
its public schools. Learned shoe cutting in Rockland, foreman for William O.
Snow of Raynham for nine years; for four years salesman in shoe counters and
leather board business for his brother, the late Hon. James C. Leach of Bridge-
water, succeeding to his business on his death in 1895. Member of Charles H.
Titus lodge of Masons of Taunton, and of King Philip lodge of Odd Fellows of
the same city. Chairman of Republican town committee for several years. In
House of 1895, on committee on charitable institutions. In 1899 o" ^^e commit-
tee on counties, fisheries and game (chairman), and public charitable institutions
in the Senate; in 1900, on constitutional amendments, counties, election laws,
fisheries and game (chairman).
Vote of district : R. F. Coughlin, Democrat, 1 705 ; Warren S. Leach, Re-
publican, 4076.
Second District Dighton, Fall River, Sotnerset, Swansea Hon. Will-
iam MoRAN, Democrat, of Fall River was born in Manchester, England, Sept. 6,
1855; educated in the public schools of Fall River. Is a barber. Chairman of
Democratic city committee in 1895-6. Member of the House of Representatives
in 1894-5, serving on the committees on federal relations and labor, respectively.
In the Senate of 1897, on committees on election laws, labor and insurance ; in
1898, on insurance, labor and public charitable institutions ; in 1899, on insurance,
labor and ways and means ; ie 1900, on insurance, labor and ways and means.
Vote of district : William Moran, Democrat, 4288 ; A. H. Morrison, Re-
publican. 4136.
Third District . — Acushnet, Dartmouth, Fairhaven, Freetown, New Bed-
ford, Westport.— Hon. Rufvs A. Soule, Republican, of New Bedford was born
in Mattapoisett, March 16, 1839; educated in the public schools. Enlisted in Co.
E. Third regiment in Sept. 1862, mustered out in June, 1863. Past commander
of post 190 G. A. R. Member of Loyal Legion. President of Hathaway, Soule
& Harrington, incorporated, shoe manufacturers : president of the Dartmouth
cotton mills, and director in City and Bristol cotton mills also ; vice president of
the New Bedford safe deposit loan and trust company, president of Acushnet co-
operative bank, and director in New Bedford co-operative bank ; director of W.
S. Hill electric manufacturing company; director of A. L. Blackmer, incorporated,
glass cutters. Member of Middlesex club, of Republican Club of Massachusetts,
Member of common council five years, its president in 1874. Member of star
in the East lodge of Masons, of Adoniram chapter, of Sutton coinmandery of
Knights Templar. Trustee of New Bedford Five Cents savings bank. Mem-
ber of the House in 1878-9, on committee on railroads. In Senate of 1896, on
banks and banking (chairman), drainage, and railroads, also on special redistrict-
ing committee; in 1897, on railroads (chairman), printing, and State House ; in
1898, railroads (chairman), banks and banking, and State Hruse; in 1899, rail-
roads (jchairman), prisons, State House; in 1900, rules, prisons, railroads (chair-
man). State House.
Vote of district : G. O baker, Demociat, 1194; J. C. Briggs, Prohibition,
278; P. J. McFaddeB, Socialist Labor, S54; Ruius A. Soule, Republican, 3809.
First District — Wards i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 of Lynn, Nahant, Swa^tHpscott. —
Hon Henry C. Attwill, Republican, of Ljnn was born there March 1 1, 1872 ;
educated in the public schools and Boston University Law School class of 1893.
Is a lawyer. In House of 1896, serving on committees on elections (clerk), and
probate and insolvency ; also in 1897, on House and joint judiciary committees
(clerk); also in 1898, on judiciary; in the Senate of 1899, on judiciary, constitu-
tional amendments, and drainage (chairman) ; and in 1900, on drainage (chair-
man), judiciary, and street railways ; and on special committee on investigation of
Metropolitan water board.
Vote of district: Henry C. Atwill, Republican, 3880; J. A.Henley, Socialist
Labor, 370; M. E. Nies, Democratic, 1279; C. E. Wiley, Prohibition, 223.
Second District. — Beverly, Danvers, Marb/ehead, Salem. — Hon. Wili iam
Reynolds, Republican, of Marblehead was born there June 15, 1S43 ; educated
in the public schools. Was collector of the port of Marblehead for one year.
Cashier of Marblehead national bank since 1870. Member of Philanthropic
lodge of Masons, and of John (roodwin, Jr , post 82 of G. A. R. Delegate to the
national Republican convention in Minneapolis in 1892. In the Senate of 1899,
serving on committees on banks and banking (chairman), insurance, and mercan-
tile affairs; in 1900, on banks and banking, (chairman), insurance, mercantile af-
fairs, and military affairs.
Vote of district; A. H. Paton, Democrat, 2255 ; William Reynolds, Repub-
lican, 4447 ; W. O. Wylie, Prohibition, 281.
Third District -Esse.v, Gloucester. Hamilton., Tpswicli, Manchester, Newbury,
Newburyport, Rockport. Rowley, Wenham. — Hon. Augustus P. Gardner,
Republican, of Hamilton was born in Boston, Nov. 5, 1865; educated in St. Paul's
School of Concord, N. H., and Harvard College class of 1886, and Harvard Law
School. Enlisted May 12, 1898, serving as assistant adjutant general with rank
of captain at Camp Thomas, Ga., and in Porto Rico; mustered out, Dec. 31, 1898.
Is a trustee. On committees on military affairs (chairman), street railways, and
taxation in the Senate of 1900.
Vote of district : Augustus P. Gardner, Republican, 4493 ; C. D. Smith,
Democrat, 1750.
Fourth District. — Amesbury, Georgetown, Groveland, Haiicrhill, Meiri-
mac, .Salisbury, West Xeivbury Hon. William A. Bl'tlek, Republican, of
Georgetown was born in Newbury, Feb. 4, 1839 ; educated in the Putnam school
of Newburyport and Boston University Law School. Is a lawyer. Town cli-rk
and registrar of voters since 1884. Past master of Charles C Dame lodge of
Masons, senior warden of Newburyport commandery of Knights Templar. In
House of 1888, serving on committee on prisons (clerk) On committees on bills
in 3d reading (chairman), cities, and probate and insolvency in Senate of 1900.
Vote of district : J. W. Bean, Democrat Social N. P, 3526; William A.
Butler, Republican, 4345 ; D. A. Wingate, Dem.ocrat, 624.
Fifth District. — Afidover, Box ford, Lawrence, Methiien, lYort/i Andover,
Topsfield. — Hon. Guy. W Currier, Democrat, of Methuen, was born in Law-
rence, Dec. 22, 1867; attended Lawrence public schools, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, Boston University Law School. Lawyer. Bethany commandery
ot Knights Templar ; Technology club ; New Algonquin club of Boston. Com-
mittee on judiciary in House of 1899; on judiciary, engrossed bills and water sup-
in the Senate of 1900.
Vote of district ; Guy W. Currier, Democrat, 5230; Charles F. Sargent,
Republican, 4496; W. S. Searle, Prohibition, 185.
First District. — BrimHeld, Holland, Monson. Palmer, Springfield, Wales,
IVilh-aham. — Hon. Thomas W. Kenefick, Dem crat, of Palmer was born in
Leominster, Sept. 17, 1855 ; educated in the public schools and Harvard College
class of 1877. Studied law in Harvard Law School and in the office of Hon.
Charles R. Train of Boston. Admitted to the bar in 1879, ^"d ^^s practiced law
in Palmer since then. In the House of 1896, on the committees on probate and
insolvency (clerk), and railroads, also on the special committee to investigate the
Norfolk county commissioners ; in 1897, on ways and means, and rules (clerk);
in 1898, on the same committees In the Senate of 1899, on judiciary, rules, and
election laws ; in 1900, on constitutional amerdments (chairman), election laws,
judiciary, rules, and special committee on investigation of the gypsy moth com-
' Vote of district : H. S. Dickinson, Republican, 3507 ; Thomas W. Kenefick.
Democrat, 4750; G. H. Wrenn, Socialist Labor, 503.
Second District. — Agawam, Chicopee, East Longvieadow, Granville, Long-
meadow, Ludlow, Afont^omery, Sonthwick, Tolland, West Springfield, West-
field. — Hon. William, B. Mahoney, Democrat, of Westfield was born in Bath,
Me., Dec. 5, 1857 ; educated in the public schools. Is in the cigar business.
Member of Division 3 of Ancient Order of Hibernians, of Metacomet tribe of
Red Men, and of Whip City council of Knights of Columbus. In the Senate of
1898, on committees on parishes and religious s")cieties, prisons, and public health ;
in 1900, on counties, parishes and religious societies, and public charitable insti-
tutions; also ou special on investigation of Metropolitan water board.
Vote of district : J. E. MacNally, Socialist Labor, 635 ; William B. Maho-
ney,Democrat, 4857 ; D. Proulx, Republican, 4323.
First District. — Ashland, Framingham, Holliston, Hopkinion, Xatick,
Newton, Sherborn, Watertown, M^eston — Hon. Albert H. Ray, Democrat, of
Ashland, was born in Brewer, Me., May 24, 1865 ; educated in the public schools.
Hatters' printing. Town clerk 1890-3. On committee on water supply in House
of 1899. On committees on public health, taxation, and towns in the Senate of
Vote of district: H. E. Bullard, Republican, 4189 ; Albert H. Ray, Demo-
crat, 4847.
Second District.— Wards r. 2, 4, 5 of Cambridge. — Hon. John E. Parry,
Kepublican, of Cambridge was born in that city, July 3, 1854; educated in its
public schools and in Bryant & Stritton's commercial school. Clerk in a grocery
store several years. In 1878, entered on the brick making business and is now
senior member ot the firm of Tarry Brothers & Co , one of the largest concerns of
the kind in New England, employing ever 350 men and producing over 300,000
bricks per day, operating large yards in Cambridge and Belmont, and West
R<->chester, N. H. Member of common council in 1888, and of the aldermen in
1S89 90-1, on committees on finance, police, soldiers' aid, fire department, street
lighting, bonds, licenses, assessors, and the special committee on construction of
the Harvard bridge. In the House in 1S934 on committees on drainage, and
woman suffrage. Past master of Charity lodge of Masons, past district deputy
grand master, member of Cambridge royal arch chapter, and of Cambridge com-
mandery Knights Templar. E.v director of Citizens' trade association, and mem-
ber of Boston Master Builders' association. In Senate of 1900, on committees
on counties (chairman), drainage, and metropolitan affairs.
Vote of district: E. B. James, Democrat, 2506; John E Parry, Republican,
Third District. — ArU/i^ton, Belmont, Somerville. — Hon. Franklin E.
Huntress, Republican, born in Biddeford, Me., April 19, 1866. Harvard Col-
lege, class of 1889. In iron and steel business. Common council 1892-4. On
committee on manufactures in House of 1897 ; on same in 189S; House chair-
man of committee on manufactures, and on constitutional amendments in 1899.
On committees on federal relations, metropolitan affairs, and taxation (chairman)
in the Senate of 1900.
Vote of district : A. E. Dearborn, Democrat, 1734 ; Franklin E. Huntress,
Republican. 4469
Fifth District. — Lexington, Lincoln, Marlboro, Medford, Sudbury, Wal-
tham, IVayland, Winchester. — Hon'. Fred Joy, Republican, of Winchester was
born in that town July 8, 1859 ; educated in its public schools and Harvard Col-
lege class of 1881. Isalawyer. Trustee of \Vinci. ester savings bank. Member
of the House iu 1893, serving on the judiciary committee and on the special gas
investigation committee. In the Senate of 1899, on committees on bills in 3d read-
ing (chairman), fisheries and game, railroads; in 1900. on fisheries and game,
mercantile affairs (chairman), railroads, and rules.
Vote of district : Fred Joy, Republican, 5252 ; F. R. S. Mildon, Democrat,
Sixth District..— Acton, .4shby, Ayer. Bedford Billerua, Boxboro, hurling-
ton, Carlisle, Concord, Dunstable, Groton, Hudson. Littleton, Wards 3, 9 of Loiu-
ell, Maynard, Pepperell, Reading, Shirley, Stow, Teiuhsbury, Townsend, Tyngs-
boro, Westjord Wihnington. — Woy.. Frank A. Parch. Republican, of Boxboro,
was born in that town July 23, 1844; educated in public schools and Lawrence
Academy. On the farm until 1863 ; from 1863S9, inclusive, in wholesale furni-
ture business in Boston and New York city, retiring in 1889 and returning to the
farm where he was born and where he now lives. Chairman of school cominittee
I 891-2 3-4, and superintendent of schools for same years. Chairman of selictmen,
\'ice president of North Middlesex savings bank. Member of St. Paul lodge of
Masons of Ayer, of Acton lodge of Odd Felknvs of West Acton, of .Acton council
of Royal Arcanum, of the Middlesex club, of the Republican Club of Massa:hu-
setts, and of Boxboro grange of Patrons of Husbandry. In the House of 1896,
on committee on agriculture. In the Senate of 1899 on coinmittees on agriculture
(chairman), liquor law, and prisons ; in 1900, on agriculture (chairman;, liquor law,
and prisons, (chairman).
Vote of district : G. C. King, Democrat, 276S ; Frank A. Patch, Republican.
Seventh District. — Chelmsford, Draciit, Wards i, 2, 5, 4, 6, "j^S of Lax/ell. —
Hon. Charles Henry Hanson, Republican, of Lowell, was born in Barns-
tou, Providence of Quebec, July 7, 1844 ; educated in ihe public schools. Is a
dealer in horses, carriages, horse furnishings, 'hay and grain, and does all kinds,
of teaming. Member of William North lodge of Masons, 32d degree ; of Merri-
mack lodge of Odd Fellows, and of Monomake encampment ; of Wamesit lodge
of Knights of Pythias; of Lowell lodge of Order of Elks. Member of common,
council in 1875-6, on committee o-i fire department; superintendent of public
streets and sewers in 1883 4. Member of House in j 8-90-1, serving on the com-
mittee on railroads Member of board of trade, of board of directors of Lowell
trust company on the finance committee, and trustee of Washington institution of
savings. On committees on manufactures, printing, public service, water supply
(chairman) in the Senate of 1900.
Vote of district: Charles Henry Hanson, Republican, 5224; G. W. Pearson,
Democrat, 4350.
Middlesex-Essex District Ward 6 of Lynn, Lynnfield. Midiihion, Peabody,
Saltans of Essex; No7-th Readitig, Stoneham. Wakefield, Woburtt of Middlesex —
Hon. Howard K. Sanderson, Republican, of Lynn, was born in Williamsburg,
July 10, 1865 ; educated in Lynn pul^lic schools. Superintendent of carriers in
Lynn post office in 1 890-1, assistant postmaster 1892. Republican city commit-
tee 1894-5 6, its secretary 1895. Republican state committee, [8978. Nomina-
ted May 12, 1900. by President McKinley as post-master of Lynn; confirmed
May 17. Member of Golden Fleece lodge of Masons, Sutton Royal Arch Chap
ter, Zebulun Council Royal and Select Masters, Olivet Commandery of Knights
Templar, Massachusetts Consistory 32d degree ; West Lynn lodge of Odd Fel-
lows; secretary of Old Essex chapter of Sons of the American Revolution. In
House ol 1896, clerk of committee on election laws, and on special c6mmittee on
redistricting ; in 1897, House chairman of election laws, and clerk of ways and
means. In Senate of 1899 on committees on cities, parishes and religious socie-
ties, and public charitable institutions (chairman) ; in 1900, on parishes and reli-
gious societies (chairman), public charitable institutions (chairman), and ways and
means (clerk).
Vote of district •. Howard K. Sanderson, Republican, 5345 ; T. W. Selig,
Democrat, 2318; N. A. Torrey, Socialist Labor, 960.
First District Brain tree, Canton, Holbrook, Hyde Park, Milton, (luincy,
Randolph, Weymouth Hon. B. Herbert Woodsum, Republican, of Braintree
(South) was born in Randolph, Oct. 4, 1857 ; educated in the public schools of
Braintree. Tack and nail manufacturer. In the House of 1891, serving on the
committee on printing; and in 1892 chairman of liquor law committee. In the
Senaie of 1899, on water supply (chairman), manufactures, and public service ; in
1900, on manufactures (chairman), public service (chairman), and water supply.
Vote of district : R. C. Habberley, Prohibition, 365 ; E. C. Jenney, Demo-
crat, 3738 ; B. Herbert Woodsum, Republican, 4979.
Second District. — A7>on, Bellinghani. Brooklinc, Dcdliam, Dover, Eoxboro,
Franklin, Medfield, Medway. Millis, Needham. Norfolk. Norwood, Sharon,
Stoughton, Walpole, Wellesley, Wesiivood. Wrentham.—Wo^. Frank A.
Fales, Republican, of Norwood was born in (South) Dedham, Oct. 13, 1848 :
educated i)i the public schools. Is in the flour and grain business. Member of
Orient lodge of Masons, of Hebron royal arch chapter, of Cypress commandery
of Knights Templar, and of Tiot 'odge of Odd Fellows. Member of the House
in 1886-7-8, serving on the committees on elections. State House, printing and Hoo-
sac Tunnel and Troy & Greenfield railroad. Selectman and assessor for 19 con-
secutive years. On committees ou printing (chairman), public service, roads and
bridges, and State House in Senate of 1900.
Vote of district: E, O. Cox, Democrat, 1951; Frank A. Fales, Repub-
lican, 4694. 1
F/rs^ District. — Ahington, Carver, Cohasset, Dnxbury, East Bridge-water,
Halifax, Hanover, Hanson, Hingham, Hull, Kingston, Marshjield, Norwell,
Pembroke, Plymonih, Rockland, Scituate, Whitman — Hon. Amos A Law-
KENCE, of Cohasset was born in that town, Nov. 3, 1847, a direct descendant of
Jolin Lawrence of Wisset. England, who came to America about 1630, whose
ancestry can be traced back to 1 1 50 and includes many men of distinction in
England and America. Educated in the public schools and a Boston business
college ; is a I^oston business man and has always resided in his native town Co-
hasset with the exc-eption of a few years in the "seventies" when engaged in business
in New York, Member of Cohasset school committte, 1891-1900, trustee of Cohas-
set savings bank 1892- 1900, president of Cohasset electric company since it was
established in 1890. Charter member and on executive committee of Cohasset
yacht club : charter member and trustee of Cohasset lodge of O id Fellows, member
Republican town committee. A32 ° Mason; past master and trustee of Konohassett
lodge, past district deputy grand master of the grand lodge of Massachusetts,
member of DeMolay commandery of Knights Templar, life member of Lafayette
Lodge of Perfection, of Giles F. Yates council of Princes of Jerusalem, of Mt.
Olivet chapttr Rase Croix, and Massachusetts Consistory. Member of the House
in 1S92, on committee on towns; also in 1895, on committee on taxation, and
clerk of fisheries and game. On committees on insurance (chairman), labor, and
mercantile affairs in Seuate of 1900.
Vote of district: J. Hersey. Prohibition, 206; Amos A. Lawrence, Republi-
can, 3125 ; B. F. Peterson, Democrat, 1136; C. H. Robbins, Socialist Labor, 545.
Second District. — Bridge-water, Brockton, Lakeville, Marion, Mattapoisett,
Middleboro, Rochester, Wareham, West Bridgewater .—Viii^. Loved E. Cham-
iiERLAiN, Republican, of Brockton was born in Plympton, Jan. 30, 1857 ; moved
to Brockton, (then North Bridgewater) in 1859; educated in the public schools,
and Boston University Law School class of 1879. ^s a lawyer. Justice of the
Brockton police court since 1885, city solicitor of Brockton 1891-2-3-4, school
committee since 1887, president of board of trade since it was established in 1896.
Senior warden of Paul Revere lodge of Masons, member of Ma^sasoit lodge of
Odd Fellows, of Fraternal lodge of Good Templars, of Brookville grange of Pa-
trons of Husbardry, and of Banner lodge of N. E. O. P. In the Senate of 1898,
OH committees on bills in 3d reading (chairman), cities, insurance; in 1899, ou
cities (chairman), education, street railways ; in 1900. bills in 3d reading, cities
(chairman), judiciary, and chairman of special committee on investigation of the
work of the gypsy moth commission.
\"ote of district : Loyed E. Chamberlain, Republican, 3769 ; T. C. Collins,
Democrat, 1462 ; E. T. Spear, Democrat Social N. P. 1558.
First District Ward \ of Boston, Chtlsea, Revere, Winthrop — Hon.
Charles T. Witt, Republican, of Boston (East) was born in Norway, Me., July
18, 1 848 ;educated in the public schools. Is in the milk business. Member of House
in 1 8.SS-9, on committees on banks and banking, and street railways. Member of
aldermen in 1893 4-5. Past master of Baalbec lodge of Masons, past high priest
or St. John's royal arch chapter, past thrice illustrious master of East Boston
council of Royal and Select Masters, and past commander of William Parkman
commandery of Knights Templar; past grand of Zenith Iod<:e of Odd Feflows.
President of Boston Marketmen's Republican club, president of Enterprise co-op-
erative bank, vice president of and trustee of Sumner savings bank, ex president
of East Hoston fade association. In Senate of 1890, on committees on harbors
and public lands (chairman), public health, and ways and means; in 1900, on har-
bors and public lands (chairman), military affairs, and ways and means.
Vote of district: J. Cramb, Democrat Social N. P., 224; B. Efford, Social-
ist Labor, 272; T: Lane, Democrat, 1826 ; Charles T. Witt, Republican, 4882.
Second District. — Wards 3, 4, 5 of Boston, U^ard 3 of Cambridge. — Hon.
Peter F. Tague, Democrat, born in Boston, June 4, 1871 ; public schools.
Book-keeper and N, E. representative of Never-slip Manufacturing Company. A.
O. U. W., Knights of Columbus, Massachusetts Court Order of Foresters ; Divi-
sion 37 A. O. H , James E Hayes club. Committee on federal relations in House
1897 ; on committee on cities, 1898 On engrossed bill-?, federal relations, metres
politan affairs in Senate of 1899; on federal relations, metropolitan affairs, and
prisons in 1900.
Vote of district: Peter F. Tague, Democrat, 4477 ; W. P. Bryant, Republi-
can, 1853.
Third District — Wards 2, 6,8 of Boston — Hon Jeremiah E. Mahoney,
Democrat, of Boston was born in that city Nov. 8, 1863; educated in the public
lie schools. Printer ; tobacconist Member of Uivi ,ion 69 of A O. H., of Fra-
ternal Order of Eagles No. 45, of Atlantic yacht club, of West End boat club,
and of Columbus associates. Common council 1893 4-5 House of Representa-
tives in 1896-7, committees on drainage, and printing. On bills in 3d reading,
drainage and printing in the Senate of 1900.
Vote of district : F. L. Auld, Repu lican, 18S9; Jeremiah E. Mahoney,
Democrat, 4977 ; J. O'Rourke, Democrat Citizens N. P., 608.
Fourth District. — Wards 7, g, 17 of Boston. — Hon. John A. Keliher,
Democrat, was born in Boston Nov. 6, 1866; educated in its public and English
High schools. Engaged in newspaper work. Member of Boston .Athletic Asso-
ciation Member of Democratic city committee in 18934-56-78-9-1900. In
House of 1806, serving on committees on State House, and special on redistrict-
ing the state; also in 1897, on committee on metropolitan affairs. In the Sen-
ate of 1899, on committees on education, libraries, and metropolitan affairs; in
1900, on cities, education, and libraries.
Vote of district: D. H. ^rving. Republication, 2036; John A. Keliher,
Democrat, 4343.
Fifth District. — Wards 10, 12, 18 of Boston.— Hos. Charles H. Lnnes,
Republican, was born in Boston Aug. 6, 1870 ; educated in the public schools
and Boston University Law School, class of 1892. Is a lawyer. Member of
common council in 1896 On committees on railroads in House of 1S97; clerk
of committee on judiciary, 1 89S. On committees on election laws (chairman),
libraries, probate and insolvency, taxation in Senate of 1899; on election laws
(chairman), probate and insolvency (chairm.an), and taxation in 1900.
Vote of district; F. P. Barnes, Citizens, 335; H. B. Curley, Democrat, 3253 ;
Charles H. lnnes. Republican, 33 lo-
Si.rth District — Wards 13, 14, 15 ^ Boston. — Hon, John E. Baldwin.
Democrat, born in (South) Boston, June 26, 1869; public schools, commercial
college. Bookkeeper. Common council, 1894-5 6. A. O. H. ; K. of C. Clerk
of committee on federal relations in House of 1897 ; clerk of committee on libra-
ries, and on prisons, 1898 ; on fisheries and game, mercantile affairs, parishes and
religious societies in Senate of 1S99 ; on fisheries and game, liquor law, and mer-
cantile affairs in 1900. ■
Vote of district; John E. Baldwin, Democrat, 4663 ; G. W. Dryden, Repu.b-
lican, 2268.
Seventh District. — Wards 16, 20, 24 of Boston. — Hon. William H. Lott,
Republican, of Boston, v\ as born in Woolwich, England, Sept. 17, 1852 ; educat-
ed in the schools of New Gloucester, Me. Is in the whoolsalecisjar business. Past
master of Massachusetts Iodide of Masons, member of St. Haul's chapter, and of
Boston commandery of Knights Templar; also member of the Ancient and Honor-
able Artillery Company. In board of aldermen, 1897 8 ; appointed by Mayor
Hart, May i, 1900, wire commissioner for three years, at annual >alary of
55000. On committees on bills in 3d reading, manufactures, public health (chair-
man), in Senate of 1^599: on cities, libraries, public health (chairman), in 1900.
Vote of district : W. J. Hennessey, Democrat, 330S ; William H. Lott, Re-
publican, 51 70.
Eighth District — Wards 2\, 22, 2^, of Boston. — Hon. Arthur A. Max-
well, Republican, of Boston, was born in Wells, Me., Jan. 24, 1858, and was
educated in Berwick Academy, and in Dartmouth College, class of 1883, Boston
University Law School, 1886. Is a lawyer, and assistant coun.sel of the New York,
New Haven & Hartford Railroad Company. Member of Society of Sons of
American Revolution, Pine Tree State club, Eliot and Dartrriouth clubs. Mem-
ber of House of 1896. on committees on mercantile affairs, and congressional dis-
tricts in Boston (special); in 1897, House chairman of mercantile affairs. On
committees on counties (chairman), metropolitan affairs, and probate and insol-
vency in Senate of 1899 ; on committees on constitutional amendments, metropol-
itan affairs (chairman), and probate and insolvency in 1900.
Vote of district : Arthur A. Maxwell, Republican, 5003 ; E. Seaver, Demo-
crat, 3828.
Ninth District. — Wards 11, 19, 25 of Boston. — Hon. Leonard W. Ross
©f Boston, was born in Worcester, Oct 5, 1856, and was educated in public and
private schools Has followed horticulture, landscape architecture and forestry.
Past master of St. Andrews chapter and past officer of the grand lodge of Masons
tor Massachusetts; member of Boston commandery of Knights Templar. Founder,
director and comptroller of Knoll wood cemetery of Boston. On committee on
harbors and public lands, clerk, in House of 189S ; committee on railroads, 1899 ;
^ committees on libraries (chairman), railroads. State House (chairman) in Senate
of 1900.
Vote of district: [. Derapsey, Democrat, 3563 ; Leonard W. Ross, Republi-
can, 4040.
First District. — Wards 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 of Wo7'cester. — Hon. Charles G.
Washburn, Republican, lawyer and manufacturer, was born in Worcester, Jan.
28, 1857; educated at public schools graduated at Worcester Polytechnic Insti-
tute 1875, at Harvard University 1880. Admitted to Suffolk bar, 1887; was
for several years a director and executive officer of the Washburn & Moen manu-
facturing company of Worcester. On committee on mercantile affairs in House
of 1897; House chairman of coinmittee on taxation, 1898: on committee on
judiciary, rules, and taxation (chairman) in Senate of 1899; on judiciary, (chair-
man), rules, and banks and banking in 1900.
Vote of district : E. Earle, Democrat, 2486 ; Charles G. Washburn, Repub-
lican, 4088.
Second District. — Berlin, Bolton., Boylston, Clinton, Harvard. Holden, Lan-
caster, Sterling, West Boylston, Wards i, 2, 3 <?/■ Worcester. — Hon. Francis
A. Harrington, Republican, of Worcester, was born in that city, Nov, 17, 1846 ;
educated in its public schools and Worcester Academy. Has been engaged in
farming, in livery and boarding stable business and -n carriage manufacturing.
Alderman in 1887-8-9, and mayor in 1 890-1 2. Member of Athelstan lodge oi"
Masons, Worcester commandery K. T., Worcester council of Royal Arcanum, of
f.Juinsigamond lodge of Odd Fellows, and of Worcester Grange of Patrons of
Husbandry, and is treasurer of the slate Grange at present. On committees on
liquor law (chairman), manufactures, public health, in Senate in 1899: on agri-
culture, liquor law (charntian), manufactures, public health in 1900.
Vote of district ; T. C. Carrigan, Democrat, 2467 ; Francis A. Harrington,
Republican, 3956; S. H. Mason, Socialist Labor, 413.
Third District — Ashburitham, Athol, Fitchburg, Gardner, Leominster,
Liinciibnr^, Royalston, Westminster, Winchendon. — Hon. Samuel S. Gleason,
Republican, of Gardner, was born in Hubbards'on, May t, 1842; public schnols.
New Salem Academy. In lumber business In Hubbardston member of select-
men, overseers of poor and assessors, also a constable ; eight years chairman of
selectmen. Overseer of poor and assessor of Gardner several years ; trustee of
savings bank. Member of House in 1876, monitor of third division ; in 1893,00
committee on public charitable institutions; in 1894 on same committ e and
House chairman of roads and bridges. On committees on labor, public charitable
institutions, roads and bridges (chairman), in Senate of 1899; on parishes and
religious societies, roads and bridges (chairman\ and towns in 1900.
Vote of district: C. M. Day, Winchendon, Democrat, 1941 ; Samuel S
Gleason, Republican, 4494.
Fourth District.— Barre, Brookfield, Charlton. Dana, Dudley, Hardwick,
Hubbardston, Leicester, New Bratntree, North Brookfield, Oakham, Pa\ton,
Petersham, Phtllipston, Princeton, Rutland Southbridge, Speticer, Sturbridge,
Tetnpleton, Warren, Webster, West Brookfield.—Yio^. George L. Clemence,
Republican, of Southbridge, was born in Great Barrington, Feb. 17, 18^2 ; educat-
ed in the public schools. Is a farmer. In the House of Representatives. in 1889,
serving on the committee on agriculture. On the committees on engrossed bills
Cchairman), agriculture, and public charitable institutions in the Senate of 1900.
Vote of district : George L. Clemence, Republican, 4365 ; J. F. Hill, Demo-
crat, 2621 .
Fifth District. — Auburn, Blacks tone, Douglas.Grafton, Hopedale, Mendon,
Milford, Millbmy, Noithboro. Northbridge, Oxjord, Shrewsbury, Southboro,
Sutton, Upton, Uxbridge, Westboro.—Ho-s. JoHX E. McClellax, Republican,
of Grafton was born in Sutton, Sept. 5, 1847, and was educated in the public
schools and Leicester Academy. Enlisted in ist battalion of Heavy Artillery,
in Jan. 1864 Member of A. B. R. Sprague post G A. R. On the board of
selectmen two years ; road commissioner 10 years. President of Grafton board
of trade. Is a dealer in coal and wood, a farmer on a large scale, and a contrac-
tor on public works. Member of the House of Representatives in 1896, on the
committee on water supply : in 1S97, on the same and on roads and bridges. On
committees on labor (chairman), agriculture, and drainage in Senate of 1899 ; on
labor (chairman), roads and bridges, and street railways in 1900.
Vote of district: E. N. Jenckes, Democrat, 2475 ; John E. McCIellan, Re-
publican, 3586.
Berkshire District.— Adams. Cheshire, Clarksbnro, Daltoii, Florida. Han-
cock. Hinsdale, Lanesboro, New Ashford, North Adams, Peru, Pittsfield, Savoy,
li'illiawstowH, Windsor.— Hos. Wh^liam Tolman, Republican, was born in
Lanesboro, June 2, 1858, and removed to Pittsfield at 10 ; educated in the public
schools until I S72, when became clerk in tlie Agricultural bank, helding that
place six years. Graduated from Williston Seminary in 1880; entered Williams
College, but was obliged to leave at the end of three years on account of ill health
After a year's work for various banks of the county, became special agent for the
Berkshire Life Insurance Company for Western AlassachusettS', and has held the
place for the last 16 years, being one of the company's most energetic and success-
ful representatives. Member of the Crescent lodge of Masons. In House in
{894, serving on the committee on education ; also in the House in 1895, on com-
mittees on banks and banking, and woman suffrage ; again in 1896, being House
chairman of the committee on banks and banking, and on insurance ; on the
committee on railroads in the House of 1899. On committees on banks and
blinking education (chairman), and railroads in the Senate of 1900.
Vote of district; W. H. Chase, Democrat, 3989; William Tolman, Republi-
can, 4738 ; A. B. Whipple, Prohibition, 337.
Berkshire and Hampshire. — A (ford, Becket, Egremont, Great Barrington,
Lee, Lenox, Monterey, Mojint li^ashlngton, A^ew Marlboro, Otis, Richifiofid,
Sandisjield, Sheffield, Stockbridge, Tyringham. Washington. West Stockbridge,
in Berkshire County ; ChesterHeld, Cutninington Easthampton. Goshen, Hadley,
Hatjield. Huntington, Middlefteld, Northampton, Plainfield, South Hadley^
Southampton, Westhampton, U^illiamsturg, Worthingion in Hampshire County;
Blandford, Chester, Russell in Hampden County. — H ox. Thomas Post, Repub-
lican, of Lenox, was born there, Aug. 16, 1834 . educated in Williams College and
Harvard Law School. Is a lawyer. Member of the House in 1863-6-82 7 97,
se'ving on committees on probate and insolvency (chairman), bills in 3d reading,
election laws (cl irman), manufactures (chairman), constitutional amendments,
mercantile affairs, and on special commirtees on adjustment of salaries of state,
district and county officers, investigation of state liquor agency and Beverly Farms
investigation. In Senate of 1899 on committees on ways and means, federal re-
lation8, harbors and publij lands, and printing (chairman); on ways and means,
(chairman), federal relations (chairman), harbors and public lands, and special
committee to inves'igate the Metropolitan water board (chairman), in (900.
Vote of district : — E. H. Bell, Democrat, 3333 ; Thomas Post, Republican,
Cape District Barnstable, Brewster, Bottrne, Chatham, Dennis, Eastham,
Falmouth, Harwich, Mashpee, Orleans, Proi'incetoiun, Sandiuich, Truro, Well-
fleet, and Yarmouth in the county of Barnstable ; Chilmark, Cottage City,
Edgartown, Gay Head, Gosnold, Tisbury, West Tisbury, in the county of Dukes;
and Nantucket — Hon. Walter O LuscoiVIBE, Republican of Falmouth, (Woods
Hoil), was born in Taunton, Aug. 19, 1851 ; educated in its public schools. Has
been in the grocery business, also in the grain snd coal and real estate business.
Was deputy collector and inspector of customs at Woods Holl for the 1 1 years
previous to 1894. Member of Maiine lodge of Masons, and of Nobska lodge of
Knights of Pythias. Alternate delegate to the national Republican convention
in 1896. On committees on engrossed bills, harbors and public lands, constitu-
tional amendments, towns (chairman) in Senate of 1S99 ; on committees on har-
bors and public lands, towns (chairman), and ways and means in the Senate of
Vote of district: A. Coffin, Independent Citizen, 763 ; Walter O. Luscombe,
Republican, 2547 ; W. L. Nye, Democrat, 446.
Franklin-Hampsliire District. — Amherst, As/field, Bekhertown, liernards-
t'ln, Buckland, Charlemont, Colrain, Cowway, Dcerfeld. Enfeld, Erving, Gill,
Granby, Greenfield, Greenwich, Hawley, Heath, Leverctt. Leyden, Monroe, Mon-
tague, New Salem, A'ortlifield. Orange, Pelham. Prescott, Rowe. Shelburne,
Shutesbury, Sunderland, Ware, Warwick. Wendell, Whately. — Hon. Charles
W. Hazelton, Republican, of Montague (Turners Falls) was born in Plymouth,
N. H., Oct. 31, 1848, and was educated in the public schools and Plymouth Acad-
emy. He is a civil engineer, and in 186S he came to Turaers Falls and assisted
in laying out the place and developing the water power. For seven years he was
with B. N. Farren, the railroad builder, in Boston and on the Hoosac Tunnel and
Troy & Greenfield railroad. Tn 1884-5 he was in the House of Representatives,
serving on the committees on Hoosac Tunnel and Troy & Greenfield railroad. In
1888 he was chosen treasurer and engineer of the Turners Falls company and
has held that position ever since. He is also president of th- Crocker national
bank of Turners Falls, member of the American Society of Civil Engineers of
New York and of the Boston Society of Civil Engineers. On the committees on
engrossed bills, education, and street railways (chairman) in the Senate of 1900 ;
and on special on investigation of the gypsy moth commission
Vote of district : Charles W. Hazelton, Republican, 4406; H. C. Parsons,
Independent, 3748.
Rev. Edmund Dow^se, the chaplain, was born in Sherborn, Mass , Septem-
ber 17, 1813 ; graduated at Amherst College in 1836; was ordained and installed
pastor of Pilgrim church, Sherborn, his native town, in 1S38, and is still the only
acting pastor. Was a member of the Massachusetts Senate in 1869 and 1870;
was chosen chaplain of the Senate in 1880, and has been re-elected each succeed-
ing year up to the present time.
Henry Dingley Coolidge, of Concord, the clerk, was born in Chelsea,
Aug 26, 1858; was educated in the public schools; spent several years in mer-
cantile business. Upon the death of the ven^.rable Hon. Stephen N Gifford,
clerk of the Senate, in May, 1886, and the election of his assistant, E. H. Clapp,
as his successor, Mr. Coolidge was appointed by the latter as his assistant. He
held his pesition in 1887 and 1888, and was unanimously elected clerk in 1889,
Mr. Clapp having removed from the state. He has been unanimously re-e'ected
each year since.
William A. Sanger, assistant clerk, was born in Louisville, Ky., March 12,
1862, his parents removing to Boston in 1866 ; attended the public schools of Bos-
ton and Hyde Park, graduating from the High school of the latter in 1880.
After graduation worked for the Boston Journal until 1889. when he was appointed
to his present position. For several years he was New England correspondent
for the New York Sun, the Philadelphia Inquirer and the Chicago Times, and
in 1888, took charge of the New England correspondence of the New York Sun,
and- held that position until 1894.
Franklin H. Grier, clerical assistant, was born at Fort Washington. Md.,
June 8, 1871. Graduate of Maiden High school in the class of 1891, and a resi-
dent of that city since 1876.
Hon. James J. Myers, Republican, of the first Middlesex district, was horn
near Frewsburg, N. Y , where his grandparents on both sides were among the
pioneer settlers. On his father's side they were the old Mohawk Dutch stock of
Myers and Van Valkenburgh ; and on his mother's, the New England stock of
Tracy and Stevens. He stiU owns the farm where he was borri, and it has bet-n
in the family ever since it was bought by his grandfather of the Holland Land
Company early in the century. While fitting for college, he engaged more or less
in the lumbering business for several years on the Alleghany and Ohio rivers.
Graduated at Harvard, 1869; at Harvard Law School, 1872. While in law
school, taught mathematics one year in Harvard College. Spent one year in
Europe and one year in a law office in New York city before beginning practice
in Boston. In the fall of 1874, with J. B. Warner of Cambridge formed the part-
nership of Myers & Warner, and has ever since been engaged in the practice of
the law in Boston, residing in Cambridge. President for one year of the Library
Hall Association of Cambridge. For two years president of the Colonial Club of
Cambridge ; member of the University Club, Union Club, St. Botolph Club and
Merchant's Club of Boston ; also of Middlesex Club, Massachusetts Club, Massa-
chusetts Republican Club, the Massachusetts Reform Club, the Cambridge Club,
Oakley Country Club of Cambridge, and the Cambridge Citizens' Trade Associa-
tion ; also a member of the Century Association, the University Club and the Zeta
Psi Club of New York; Masons; for several years treasurer of the Cambridge
branch of the Indian Rights Assoc ation and for some years member of the exe-
cutive committee of the Cambridge Civil Service Reform Association. Member
on committees on probate and inso'vency, elections and rules, and on recess com-
mittee on revision of corporation laws, in House of 1893; House chairman of
special committee on revision of corporation laws, rules and judiciary, 1894;
House chairman of committee on judiciary and on rules, 1895 ; House chairman
of committee on judiciary and on rules, 1896 ; same oositions in House of 1897 ;
same positions in 1898; same positions in 1899, also on special committee on
the reception of President McKinley.
Vote of district: J. C. Daley, Democrat, 384; Jpmes J. Myers, Republican'
District No. i — Barnstable., Bourne, Falmouth, Mashpee, Sandwich. —
Aaron S. Crosby, Republican, of Barnstable (Centerville) was born there Oct. 6,
1842 ; educated in public and private schools. Has been engaged in general busi-
ness, and is a conveyancer, auctioneir and appraiser ; justice of the peace On
school committee and secretary of the board for ten years ; member of the Re-
publican town committee for the last 16 years and is now chairman for the board ;
member of the executive committee of the Barnstable county agricultural society,
director of the Hyannis yacht club. Member of the House in 1899, on commit-
tee on harbors and public lands ; clerk of same committee in the House of 1900.
Vote of district ; Aaron S. Crosby, Republican, 854 ; C C. Paine, Indepen-
ent Citizen Democrat, 303 ; G. L. Randall, Prohibition, 53.
District No. 2. — Chatham, Dennis, Harwich, Yarmouth. — Darius M.
Ntckerson, Jr , Republican of (West) Harwich was born there July 11, 1863;
educated in the public schools, Bridgewater normal school, B. U. Law School.
Mate, teacher, lawyer, selectman. In the House of 1899, clerk of the committee
on harbors and public lands; in 1900, House chairman of public service.
Vote of district : G. N. Munsell, Independent Citizen, 223 ; Darius M. Nick-
erson, Jr., Republican, 499
District No. 3 Brewster, Eastham, Orleans, Provincetown, Truro, Well-
jleet. — Robert E. Conwell, Republican, of Provincetown, born there, June 12,
1854; public schools. Fishing. Odd Fellows. Water commissioner. House
of 1899, committee on fisheries and game ; same in 1900.
Vote of district : Robert E. Conwell, Republican, 555 ; J. E. Curran, Inde-
pendent Citizen, 82.
District A'o. i. — Clarksburg, North Adams. — Willard M. Brown, Demo-
crat, North Adams, born there, April 24, 1861 ; public schools. Meat and pro-
vision business. Common council 1896-7-8. F. of A. ; K. of C. On committee
on cities in House of 1899 ; on same in 1900.
Charles A. Card, Republican, of North Adams was born in Williamstown,
Oct. 12, 1849, and was educated in its public schools. He is in the real estate
and insurance business. On committee on taxation in the House of 1900
Vote of district : Willard M. Brown, Democrat, 1416, Charles A. Card,
Republican, 1185: T. J. Crowley, Democrat, 1156; R. B. Harvie, Republican.
1 100.
District No. 2. — Dalton, Hancock, Lanesborouj^h, New Ashford, Williams-
town. Edward L. Brown, Republican, Dalton, born in that town, April 3, 1861 ;
educated in its public schools. Farmer and landscape gardener. Masons;
Grange; assessor, Business Men's association. Clerk of committees on educa-
tion and on State House in House of 1900
Vote of district; Edward L. Biown, Republican, 761 ; J. F. Priudle, Demo-
ocrat, 677.
District No. 3 Adams, Cheshire, Florida, Savoy, IVif/dsor.— Fred N.
Haskins, Democrat, of Savoy was born in that town Oct. 8, 1868 ; educated in
the public schools. Is a farmer. Has .served as school committee in 1892-3-
6-7-8, and as selectman, assessor, overseer of the poor and on board of health in
1897-8-9. On the committee on agriculture in the House of [900.
Vote of district : F. B. Ford, Republican, 688 ; Fred N. Haskins, Demo-
crat, 818.
District No. 4 PittsJield.—YKAtiV. Bartlett. Republ can, of Pittsfield,
was born at Saratoga, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1854; removed to Amsterdam, N. Y.,
April, 1863; educated in its public schools and Amsterdam Academy class of
1872. Engaged in shoe business in Albany, N. Y., 1874 to 1880; removed to
Pittsfield, 1881 ; since then with the O. W. Robbins shoe company. Member of
city council 18989 ; aUo member of Republican city comrrittee 1898 9. Member
of Capital City lodge No. 440 I. O. O'. F. of Albany, N. Y. Past chief pa-
triarch of Greylock encampment No. 21 of Pittsfield. Past commandant of Can-
ton Pittsfield No. 66, P. M. Member of the board of grand officers of the grand
encampment of Massachusetts. On committees on prisons and public service in
House of 1900.
William Turtle, Republican, of Pittsfield, was born in Cheshire, June 20,
1855 ; educated in the public schools of that town, and in Harvard Law School of
the class of 1878. Studied law in the office of Pingree & Barker of Pittsfield
and admitted to the bar in that city in 1879. Member of Rabida council of the
Knights of Columbus and its first grand knight, serving for three terriis ; also
member of Osceola council of Royal Arcanum. On committee on the judiciary
in the House of 1899 ; House chairman of railroads, and on rules in 1900.
Vote of district : Frank Bartlett, Republican, 1654; R. A. Colt, Democrat,
1123 ; R. G. Hermance, Prohibition, 91 ; P. J. Moore, Democrat, 1414, William
Turtle, Republican, 1946.
District No. 5 Becket, Hinsdale, Lenox, Peru, Richmond, Washington,
West Stockbridge Patrick H. Tobin, Democrat, of Becket was born in Ches-
ter, Sept. 12, 1870; educated in the pubHc schools. Foreman in basket wo^ks.
On committee on military affairs in the House of 1900.
Vote of district : C. R. Cole, Prohibition, 30 ; E. Lee, Republican, 466 ;
Patrick H. Tabin, Democrat, 574.
District No. 6. — Lee, New Marlborough, Otis, Sandisfield, Tyringham. —
John H. Casey, Democrat, of Lee was born in Middlefield, July 22, 1848 ; edu-
cated in the public schools. Enlisted in Co. C, 57th regiment and wounded at
the Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Member of post Scott Bradley No. i 77 *^. A. R.
and was its commander in 1890-1. Is a merchant. Justice of the peace since
1889. Vice president of Business Men's association. Member of ex-prisoners'
of war association. On committees on taxation, and wys and means in House
of 1900.
Vote of district: John H. Casey, Democrat, 986; I. H. Pixley, Republican,
District No. 7. — Alford, Egremont, Great Barringtoit, Monterey, Mt.
Washington, Sheffield. — Harvey F. Shufelt, Democrat, of Great Barrington
\v;is born in Eeremont, March 19, i860; educated in the pabUc schools. Con-
tractor and de;iler in real esta^^e Member of the selectmen for the last eight
years. Member of Housatonic lodge of A. O. U. W. and Court Osceola of For-
esters of America On committees on engrossed bills, and roads and bridges in
the House of 1900.
Vote of district : H. C. Rowley, Republican, 627 ; Harvey F. Sh«felt,
Democrat, 760.
District No. i. — Attleborough, A'orth Attlebarough, N^orten, Rehoboth, See-
konk. — Harry D. Hunt, Republican, of North Attleborough was born in Wau-
regan, Conn., Dec. ^7, 1874; educated in the public schools and Massachusetts
institute of Technology class of 1897. Is owner and publisher of the North
Attleboro Chronicle. Prelate of Sumner lodge of Knights of Pythias ; member
of Mirimichi tribe of Red Men, of Bristol lodge of Masons, of King Hiram chap-
ter, and of Bristol commandery of Knights Templar ; president of the Garrison
club ; vice president of the Country club ; secretary of tht RepubHcan town com-
mittee. Clerk of the committee on tisheries and game in the House of 1900 ;
member of special committee to investigate Metropolitan water board.
Jacob A. Leonard, Republican, of Norton was born in town, Dec. 19,
1845 ; educated in the public schools. Is a farmer and land surveyor. Town
clerk and treasurer for the last 17 years. Justice of the peace since 1873. Di-
rector in Norton savings and loan association, treasurer of the Congregational
parish. Past master of St. James lodge of Masons, master of Norton Grange,
lite member of the Old Co'.ony Historical Society and of the Bristol County Ag-
ricultural society, and director in the Southern Massachusetts Masonic Relief as-
sociation. On Republican town committee for about 20 years. On committee on
towns in the House of 1900.
Vote of district : J. Q. Hennigan, Democrat, 420 ; Harry D. Hunt, Repub-
lican, £317; Jacob A. Leonard, Republican, 11 98; G. A. Sweeney, Democrat,
District No. 2. — Easton, Mansfield, Raynham. — George C. Belcher, Re-
publican, of Easton was born in that town, Aug. 26, 1844 ; educated in the pub-
lic schools. Is a malleable iron founder. Member of Paul Dean lodge of Ma-
sons of North Easton, being a past master. Member of the House in 1878,
serving on the committee on public buildings. On committee on taxation ia the
liouse of 1900.
Vote of district : George C. Belcher, Republican, 529 ; all others, 2.
District A^o. 3 -Wards 5, 7, 8 of Taunton — James F. Heath, Republican, of
Taunton was born in Lancashire, England, March 10, 1861 ; educated in the
public schools of Taunton. Is a grocer. Member of the board of aldermen in
1897 8-9. being president in 1899, serving on the committees on fire department,
streets and bridges, ordinances and police and licenses. Member of Taunton
lodge of Elks and of Taunton council of Knights of Columbus. On the commit-
tee on the liquor law in the House of 1900.
Vote of district : E. E. Donovan. Democrat, 532 ; James F. Heath, Republi-
can, 624 ; J. S. Tidd, Republican Independent N. P. 597.
District No. 4 — JVards 2, 3, 4 0/ Taunton — Silas D. Reed, Repub ican,
of Taunton was born there June 25, (872 ; educated in the public schools, Bristol
Academy class of 1889, Amherst College class of 1893, and Boston University
Law School years of 1894-5. Since 1895 in law office of Ex mayor Charles A.
Reed of Taunton. A member of the Masonic fraternity, the Odd Fellows and the
Knights of Pythias. Prominently identified with legislation benefiting the wheel-
men, especially the "bicycle baggage" bill Member of the Republican city com
mittee in 1898-9-1900. In the House of 1897, on committee on railroads ; in
1898, clerk of the same committee; in 1899, clerk of the same committee, and on
the special committee on the reception of President McKinley ; in 1900, House
chairman of fisheries and game, and on federal relations, and ways and means.
Vote of district. F. P. Conaty, Democrat, 27 r ; Silas D. Reed, Republican,
District A^o. 5. — Berkley, Dighton, Wards \, 6 0/ TaitJiton Clarence A.
Briggs, Republican, of Taunton, was born in that city, Aug. 21, 1871 ; educated
in the public schools. Is a manufacturer. Member of Alfred Baylies lodge of
Masons ; St. Martin Royal Arch Chapter, of St. John's commandery of Knights
Templar, of Sabbatia lodge of Odd Fellows, and of Orient lodge of Knights of
Pythias; Palestine Temple A. A. O, U. M.S. ; El Katif Temple D. O. K. K.
On committee on mercantile affairs in House of 1S99 ; on same in [900.
Vote of district : Clarence A. Briggs, Republican, 554; W. E. Mclsaac,
Democrat, iiq.
District No. 6. — Acushnet, Dartmouth, Fairhav en, Freetown. — Levi M.
Snow, Republican, of Fairhaven was born in Maltapoisett, of old Plymouth
county stock, April 19, 1841 ; educated in its public schools. In 1858 went to
Weymouth aud studied for the drug business with Dr. E. L. Warren. In i860,
removed to Fairhaven, where he has since lived, except two years in Charlestown.
Having been drug clerk in Fairhaven and Charlestown until 1896, he then pur-
chased of J. I. Church his drug business, which he has conducted most success-
fully ever since. In 1879 elected trustee of Fairhaven institution for savings and
in 1880 to its board of investment. Elected director of First national bank in 1880.
Trustee of old Fairhaven library for several years. Chairman of Republican
town committee for 12 consecutive years, also on Republican district committee
several years. Became a Mason in 1865 in King Solomon lodge of Charlestown;
demitted from there and became charter member of Concordia lodge of Fairhaven,
and its worthy master in 1875 ; took chapter degrees in New Bedford in 1878 ;
became member of Sutton commandery of Knights Templar and of New Bed-
ford council of Royal and Select Masters in 1893; of Aleppo Shrine in 1895.
Long been member of Massachusetts Pharmaceutical Association, being its
president in 1889-90; chosen member of College of Pharmacy in 1895. His
father-in-law, Daniel James Lewis, represented the same town (Fairhaven) in the
House in 1855-6-7-74-5. On committee on prisons in House of 1900.
Vote of district ; Levi M. Snow, Republican, 626; all others, I.
District No. 7. — Wards i, 2, 3 of New Bedford. — William A. MacCord,
Republican, of New Bedford was born in Quebec, Canada, March 14, 1871 ; edu-
cated in the public schools ; Yale Law School. Admitted to the bar in 1896.
Is a lawyer. On the committee on the judiciary in the House of 1900.
John E. O'Neill, Democrat, of New Bedford was born in that city, Jan 15,
1862; educated in the public schools. In wholesale and retail cigar business.
Member of Lodge No. 73 of the Elks. On committee on water supply in the
House of 1900.
Vote ef district : W. H. Chappell, Prohibition, 160 ; H C. Hathaway, Re-
publican, 753; J. H. Lowe, Republican Ind. N. P., 842; S. F. Lynch, Socialist
Labor, 125 ; William A. MacCord, Republican, 910; E. M. Murphy, Democrat,
568; John E. O'Neill, Democrat, 1088; R. Parkinson, Socialist Labor, 129;
C. E. Vaughn, Prohibition, 184.
District No. 8. — Wards 4, 5, 6 of New Bedford. — William J. Bullock,
Republican Independent, of New Bedford, born in Fall River, Jan. 31, 1864;
public schools. Pharmacist. Common council 1897. Member of Anawan lodge
K. of P. ; of Sippican tribe of Red Men. Clerk of committee on public health,
1898; House chairman of committee on public health, and on pay roll in the
House of 1899 ; same positions in 1900.
Frank W. Francis, Republican, of New Bedford, born there Sept. r6,
1857; public schools. Cigar manufacturer and tobacconist. Masons, Odd Fel-
lows, K. of P., A. O. U. W. ; House of 1892, committee on State House, clerk of
committee on county estimates; 1896, counties; 1897, harbors and public lands ;
1898, chairman of same; House chairman of same, and on counties in House of
1899; same positions in 1900.
Vote of district: William J. Bullock, Republican Independent, 1599; H. A,
Burt, Prohibition, 64 ; Frank W. Francis, Republican, 1294; M. A. Hickey,
Democrat, 242; E. Kestenbaura, Socialist Labor, 73; G. L. Olivier, Democrat,
3(59; J. C. Sherman, Republican, 1134; T. Stevenson, Socialist Labor, 93 ; A.
K. Wood, Prohibition, 66.
District No. 9 — Wards 1,2 of Fall River, Westport — William Hope-
well, Republican, Fall River, born in Cheshire, Eng., June 24, 1867 ; public
schools. Clerk. Common council 1896 7-8 ; Odd Fellows. Committee on pub-
lic charitable institutions in House of 1899 ; clerk of same in 1000.
Edwin J. Mills, Republican, of Fall River, born in New Bedford, May i,
1861 ; public schools. Retired. Resigned appointments on legislative commit-
tees in House of 1900. except oit gypsy moth commission investigation (special).
Vote of district: E. Handy, Democrat, 592; William Hopewell, Republican,
1267; Edwin J. Mills, Republican, 11 95; J. Slinn, Democrat, 661.
District No 10. — Wards 3, 4, 5 of Fall River — Thomas Donahue, Dem-
ocrat, of Fall River, born in Dublin, Ire. Aug. 20, (853 ; public schools. Asst.
assessor, 18878; 1892-3-4. Foresters; A. O. H. : Young Irish American Society,
Committee on woman suffrage. House of 1895: liquor law, 1896; clerk labor.
1897 ; clerk of labor, and on prisons, 1898 ; clerk of committee on labor and on.
committee on prisons in the House of 1899 ; same positions in 1900:
Michael B. Jones, Democrat, of Fall River, was born in that city, Aug. 20,
1864 ; public schools. Common council 1887 8 ; registrar 1892-6. Committee on
counties, 1898; harbors and public lands 1899; also in 1900.
Vote of district : Thomas Denahue, Democrat, 1870; J. Hooton, Republi-
can, 603 : Michael B. Jones, Democrat, 1774.
District No. 1 1 . — Wards 6, T,'&, 9 of Fall River, Somerset, Swansea, —
Thomas E. Gibney, Republican, of Fall River was born in Newark N, J.,
June 25, 1843; educated in the public schools. Member of the board of aldermen
in 1895 6 7 Past grand of Mt. Hope lodge of Odd Fellows. Is a silver plater
and a manufacturer of saddlery hardware. On the committee on public service
in the House of 1900.
Edward M. Thurston, Republican, of Swansea was born in Fall River,
July 18, 1832 ; educated in the winter terms of the "district" schools. Is a mer-
chant. On the committee on railroads in the House of 1900, and secured the
passage of a bill fixing the official spelling of the name of his town as "Swansea."
Alvin G. Weeks, Republican, of Fall River was born in St. Albans, Me.,
Oct. 22, 1866; educated in the public schools and Maine Central Institute class
of 1891, Enlisted May 13, 1898. and served on United States steamship ''Le-
high'' until Sept. 4, 1898. Has been farmer, carpenter, teacher and time-keeper,
and is now a lawyer. Member of Noquochoke lodge of Masons, chancellor com-
mander of Pocasset lodge of Knights of Pythias, past sachem of Metamora tribe
of Red Men. On committees on water supply and election laws in House of
Vote of district : P. Bergeron, Democrat, 1018 ; W. H. Burke, Democrat,
897; J- T. Coughlin, Democrat, 1289; Thorn s E. Gibney. Repu^ilican, 2296;
Edward M. Thurston, Republican, 2202 ; Alvin G. Weeks, Republican, 22z|2.
District No I. — Chilmark, Cottage City, Edgartown, Gay Head, Gosnold,
Tisbury, West Tisbury — Benjamin G. Collins, Republican, of Edgartown was
born there Dec. 25, i860; educated in the public schools and Massachusetts
Institute of Technology class of 1881. Is a mechanical engineer and surveyor.
Town auditor from 1893 to the present, secretary of the Republican town commit-
tee 1897-8-9. Clerk of committee on fisheries and game iu the House of 1900.
Vote of disrict; Benjamin G. Collins, Republican, 446 ; William S. Swift,
Prohibition, 436.
District No. i. — Amesbjiry. — Daniel W. Davis, Republican, born in Shap
leigh, Me., Oct. 3, 1846; public scnools. New Hampton Academy class of 1882
Enlisted in June, 1863, not assigned to any regiment; enlisted July, 1864, in Co
I. 1st Maine cavalry ; served in Army of the Potomac : severely injured before
Petersburg; mustered out, Aug. 14, 1865. Member of E. P. Wallace post No
122 G. A. R., chaplain; dept chaplain of Mass. G. A. R. Is a shoemaker
teacher; school board, 1887-93. Postmaster at Amesbury, 1892-6. Masons
Odd Fellows ; A. O. U. W. Clerk of committee on parishes and religious socie
ties, in House of 1897 ; House chairman of same and clerk of printing, 1898
House chairman of parishes and religious societies, and on roads and bridges,
1899 ; on military affairs, and House chairman of roads and bridges in 1900.
Vote of district : Daniel W. Davis, Republican, 832 ; C. S. Grieves, Demo-
crat Social N. P., 418.
District No. 2 Merritnac, Ward 6 of Newburyport, Salisbury, West
Newbury. — John Q. A. Pettengii l. Republican, of Salisbury was born in that
town, July 12, 1856 ; educated in its public schools and of Newburyport, Phillips
Exeter Academy, and Boston University, receiving A. B. from the latter in 1880.
Taught school in South Scituate in 1881, and since then has been highly success-
ful as principal of the Salisbury High school. Moderator of town meeting almost
continually for 15 years, but never before a candidate for an elective office. On
committee on education in the House of 1900, and on special on investigation of
Metropolitan water board.
Vote of district : A. L. Binley, Democrat Social N. P., 276; John Q. A.
Pettengill, Republican, 672.
District No. 3. — Wards- 4, 6of Haverhill. — Carleton F. How, Republican,
of Haverhill was born in that city April 20, [863 ; educated in the public schools
and one year in Harvard College, class of 1884. Been engaged in the leather
business, but is now in the life insurance business. Member of the Elks; of
school committee seven years ; executive committee of Essex Republican Club,
and member of Middlesex club. Member of the House of 1898, serving as clerk
of the committee on banks and banking. On the committee on railroads in tlie
House of 1900.
Vote of district : Carleton F. How, Republican and Democrat, 1131; M,
Melody, Democrat Tnd. N. P. 65 ; L. M. Scales, Democrat Social N. P., 814.
District No 4 — Wards i, 2, 3 of Haverhill. — George H. Carleton, Re-
Dublican, of Haverhill, was born in that city, Aug. 6, 1840; being: a descendant
in the ninth generation from Lieut. Edward Carleton, who was a member of the
General Court in 163S; educated in the public schools High school, class of
1S57 Taught school until 186S, and was thea in the shoe business for 25 years.
Men ber of common council in 1871-2-3. being president the last two years. May-
or of Havtrhill in 1888. President of the Pentucket savings bank since it was
organized in i8qi ; vice president of Second national bank of Haverhill since its
organization in 1886; ex-president of the Haverhill Whittier club; trustee of
Haverhill puilic library. On committee on ways and means in House of 1898;
House chairman of same committee in House of 1899 ; House chairman of ways
and meanj in 1900
Vote of district ; George H. Carleton, Republican, 755 ; H. L. Duncan, Re-
publican Independent N. P, 25 ; J. H. Fitzgerold, Democrat, 371 ; C. S. Wood-
cock, Democrat Social N. P, 465.
District No. 5 — Ward '^ of Haverhill. — James F. Carey, Democratic So-
cial, of Haverhill, was born in that city, Aug. 19, 1867 : educated in the public
schools. Sho'^maker. President of common council in 1898. On committee on
counties in House of 1899 ; on counties, and libraries in 1900.
Vote of district : James F. Carey, Democrat Social N. P., 909 ; W. L. Hart,
Republican, 548.
District No. 6. — Wards i, 2 of Laivrence, Methuen. — Joseph E. Buswell,
Republican, of Methuen was born in that town, Aug. 7, 1842 ; educated in the
Lawrence public schools, graduating from the High school in i86r. Sworn into
United States service July 5, 1861, as ist sergeant of Co. B 14th Mass. Vols.; dis-
charged for promotion Jan , 1863; 1st lieutenant March, 1863; discharged on
account of injuries, Aug. 1863. Read law with Hon. William S. Knox in 1871 ;
graduated from the Boston University Law School class of 1872. Admitted to
Essex bar and practiced with Hon. W. S. Kiox two years, when he retired on
account of ill health and has since followed the avocation of farming. Selectman
of Methuen in 1897. On committee on ways and means in House in 1900.
Archie N. Frost, Republican, of Lawrence was born in that city, July 16,
1872; educated in the public schools. Brown University class of 1894, Boston
University Law School. Is a lawyer Member of Phoenician lodge of Masons.
Common council city of Lawrence 1898. Member Essex county bar and Essex
county club; member of the Republican Club of Massachusetts; also of William
B. Gale lodge of Knights of Pythias. Clerk of committee on roads and bridges
in House of 1899; clerk of parishes and religious .societies, and of probate and
insolvency in 1900.
Vote of district; Joseph E. Buswell, Republican, 1544; J. Flanagan, Dem-
ocrat, 1237 ; W. Fox, Prohibition, 65 ; Archie N. Frost, Republican, 1584 ; J. O.
Parker, Democrat, 1414; J- S. Packard, Prohibition, 65.
District No 7. — Wards 3, 4, 5, 6 of Lawrence — Amedee Cloutier, Dem-
ocrat, of Lawrence, was born in St. Norbert. D'Arthabaska, April 25, 1868; edu-
cated in its public schools. Has been a clothing dealer for the last 10 years. On
committee on insurance in the House of 1900.
William Daly, Democrat, was born in Lawrence, April 3, 1864; public
schools Operative and teamster. Columbia court No. 3, Foresters ; common
council, 1897-8. Committee on printing in 1896; labor, 1900.
Mortimer D. A. Murphy, Democrat, Lawrence, born in that city, May 9,
1867 ; public schools. Mill hand, teamster, laborer, life insurance agent, clerk.
Served in Co. F, gth regiment, M. V. M. 1888-93, promoted to sergeant. A. O
F. and A. O. H. On committees on federal relations and libraries in House of
1899, clerk of libraries and on federal relations in 1900.
Vote of district: W. W. Brown, Prohibition, 191 ; E C Campbell, Repub-
lican, 2066 ; Amedee Cloutier, Democrat, 2830 ; C. W. Currier, Repuijlican,
2094; William Daly, Democrat, 2768; Mortimer D. A. Murphy, Democrat,
2742; J. G. Paisley, Prohibition, 208; W. E. Rushforth, Republican, 1694; C.
D. Warburton, Prohibition, 199.
District 1^0.^. — Andover, Middleton, North Andover. — James C. Poor,
Republican, of North Andover, was born in that town June 25, 1852 ; educated
in its public schools. Has been a farmei, an importer and breeder of Holstein
cattle, a contractor, road builder and superintendent of streets Selectman four
years. ■ Member of Cochickewick lodge of Masons, of Mount Sinai royal arch
chapter of Lawrence, of Wauwinet lodge of Odd Fellows, Pacific lodge of A. O.
U. W., of Columbia council of Junior Order United American Mechanics, of
North Andover and Essex Pomona Grange. On the committee on roads and
bridges in the House of 1900.
Vote of district; James C. Poor, Republican, 1066 ; all others, 5.
District No. 9. — Boxford, Ward 7 of Haverhill, Georgetown, Groveland —
Samuel B. George, Republican, born in Haverhill, Feb. 9, 1833; removed to
Groveland in early boyhood and has alwavs lived there since. Educated in pub-
lic schools and Merrimack Academy Has always followed agricultural pursuits,
being a director of the Essex county agricultural society for several years past.
Member of board of overseers of the poor for last 20 years, and has represented
the town frequently before legislative committees. Selectman, assessor and over-
seer of the poor in 1883 ; trustee of the public library from 1894 to the present;
on the school committee for two term.o ; pist lecturer of the West Boxford grange
of the Patrons of Husbandry. On committee on agriculture in the House of
Vote of district. G. W. Chadwick, Democrat, 150; Samuel B. George,
Republican, 924 ; A. L. Gillen, Democrat Social N. P., 580.
District No. 10. Danvers, Peabody, Topsji e Id. —GKOv.G'e. Francis Dow,
Republican, of Topsfield was born in Wakefield, N. H. Jan. 7, 1868 ; educated
in public and private schools. Secretary of the Es.sex Institute of Salem. Select-
man in 1896-8-9, being chairman in 1899. On the school committee in 1895-9,
inclusive, and secretary of the Republican town committee in 1893-1900. Trustee
of the public library 1891-3 ; town auditor in 1894-5. Travelling salesman in the
metal business for Boston house 1886-98. Member of Amitv lodge of Masms
of Danvers, and of Fountain lodge of Odd Fellows. On committees on mercantile
affairs, and public service in the House of 1900,
Bennett B. Humphrey, Republican, of Peabody was born in St. Johnsbury,
Vt. April II, 1838; educated in the public schools. Has been in the provision
and grocery business since 16 years of age ; on his own account in Peabody since
June 6, 1862. Member of the Repubhcan town committee for 20 years, chairman
part of the time. President of the Peabody Business Men's Association for the
last three years. Trustee of Cedar Grove Cemetery ; vice president of Peabody
Veteran Firemen ; member Essex Agricultural Society, and of Peabody board of
trade. Past sachem of Masconomo tribe of Red Men ; member of the A. A.
Abbott council U. O. A. M., and of the Republican Club of Massachusetts. In
the House of 1900 on the committee on election laws,
Vote of district : George Francis Dow, Republican, 11 64; J. E. Eustace,
Socialist Labor, 245 ; W. E. Galeucia, Democrat, 808 ; Bennett B. Humphrey,
Republican, 11 47: J. Wilson, Democrat, 546.
District No. 11 Ward 1, of Lynn, Swampscott.—W. Gushing Bulfinch,
Republican, of i-wampscoU was born in L>nn Feb. 16, 1859; graduated from its
High school in 1877. Has been a pharmacist, succeeding to the business es-
tablished by his father in Lynn in 185 1 . Member of R. W. Drown lodge of
Odd Fellows, and of Massachusetts Reoublican Club. On board of s-lectmen in
1893 4-5-6, serving part of the time as chairman. Member of present park com-
mission. On committee on election laws in the House of 1900.
Tames E. Odlin. Republican of Lynn was born in Laconia, N. H., April 10,
1857 ; educated in Pniliips Academy (Andover), and Dartmouth College class of
i88r. Is a lawyer. Member of Mt. Carmd lodge of Masons, of Oxford club,
and of L. A. W. On the committee on the judiciary in the House of 1900.
Vote of district : G. A. Brown, J^ucialist Labor, 83 ; H. Gushing Bulfinch,
Republican, 1310; C. Cloutier, Democrat Social N. P., 59; L. Cunningham,
Democrat Social N. P., 52 ; C. H. Davis, Prohibition, 68 ; A. L Harris, Repub-
lican Citizens N. P., 375 ; S. P. Kenvon, Democrat, 372 ; E. E. Metzger, Prohi-
bition, 65 ; O. E Morse, Socialist Labor, 77 ; James E. Odlin, Republican, 1327;
J. W. Thurston, Democrat, 302.
District No. 12. — Wards \. i„T of Lynn. Lynnfield. — Charles E. Hay-
wood, Republican, of Lynn, was born in Amsterdam, N. Y , Oct. i i, 1868 ; edu-
cated in the Lynn public schools, Boston University Law School, 1890. Is an
attorney at law with offices in Boston and Lynn. On committees on constitutional
amendments and probate and insolvency in House of 1899; clerk of constitu-
tional amendments, and House chairman of probate and insolvency in 1900.
Thomas F. Porter, Republican, of Lynn, was born in Paradise, N. S., Oct.
30, 1847; educated in the Swampscott public schools. Worked in shoe shops
of Lynn, when a boy and later was employed in Boston as clerk in dry goods
store until in 1872 he entered the employ of Porter & Taylor, grocers, Lynn, be-
coming a member of the firm in 1874. In 1888, began a real estate business
which he has since conducted v ry successfully. Member of common council in
1885 6 7 8, and of aldermen in 1896-7. Past grand of Bay State lodge of Odd
Fellows, past chief patriarch of Palestine encampment, member of Golden Fleece
lodge of Masons, and of Sagamore tribe of Red Men, and of Peter Woodland
lodge of Knights of Pythias. Member of Essex Republican Club of Lynn board of
trade. Historical society, and director of Bay State fire insurance company. "Poet
of the House." On committee on mercantile affairs in House of 1899; clerk of
same in 1900.
Vote of district : G. Z. Collins, Prohibition, 127; Charles E. Haywood, Re-
publican, 1181; A. Jepps, Socialist Labor, 112 ; S. Q. Morse, Prohibition, 69;
Thomas F. Porter, Republican, iioi ; E. W. Timson, Democrat Social N. P.,
256; C. N. Wentworth, Socialist Labor, 144; H. G. Wright, Democrat Social
N. P. 248.
District No. 13. — Wards 2. 4 of Lynn. Nahant. — William R. Salter, Re-
publican, of Lynn, was born in Eastport, Me., July 6, 1861 ; educated in the pub-
lic schools. Is a shoemaker. Clerk of the committee on public service, and on
federal relations in the House of 1899. Declined all committee appointments in
George H. Stackpole, Republican, of Lynn was born in Dover, N. H.,
Sept. 7, 1843 ; educated in the public schools. Enlisted Aug. 6, 1S64, in Co. B ,
4th Mass. Heavy Artillery ; mustered out June 17, 1865 ; member of Gen. Lan-
der post No. 5 G. A. R. Was in the shoe business until 1874, and since then
has been in the iee business. President of the Lynn ice company, and president
of the United Supply & Machinery company. Member of Bay State lodge of
Odd Fellows, of Sagamore tribe of Red Men, of Royal Arcanum, and L. A. W. .
On committee on metropolitan affai-s in the House of 1900.
Vote of district : E F. Avcrell, Prohibition, 99 ; J. E. Bailey, Socialist
Labor, 107; J. F. Coyle, Socialist Labor, 123 ; F. Lee, Democrat Social N. P.,
J 06; J. D. Lydou, Democrat, 642 ; William R. Salter. Republican, 986; George
H. Stackpole, Republican, 1026 ; J. G. Woodbury, Democrat. 466.
District No 14 —Wardd of Lynn, Saiigns —Frank P Bennett, Repub-
lican, of Saugus, was born in Cambridge, May 2, 1833 ; educated in Maiden and
Chelsea public schools. Always been engaged in journAlism, making a specialty
of financial subjects. Proprietor and editor of "The Wool and Cotton Reporter"
and owner of the "United States Investor," the -'American Clothier." and the
"Shepherd's Bulletin." Served as auditor and selectman while residing in Everett,
and was in House of 1 891-2 3-4 from that town. House chairman of committee
on taxation in 1891, and on special committee on administrative boards and com-
missions; in 1892, House chairman of rapid transit committee, on rules, and joint
special committee on public reservations; in 1893, House chairman of special
committees on rapid transit, and public reservations, and on rules; in 1894 de-
clined all committee appointments, except on rules ; in 1898, House chairman of
committee on agriculture, and on election laws : on committees on agriculture
(House chairman), and ways and means in the House of 1899. Mr. Bennett oc-
cupies in Saugus a fine old homestead which is a portion of the same farm that
was settled by his ancestor. Samuel Bennett, in 1638. Mr. Bennett is president
of the Middlesex East Agricultural Society, president of the New England Wool
Growers' Association, first vice-president of the National Wool Growers' Asso
ciation, and is a member of Clifiondale lodge of Odd Fellows, William Sutton
lodge of Masons of Saugus, Essrx assembly of Good Fellows of Saugus, Beau-
seant commandery of Knights Templar of Maiden, and a long list of other organ-
izations and clubs. House chairman of agriculture, and on ways and means in
James Burns, Republican, of Lynn was born in East Linton, Scotland, May,
1838 ; and was educated in its public schools. Came to Boston in 1869. removed
to Lynn in 1870, where he has ever since been engaged in the .«Iating and roofing
business, as senior member of the firm of Burns & Bee, doing the largest busi-
ness of the kind in Essex county. Member of West Lynn lodge of Odd Fellows,
of the Fraternity encampment, and president of West Lynn Odd Fellows Building
association. Member of West Lynn yacht club. Press club. West Lynn Republi-
can club, and is past excellent senator of Mt. Zion Senate of the Ancient Essenic
order. Member of common council in 189345, of the aldermen in 1896-7.
Member of water board, of Republican city committee several years. On the commit-
tees on parishes and religious societies, and water supply in the House of 1900.
Vote of district : Frank P. Bennett, Republican, 161 3; R. Breed, Prohibi-
tion, 104; James Burns. Republican, I4I9;T. J. Cashman, Socialist Labor, 153;
W. Deans, Socialist Labor, 103; S. A. D. Forrestall, Democrat, 1007; W. J
Jackmau, Democrat Social N. P., 56; W. A. Kelley, Democrat, 11 86; C. L. Mc-
Iver, Democrat Social N. P., 47 ; H. Woodward, Prohibition, 62.
District No. \i^.—Marblehead—'^\u\3^i. Roads, Jr., Democrat, of Marble-
head was born in that town. Oct. 22, 1853 ; educated in its public schools. Ed-
itor of .Marblehead Messenger in early life, and since then editorial writer, corres-
pondent, special writer, etc Author of "History and Traditions of Marblehead,"
which has had several editions. Member of the House in 1884 5 6, taking active
part in town division questions then especially prominent. Member of Senate in
1887-8, and in 1888 was Democratic candidate for Congress, running 2000 votes
ahead of his ticket. Private secretary of Gov Russell 1 89 1-3. A chief of divi-
sion in the office of the Secretary of the Treasurer of the United States in Cleve-
land's second term. An organizer of Young Men's Democratic Club of Massa-
chusetts, and a vice president and on its executive committee for several years.
Selected by Democratic state committee as their candinate for Governor in 1898,
but declined the use of his name. In the House and Senate his appointments
have been on the committees on prisons, liquor law, railroads, cities and education.
On the committees on State House and street railways in the House of 1900.
Vote of district : B. W. Morehouse, Republican, 581; Samuel Roads, Jr,
Democrat, 830.
District A'o. 16. — Wards \, 2 of Salem. — Thomas L. Davis, Democrat, of
Salem was horn in Boston, March 15, 1852 ; educated in its public schools, Eng-
lish High (private). Book-keeper for 20 years ; a shoe finisher. For 28 years
member of F. M. T. A. Society, be'ng its president in 1880. Member of Enter-
prise club; and of Lynn Young Men's Congress in 1878 9 Member of Salem
common council 1892-9, inclusive, being its president in 1897. Member of the
Salem school board; of Democratic city committee from 1892 to present, being
president in 1897 8-9 ; secretary of old Knights of St. Crispin in 1878-9 ; delegate
to organize Essex temperance union. On the committees on libraries, and liquor
law (clerk) in the House of 1900.
Vote of district : Thomas L. Davis, Democrat, 619; B. A. Touret, Repub-
lican, 608.
District No. 17. — Wards 3. 5 of Salem. — J Frank Dalton, of Salem, Re-
publican, was born in that city, April 19, 1842; and was educated in its public
schools. Enlisted in the United States Navy in 1861, serving until 1865 on
"Katahdin" and 'Oneida" ; past commander of P. H. .Sheridan post 34 G. A. R.
Member of Second Corps of Cadets from 1865 to 1891, being its commander
eight years. In the insurance and real state business. Trustee of Salem Five
Cents savings bank, and on board of managers of Bertram Home for Aged Men
and Old Ladies' Home Deputy collector of customs for Salem in 1878-81.
Postmaster 1881 91. In common council 1873; board of aldermen 1893 ; over-
seer of the poor nine years ; on the school committee three years. Member of
Essex lodge of Masons. On committee on insurance in House of 1898 ; on same
committee, and House chairman of committee on elections in House of 1899;
House chairman of insurance, and on public service in 1900.
Vote of district: E. Dalton, Democrat, 316 ; J. Frank Dalton, Republican,
District No. A%. — Wards \,(i of Salem — Michael Kelly, Democrat, of
.Salem was born in County Meath, Ireland, June 17, 1840; educated in the Salem
and Peabody public schools. Is a morocco manufacturer. Member of Lynn
lodge of Elks, and of Salem council of Knights of Columbus. Member of board
of assessors in 1889 90-1, of the school board in 1892-34 and of the board of
aldermen in 1896-7. On committee on counties in the House of 1900.
Vote of district : J. L. Bowen, Republican, 575; Michael Kelly, Democrat,
District No. 19. — Beverly., Essex, Ward 8 of Gloucester, Hamilton, Man-
chester, Wenham. — Willard A Burnham, Republican, of Essex was born in
that town Oct. i. 1841 ; educated in its public schools. Is a ship builder. Mem-
ber of John T. Heard lodge of Masons, of William Ferson royal arch chapter;
and of Starr King lodge of Knights of Pythias. Director of the Gloucester Safe
Deposit and Trust Company since it started. Selectman and assessor 1876-83 ;
scnool committes three years; chief engineer of fire department, 1877-84 ; treas-
urer of trustees of Burnham library fund since it was started in 1891, and treas-
urer of Russ library fund it since was started in 1893 ; member of Republican town
committee about 20 years, and its chairman in 1897. On the committee on fish-
eries and game in the House of 1900.
Ulysses G. Haskell, Republican, of Beverly was born in Chatham, N. H.,
Oct. 3, 1863 ; came to Beverlv in 1866, and was educated in its public schools Is
a lawyer, graduate of Harvard University Law School; examiner in United States
Pension Bureau for four years. Member of the Beverly conr.mon council in
1895 6-7 8, the last two years its president. Member of Republican city commit
tee, and chairman. On committees on elections, engrossed bills, and constitutional
amendments in the House of 1900.
Vote of district : Willa-d A. Burnham, Republc^n, 1558; P. Carr, Prohibi-
tion, 80 ; P. Collier, Republican Independent N. P.. 368; W. A. Foster, Demo-
crat Social N. P., 73 ; Ulysses G. Haskell, Republican, 1504; A. Jordan, Demo-
310; F. E. McKenzie. Democrat, 354; J. F. Rabardy, Prohibition, 74.
District No. 10.— Wards i, 3, 4, 5, 6 of Gloucester.— Harry L. Belden,
Republican of Gloucester, was born in Pawtucket, R. I., Jan. 7, 1864; educated
in the Chicago public schools, graduating from its High School as class orator in
the class of 1881. Cashier of Boston Store Atlantic Halibut Company. Past
master and life member of Evans lodge No 524 F. and A. M. of Evanston, 111.
Life member of Evanston chapter No. 144 Royal Arch Masons ot the same city,
and member of Bethlehem commanrlery Knights Templar of Gloucester. Mem er
Massachusetts Association of Boards of Health, the Essex Club, the Republican
Club of Massachusetts, the Gloucester Board of Trade and Business Men's Asso-
ciation; and associate member of the G. A. R Town clerk of Evanston. 111. 1888-
9-90-1 ; alderman there in 1891 Mt-mber of Gloucester Board of Health 1898;
of Gloucester Republican city committee 1896-7-8-9-00. Member of committee
on harbors and public lands in the House of 1900.
Charles S. Marchant, of Gloucester, Independent Citizens, was born in
that citv, Aug. 31, 1845 ; educated in the public schools Is a soap manufacturer.
Chief of the fire department in 1885 6-7-8-9-92-3 ; member of common council in
1 88 [-2-3-4; and of the aldermen in 18834. Member of Ocean lodge of Odd
Fellows, of Wingersheek tribe Red Men, of the Fernwood lodge of Ancient Order
of United Workmen, and of Council No. 19 of Royal Arcanum. President of
the Massachusetts state firemen's association of 1894. President of the Glou-
cester firemen's relief association, director of Business Men's Ass'n. On commit
tee on roads and bridges in House of 1899; on roads and bridges in House of
Vote of district ; H.N.Andrews. Republican Ind. N. P, 179; Harry L.
Belden, Republican, 1006; A. Brackett, Republican Labor N. P., 302; T. W .
Brophy, Democrat, 240 ; A.N. Donahue, Ind Citizen. 233; F. D. Hodsdon,
Democrat, 207 ; Charles S. Marchant, Ind. Citizen, 833; M. Stevens, People's
Candidate, 57 ; P. W. Wheeler, Republican, 642.
District A'o. 2i. — JVarcts 2, 7 of Gloucester, Kockport.—]. Manuel Mar-
shall, Republican, of Rockport was born there June i, 1869; educated in pub-
lic and private schools and Boston University Law School class of 1897. Is a
lawyer in Gloucester Member of Masons, Odd Fellows, and Red Men. On
committee on probate and insolvency in the House of 1900.
Vote of district .• E. O Cleaves, Republican Independent N. P., 127; G W.
Frost, People's Candidate N. P., 441 : J- Manuel Marshall, Republican, 750;
J. M. Reed. Republican Citizens N. P. 40.
District No. zz— Ipswich. Newbury, Wards i, 2, 3 4, 5 of Newbury port,
/Rowley.— Frasc.is Dane Henderson, Republican,of Rowley, was born in Ham-
ilton, March 6, 1847 ; educated in ihe public schools and Dummer academy. In
shoe manufacturing business from 1868 to 1893, but has now retired. Member
of John T. Heard lodge of Masons of Ipswich, of Amity chapter of Royal Arch
Masons of Beveily and of Winslow Lewis commandery of Knights Templar.
Director of First national bank of Ipswich. Oi committee on banks and banking
in House of 1899 ; on banks and banking, harbors and public lands, and State
House in 1900.
Charles P. Mills, Republican, of Newburyport, was born Aug. 22, [853 ;
in Yellow Springs, Ohio, son of Judge William and Ann Eliza Marshall Mills ;
educated in public schools of birthplace, at Lookout Mountain Educational Insti-
tution on the top ot Lookout Mountain, Tenn , and at Amherst College, where
he graduated in 1874. Tau^^hc school in McCollom Academy, Mount Vernon,
N. H., 1874-6. Graduated from Andover Theological Seminary in 1879, where
an extra year was spent in private work with Professor Edwards A. Park.
Ordained to the gospel ministry and installed as pastor of the North Congrega
tional church in Newburyport, Sept. 23, 1880, and remained as such until J an. i,
[899. This is his first political office. On committee on fisheries and game,
House of 1897 ; Mouse chairman of same committee, and on parishes and religi-
ous societies, 1898 ; House chairman of committee on fisheries and game, and on
liquor law in House of 1899, and on joint special committee on reception of Presi-
dent McKinley; House chairman of liquor law, and on fisheries and game in 1900.
Vote of di.strict : Erancis D Henderson, Republican, 1094; C. W. Johnson,
Democrat Social N. P., 235 ; C. E. Marshall. Democrat, 335 ; Charles P. Mills,
Republican, 1037; S. H. Noyes, Democrat Social N. P., 223; G. A, Sct.ofield,
Democrat, 813,
District N^o. I. — Ashjield. Bnckland^ Charlemont, Colrain, Conway, Haiv-
iey. Heath, Monroe, Rome, Shelbiirne. — George R. Fessenden, Republican, of
Ashfield was born in Rochester, N. H., Dec. 6, 1849; educated in Phillips An-
dover Academy class of 1869, and Harvard University class of 1874, and Harvard
Medical College class of 1878. Has been a physician i» Ashfield since graduation.
Member of Morning Star lodge of Masons of Conway and of Massachusetts Medical
Society. On committees on public health, public service and public charitable
institutions in the House of 1900.
Vote of district : George R. Fessenden, Republican, 951 ; W. D. Potter,
Democrat, 294.
District No. 2. — Bernardston, Gill, Greenfield, Lcyden. — William A.
Davkxport, Democrat, of Greenfield, was born in Wilmington, Vt., Oct. 23,
1869 ; educated in the public schools, and Brattleboro Academy of West Brattle-
boro, Vt., in class of 1889. Has been teacher and attorney at law having been
admitted to the bar, July 3, 1895, in Greenfield and to the United States circuit
court, district of Massachusetts, Sept. 27, 1898. On committee on judiciary in
House of 1899 5 on same committee in 1900.
Vote of district : E. B. Blake, Republican, 816; William A. Davenport,
Democrat, 888.
District No. 3 — Deerfield, Leverett, Montague, Sunderland, Wendell,
IVhately. — John E. Ka\enaugh, Democrat, of Montague (^Miller Falls), was
born m New Britain, Ct., Oct. 19, 1864; educated in the public schools, Boston
University Law School. Is a lawyer. Member of the board of assessors for
term of 1896-8 and re-elected for the term of 1899190! ; also member of the
board of water commissioners for the term of 1896 8 and re-elected for the term
of 1S99 i9or, and chosen clerk of the board for both terms. On committees on
constitutional amendments and taxation in House of 1899, on committees on con-
stitutional amendments, and probate and insolvency in House of 1900.
Vote of district: E. N. Frary, Republican, 747; J. E. Kavenaugh,Democtat,8o7.
District No. 4. — Erving, New Salem, Northjield, Orange, Shutesbiiry,
Warwick. — Charles C. Brooks, Democrat, of Orange, born in V/endell, May
3, 1851 ; public schools, New Salem aud Bernardston academies. Merchant and
grocer. Odd Fellows. Commitiee on printing and State House, 1899; on pay
roll, and printing in 1900
Vote of district : Charles C. Brooks, Democrat, 853 ; F. H. Sprague, Repub-
lican, 798.
District No. I — B^-imfield, Holland., Monson, Pabner, Wales. — Nelson
A. BuGBEE, Dem"'crat, of Monson, was born in Staff ordville, Ct. Nug. 8, i8i;3; .
educated in the public schools. Has been a workman in straw goods. Member
of Dayspring lodge of Masons of Monson, being its secretary ; also member of
Hampden chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Palmer. On committee on counties
in House of 1899 ; and on same in 1900.
Vote of district: Nelson A. Bugbee, Democrat, 970; H. P. Holden, Repub-
lican, 824.
District No. 2 — Agawam. East Longrneadow, Granville, Hampden, Long-
meadow, Ludlow, Southwick, Tolland, Wilbraham — Charles C. Beebe, Ru-
publican, of Wilbraham was born in Monson, Aug. n, 1851; educated in the
public schools and VVesleyan Academy of Wilbraham. Has been engaged in
farming, with the exception of nine years on a sheep ranch in Colorado. Ma-
sons; member of the Grange, the Hampden harvest club, and the Republican
town commi'tee for 1900. On committee on agriculture in the House of 1900.
Vote of district; Charles C Beebe, Republican, 660; A. H. Calkins, Demo-
crat, 384.
District No. -^f — Wards i, 2, S of SpringHeld. — Lewis D Robinson, Re-
publican, born in Hardwick, June 21, 1842; public schools. Enlisted, June 15.
1862, in Co F, 53d regiment, served under Gen. B. F. Butler and Gen N. r .
Banks; mustered out Sept. 2, 1863. State Auditor Kimball was colonel of this
regiment. Member of Wilcox post No. 16 G. A R. Merchant. Common coun-
€il, 1895-7, aldermen, 1898. Charter member and treasurer of Amity lodge of
Odd F Hows; Knights of Malta. Member and director of Hampden County hor-
ticultural society, and member and treasurer of Springfield Amateur horticultural
society. On committee on military affairs in House of 1899; on committees on
military affairs and prisons in House of 1900.
Willmore B. Stone, Democrat, of Springfield, was born in East Long-
meadow, June 24, 1853 ; educated in public schools, took Harvard College course
of four years, philosophic course, undt-r private tutors Associate member of E.
K. Wilcox post No. 16 G A. R. Attorney at law. Committee on judicia-y in
House of 1896; on same committee, and on rules, 1897; on same committee,
1898; on the committees on judiciary and rules in the House of 1899, also in
1900, being ranking member of judiciary committee in 1898, 1899; and of same
and rules in 1900 ; and House chairman in 1900 of joint special committee to in-
vestigate charges against the Metropolitan water board.
Vote of district: H. M. Holcomb, Republican Citizens' N. P. 163; M. H.
Lyons, Democrat, 1146; J. F. Moran, Socialist Labor, 158; Lewis D. Robinson,
Republican, 1244; C. P. .Shortman, Socialist Labor, 113; Willmore B. Stone,
Democrat, 1302; C. L. Young, Republican, 1063.
District No. 4. — Wards 3,4, 5 of Springfield — John F. Marsh, Republi-
can, of Springfield, was born in Hudson, N H., Feb. i, 1828, of the seventh
generation from George Marsh, who cams from England with his family in 1635
and settled in Hingham ; educated in ptblic and priv-ate schools. In 1847, served
under Cen Scott in Mexican War, in 9th U. S. Inft., in battles of Contreras and
Cherebusco Au^ 19, 20, Moliiio del Key Sept. 8, Cliapultepec, the Garitas and
City of Mexico Sept. 12, 13, 14 respectively. In Jan., 1849, organized a company
at Galveston, Texas, being: captain, and, crossing northern Mexico, camped in
California in June. In 1855-6, special agent of P. O department from Nevr
York to San Francisco ; postmaster four years at Hastings, Minn., and mayor of
that city. June 17, 1861, appointed ist lieut. Co, B, 6th Wis Vols., Army of Po-
tomac ; promoted to captain in Oct. ; wounded in knee at second Bull Run, Aug.
28, 1862 ; appointed licut. col. 12th N. H. Vols Sept. 11, 1862 ; severely wound-
ed in hip at Chancellorsviile, May 3, 1863. In last year of war on Gen. Casey's
board for examination of candidates for commissions in military service, and by
order of Secretary Stanton on special service, inspecting prisons where Confeder-
ate prisoners of war vvere confined. April 20, 1865, commissioned col. of 24th
U. S. Colored Inft , but declined ; brev. col. March 13, 1865, for "Garant and
meritorious service at the battle of Chancellorsviile, Va " Nov. 1866, appointed
U. S. pension agent at Conccrd, N. H. In 1S74, treasurer of Springfield Glazed
Paper Company, makers of surface coated papers. Represented Mass. Vol. Aid
Assn. in Spanish War, goii g to Santiago, Cuba, Aug, 1898, with supplies for
Mass. troops. Member of Rising Sun lodge of Masons of Nashua, N. H. On
committee on roads and bridges in House of 1900.
William S. Warriner, Republican, of Springfield was born in Warren,
July 15, 1860; educated in the public schools. Enlisted, May 3, 1898, in C®. K,
2d regiment United States Volunteers, served in the Spanish War in Cuba, where
he was swerely wounded; promoted to be captain ; mustered out Nov. 3, 1898.
In the fire insurance business. On committees on military affairs and insurance
in the House of 1900.
Vote of district : H. Beach, Democrat, 694; J. T. Doyle, Socialist Labor,
[77; John F. Marsh, Repu ilican, 1460; C. E. Mayon, Socialist Labor, 143;
William S. Warriner, Republican, 1423 ; A. Weber, Democrat, 547.
District lYo 5. — Wards 6, 7 (>f Springfield — Benjamin C. Harvey, Re-
publican, of Springfield was born Ih St. Johnsbury, Vt., Sept. 4, i$47; educated
in the public schc.ols. Sealer in Fairbank.s scale works six )ears. In 1873 ""S"
moved to Springfield and tor 20 years was contractor and foreman in Smith &
Wesson's pistol shop. Now.salesman for National cash register company. Com-
mon council 1889; aldermen, 1890-1-2. Past master of Roswell Lee lodge of
Masons, member of Springfield commandery Knights Templar; past grand orf
Caledonia lodge of Odd Fellows of St. Johnsbury, and past chief patriarch of
Moose River encampment. Vice president of Springfield Republican Club 1892-
4 ; ex president of Springtield Association of Sons artd Daughters of Vermont.
In House of 1894, on committee on public health ; in 1895 on prisons ; in 1896,
House chairman of libraries, and on street railways; in 1900, House chairman of
of printing and on street railways.
Vote of district : Benjamin C. Harvey, Republican, 730 ; M. Klemmei;,
Socialist Labor, 137; J. F. Scully, Democrat, 690.
District No 6. — Wards i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 of Chicopee. — Daniel J. Driscoll,
Democrat, of Chicopee, was born iu that city, Nov. 20, 1868 ; public schools.
Bicycle polisher. Common council, 1895-6. Metal polishers' and platers' union,
secretary two years, president one. Recording secretary of Court John Boyle
O'Reilly American Foresters; held all offices in Father Mathew Temperance So-
ciety from director to president. On committee on labor in House of 1S98, and
also in 1899; on committees on labor and libraries in 1900.
Vote of district ; The vote at the regular election was a tie with M. H. Mos-
man, 797 each ; at a special, Mr. Driscell had 176 majority over Mr. Mosman.
District No. 7. — Wards i, 2, 2>^ A, S of Holyoke — Thomas J Dillon,
Democrat, of Holyoke, was born in that city, April 20, 1S69; educated in its
parochial and High schools. Is a grocer and undertaker. President of the com-
mon council in 1892, and member of the board of aldermen in 1893 ; member of
the school committee in 1894-5-6. Chancellor of Holyoke council of Knights of
Columbus, and past chief ranger of North Star court of Foresters ; also member
of the lodge of Elks of Hartford, Ci. ; Robert Emmet Literary association. On
committees on education and elections in the House of 1899; on elections and
cities in 1900.
Thomas J. Dooling, Democrat, of Holyoke was born in that city Jan. 28,
1868; public schools. Is a "beamer." Fire department ; local clubs. Commit-
tee on fisheries and game, House 1897 ; election laws, 1898 ; election laws, and
State House 1899; on roads and bridges in House of 1900.
Vote of district: C. Chapin, Republican, 880; Thomas J. Dillon, Democrat,
1494; Thomas J Dooling, Democrat, 1405; J. B. Fountain, Republican, 9^8 ;
M. J. Lynch, Socialist Labor, 438 ; M. E. Ruther, Socialist Labor, 475,
District No ?, IVards 6, 7 of Holyoke —A\iG\J?,Tii:iY. W. Esleeck, Re-
publican, of Holyoke was born in Galveston. Texas, March 28, 1848; educated
in the public schools, and Springfield Classical Institute class of 1866 For the
last 29 years a paper manufacturer in Holyoke, being treasurer of the Valley pa-
per company and of the Esle-ck paper company. Member of Mt Tom lodge of
Masons, of Mt. Holyoke chapter, of Holyoke council and cf Springfield command-
ery of Knights Templar ; past chancellor of Connecticut Valley lo ige of Knights
of Pythias. Trustee of Mechanics' savings bank of Holyoke, chairman of the
board of education, and trustee of Massachusetts hospital for tubercular patients
of Rutland, Mass. On committee on education, and clerk of public service in
the House ot 1900.
Vote of district : j.T. Barry, Democrat, 457; E A. Buckland, Socialist
Labor. 118; Augustine W. Esl.eck, Republican, 974.
District. No. 9. — Blandford, Chester, Montgomery, Russell, West Spring-
field, Westfield. — Frank S. Dewey. Jr., Democrat, of Westfield was born in
that town, March 22,^857 ; educated in its public schools. Is a druggist. Water
commissiontr frojn 1890 to 1893 ; re-elected to the same hoard in 1897 to serve
three years. Member of Mt. Moriah lodge of Masons, Evening Star chapter,
Springfield commandery, Aleppo Temple, Mystic Shrine ; of Metacomet tribe of
Red Men, of Westfield lodge of Knights of Pythias, of Woronoco lodge of Odd
Fellows, of Hampden council of Royal Arcanum. On the committee on water
supply in the House of 1S99; on railroads in 1900.
George H, Hapgood, Republican, of Chester was born in Rindge, N. H„
April 20 1842; educated in the public schools. Engaged in farming and the
leather business until 1894, since then has been in the fire insurance business.
Chairman of board of selectmen, assessors and overseers of the poor. Member
of Samoset lodge of Odd Fellows, having held all its offices and been its secre-
tary for 25 years. On committee on water supply in the House of 1900.
Vote of district: O. P, Bein, Socialist Labor, 104; C. H. Clark, Republican,
1173; Frank S. Dewey. Jr. Democrat, 1663; George H. Hapgood, Republican,
125 ; W. A. Millard, Socialist Labor, loi ; R. L. Parks, Democrat, 1239.
District No. i. — Goshen, Hadley, Hatfield, A'orthan/pton, Westhamplon,
Williamsburg. — William H. Feiker, Republican of Northampton was born
in that city, March i i, 1870 ; educated in public and private schools and class of
1 896 of Cornell University. Is an attorney at law. Member of the bo ird of
aldermen in 1897-8. On the committee on the joint judiciary in House of 1899;
House chairman of counties, and on federal relations in 1900.
George E. Smith, Republican, of Hadley was born in that town, March 18,
1 848 ; educated in the public schools Is a farmer, also an extensive dealer in
cattle. Selectman in 1893-4-567-8. On the committee on agriculture in the
House of 1900.
Vote of district : G. H. Ames, Prohibition, 107; W. I. Edwards, Prohibi-
tion, 71 ; William H Feiker, Republican, 1509; T. P. Larkin, Democrat, 1266;
A. F. Nutting, Democrat, 896; George E. Smith, Republican, 1502.
District No. 2. — Chesterfield^ Cu/n//ii?igton, Eastkampton, Huntington,
Middlefield, Plainfield, Southampton, Wo)thington. — Charles H. Upson, Re-
publican, of Easthampton, was born in Northampton, June 4, 1848; educated in
the public schools, and Williston Seminary class of 1867. Carpenter until 1883,
since then superintendent of grounds and buildings of Williston Seminary. Past
master and past secretary of Ionic lodge of Masons ; selectman five years, water
commissioner two years On committee on water supply in House of 1899; on
parishes and religious societies, and public health in 1900.
Vote of district; Charles H Upson, Republican, 853 ; all others, 21.
District No. 3. — Amherst, Granby, South Hadley, Pelham. — Elliot J.
Aldrich, Republican, of Granby was born in Holliston, Nov 4, 1836; ed-
ucated in the public schools. From 21 years of age until 36 was engaged in
woolen manufacturing, and since then has run a grist and saw mill and been en-
gaged in the lumber business in connection with farming. During the last 25
years has held all the town offices except clerk and treasurer, having served on
the board of selectmen and overseers of the poor for 15 years. On committees
on labor, and parishes and religious societies in the House of 1900.
Vote of district: Elliot J. Aldrich, Republican, 844 ; G. F. Eastman, Dem-
ocrat, 238.
District No 4. — Belchertoivn. Enfield, Greenwich, Prescoft, Ware. — Mer-
rick A. Morse, Republican, of Belchertnwn was born in that town. May i,
1847 ; educated in the public schools, and in Wesleyan Academy. Taught for 12
years and has been engaged in farming ever since. Associate member of E. G.
Griggs No. 97 post of Grand Armv ; lecturer of Union grange of Patrons of Hus-
bandry ; member of school committee since 1880, except two years, and also visit-
ing committee. On committees on agriculture and libraries in House of 1899;
House chairman of libraries, and on agriculture in 1900.
Vote of district : G C. Allen, Democrat, 513; Merrick A. Morse, Republi-
can, 866.
District No. 2. — Ward ^ of Cambridge William R. Davis, Republican,
was born in West Appleton, Me., March 8, 1862 ; educated in the public schools;
Court officer of Middlesex county. Member of common council, 1894-5 6. Mem-
ber of Commercial lodge of Odd Fellows, boston ; Cambridge lodge of N. E. O.
P : and J. C. Wellington camp of Sons of Veterans; Citizens' trade association
of Cambridge ; Republican city committee, 1894-56; chairman of Ward 2 Re-
publican committee, 1896-7 8 9 1900. On committees on libraries and liquor law
in House of 1897; on street railways, 1898; on committees on counties and
street railways in House of 1899 ; on liquor law and street railways in House of
1 900.
J.\MEs A. Montgomery, of Cambridge, Democrat, was born in that city
May 17, 1864; public schools. Salesman. Knights of Pythias; Red Men ; Pil.
grim Fathers; Cambridge Catholic Union; Cambridge trade association; treas.
urer of Cambridge Tammany Club; St. John council K. of C. Committee on
vvater supply, 1898; manufactures, 1899: mercantile affairs, 1900.
Vote of district: H. Bird, Citizens', 468; J. Butler, Democrat, 1019;
William R. Davis, Republican, 1256; James A. Montgomery, Democrat, 1401 ;
C. G. Morgan, Democrat, 10S9.
District No. 3. — Ward -^ of Cambridge — Cornelius Minihan, Democrat,
of Cambridge, was born in Ireland, Aug. 15, 1862; educated in the national
schools of that country. Is engaged in the grocery trade and is also connected
with the steamship and foreign exchange business. Served in the common coun-
cil of Cambridge in 1894-5-6 7 ; elected member of Democratic city committee in
1895-6 and was selected both years as chairman of that body. Member of An-
cient Order of Hibernians, St. John's Literary Institute, Lechmere council of
Royal Arcanum, St. John's council of Knights of Columbus, Lechmere cycle club.
Retail Grocers' association. Citizens' trade association of Cambridge. Committee
on liquor law in House of 1899 ; on cities in 1900.
Vote of district: J. F. Capelle, Republican, 258; Cornelius Minihan, Demo-
crat, 789.
District No. i,.-' Ward d, of Cajnbridge. — Daniel S. Coolidge, of Cam-
bridge, Repubhcan, born in Sherborn, Sept. 21, 1845 ; public schools. One of
proprietors of Bay State laundry. Republican city committee; common council,
1895-6-7. Committee on pubHc charitable institutions, 1898; same, 1899; par-
ishes and religious societies, and public cnaritable institutions (House chairman)
iin 1900.
Charles P. Keith, of Cambridge, Republican, born in Newport, N. H.,
March 14, 1843 ; public schools. Enlisted Dec. 9, 1 861, in Co. B, ist regiment,
mustered out Feb. 3, 1863 ; G A. R. Manufacturer of brooms and brushes, 25
years; real estate and insurance since 1893 Common council 1893-4 ; aldermen,
1895 6-7. Amicable lodge of Masons, Cambridge R. A. Chapter, and Cambridge
»ommandery of Knights Templar. A charter member of and for past two years sec-
tary of Citizens' trade association of Cambridge. Committee on metropolitan
affairs in House of 1898 ; clerk of same committee in House of 1899 ; on metro-
politan affairs, and military affairs in 1900.
Vote of district : Daniel S. Coolidge, Republican, 954 ; C H. Douglass,
Democrat, 325 ; Charles P. Keith, Republican, 893 ; T. F. Mahoney, Democrat,
District No. ^. — IVard 5 of Cambridge. — ,\lbert S. Apsey, of Cambridge,
Republican, was born in that city, Nov. 28, 1870, and was educated in the public
schools. Harvard College 1893, and Harvard Law Scheol 1S95. Is a lawyer with
offices in Cambridge and No. 5 Tremont street, Boston. Member of common
council 1895-6-7, beinof president in 1897. Member of Charity lodge of Masons,
of Cambridge Republican city committee, of the Economy club, of Citizens' trade
association, Young Men's Republican club and Middlesex Club. On committees
on bills in 3d reading, and probate and insolvency in House of 1898 ; chairman
of committee on bills in 3d reading, and on insurance in House of 1899 ; chair-
man of bills in 3d reading, snd on manufactures in House of 1900
Vote of district : Albert S. Apsey, Republican, 636 ; J. Cogan, Democrat,
District No. 6 Ward \ of Somerville. — Horace C. White, Republican,
was born in Bowdoin, Me., Jan. 20, 1836; educated in Litchfield Liberal Institute
and the medical department of Bowdoin College in the class of 1859. Enlisted
March 13, 1862, as assistant surgeon of the 8th Maine regiment and served in
•the Department of the South ; mustered out in June, 1863 Member of Willard
C. Kinsley post 139 G. A. R. ; also of Loyal Legion. A teacher until i860, and
since a physician and surgeon. On Somerville school board from 1880 to 1892,
a trustee of Somerville hospital from its foundation and president of its medical
Doard for four years. Past master of Ancient York lodge of Masons of Lisbon,
Me., member of Soley lodge, of Orient council, and of DeMolay commandery of
Mason ; also member of Excelsior council No. 3 Royal Arcanum, and of Mt.
Benedict lodge of Knights of Honor. Member of Massachusetts medical society,
of American medical association, ex president of Boston gynecological society, and
of Somerville medical society. On committee on metropolitan affairs in House
of 1897; on same committee in 1898; House chairman of committee on metro-
politan affairs in 1899 ; same position in 190U, and also on State House.
Vote of district : J. L. S. Connolly, Democrat, 226 ; Horace C. White, Re-
publican, 524.
District No. 1 . — Wards z. \ of Somerville. — John N. Ball, Republican,
of Somerville was born in Antrim, N. H. Nov. 19, 1835 ; educated in the public
schools. Has been a hotel keeper, employed in the United States revenue depart-
ment and a manufacturer of shoe stock. Member of common council in 1895-6;
of board of aldermen in 1897-8. On committee on cities in House of 1900.
Frank E. Fitts, Republican, of Somerville was born in Lowell, May 26,
1848; educated in the public schools. Is a dealer in manufacturers' supplies.
Member of common council in 1882-3-91, president in 1883; member of aldermen
in 18923; of school committee in 1883; member of charter commission 1898,
charter adopted 1899; Member of John Abbott lodge and Somerville chapter of
Masons, of Franklin lodge of Knights of Pythias and of Somerville lodge of An-
cient Order of United Workmen. President Somerville board of trade in 1900.
On committee on prisons in House of 1899. House chairman of prisons and
presented a resolve in favor of reformed spelling, which passed two readings, in
the House ©f 1900.
French O. J. Tarbox, Republican, of Somerville was born in Charlestown,
Sept. 2, i86r ; educated in the public schools and the Boston Commercial Col-
lege. Followed the sea for seven years in the East India and China trade as well
as a coast service on the Pacific between San Francisco and adjacent ports.
Worked for the Walworth M'f'g Co. Boston & Maine R. R., Fitchburg R. R.,
and Boston Elevated Railway as steam and air brake fitter. Past master of Mt.
Horeb lodge No. 19 L. O. I. ; member of Bunker Hill lodge No. 14 I. O. O. F. ; and
Bay State Club. Member of the common council of Somerville in 1896 and of
the board of aldermen in 1898-9. On committeeon taxation in the House of 1900.
Vote of district ; John N. Ball, Republican, 1851 ; J. E Bradshaw, Demo-
crat, 756; J. F. Couch, Democrat, 1076; Frank E. Fitts, Republican, 1734;
G. W. Hayes, Democrat, 656 ; R. Luce, Republican Ind. N. P., 1209; French O.
J. Tarbox, Republican, 1552.
District N^o. 8. — Ward 3 of Somerville — William L. Barber, Republican-
of Somerville was born in Plymouth, Mass., April 9, 1859; educated in the Bos-
ton public schools. Is a manufacturer of boot and shoe machinery. Member of
Soley lodge of Masons, of Coeur de Lion commandery of Knights Templar and
other Masonic bodies. Member of the common council in 1890-1 ; of the board
of aldermen in 1892-3, being president of the board in 1893. On committee on
street railways in the House of 1900.
Vote of district : William L. Barber, Republican, 1165 ; R. T. Brown, Dem-
ocrat, 235.
District A^o. g — Wards i, 2, 4, 5 of Medford. — Nicholas B. Keyou,
Democrat, of Medford was born in Houlton, Me., April 28, 1828 ; public schools.
Member of House of 1899, on committee on street railways; on same in 1900.
Died, March 10, and no successor was elected.
Vote of district : Nicholas B. Keyou, Democrat, 1075 i J- W. Williams, Re-
publican, 546.
District No lo. — Everett. — Edward C. Mead, Republican, of Everett was
born in Concord, N. H., Dec. 25, 1858; educated in the public scliools, and
Dartmouth College class of 1880 Is a builder (Mead, Mason & Co,, Boston).
Chairman of board of public works 1896-7; member of school board, 1897.
Member of Palestine lodge of Everett, of Tabernacle chapter of Royal ArCh Ma-
sons of Maiden and of Beauseant commandery of Maiden. On committee on
railroads in House of 1899 ; House chairman of federal relations, and on railroads
in 1900.
H. HuESTis Newton of Everett, Republican, was born in Truro, Dec. 2,
i860; educated in the public schools of Chatham and Providence, and in Bos-
ton University class ot 1883. Taught school for 12 y- ars in the towns of Essex,
West Newbury, and Wellfleet, Mass. ; has practiced law for the last sIk years in
Boston and Everett, office in Tremont building, Boston. Admitted to the bar in
Barnstable county, 1886. Member of Everett school committee 189234-5-6;
private secretary of Mayor A. H. Evans, 1892 ; city solicitor 1895-6-7-8-9 Mem-
ber of Adams lodge of Masons, Wellfleet, and of Royal Arch f Provincetown ;
past regent of Wellfleet council of Royal Arcanum ; member of colony of Pilgrim
Fathers, On committee on judiciary in House of 1898 ; House chairman of com-
mittee on taxation, and on election laws in 1899 ; House chairman of cities, and
ou rules in 1900.
Vote of district : A. P. Jones, Socialist Labor, tig; E. S. Mayo, Socialist
Labor, 115 ; Edward C. Mead. Republican, 1048 ; H. Huestis Newton, Republi-
can, 1056; F. E, Sauer, Democrat, 322 ; P. Tworoger, Democrat, 254.
District No 11 Maiden. — Aaron C. Dowse, Republican, of Maiden was
born in Sherborn, March 27, 1856; educated in its public schools and Allen's
English and Classical School of West Newton, followed by two years in the Bos
ton University Law School At 21 became editor of the New England Grocer,
when its first number was issued, and has held that position to this day, and since
1894 has been its business manager. Member of common council in 1884-56;
of the school committee in 1887 91, 1894-9, being its chairman 1890, '95-9O ! del-
egate to National Editorial Convention in 18989; president of Massachusetts
Press Association 1898, and at present time; been vice president of Suburl^an
Press Association, and director of Boston Press Club; in 1891, '94, '96, '97 press
representative of Boston Food Fair ; member of Maiden lodge, No. 201, Odd Fel-
lows ; of Mjstic commandery, 216 Golden Cross; and of Maplewood lodge,
139, A. U. O. W. ; special delegate to national session of Golden Cross in 1897,
and has been trustee and member of finance committee of grand commandery of
Massachusetts; was chairman of executive committee of the Deliberative Assem-
bly, and chairman of press committee of Maiden's 250th anniversary celebration in
1899; member of Middlesex club, Republican Club of Massachusetts and Maiden
board of trade. On committee on education in House of 1900.
George Howard Fall, Republican of Maiden, was born in Maiden, in the
house where he now lives, Oct. 1 9, 1858. Within three or four miles of this house
his ancestry have resided since 1635 : educated in grammar and High schools of
Maiden, and graduated from Boston University, class of 1883. Received degrees
of A. M. in 1884, LL. B., in,i8S7, and Ph D. in 1881, from same Univeisity
Admitted to Suffolk bar in Aug. of 1887. Member of Mulden commpn council
189345. Member of Converse lodge of iMasons, Maiden club, Appalachian
Mountain club, American bar association. Middlesex bar association, Sons of
American Revolution. Sometime lecturer in the Univer.'.ity Law School ; at pres-
ent time, lecturer on Roman Law and laws of United States in Boston University
College of Liberal Arts On committees ou constitutional amendments,and probate
and insolvency in House of 1900.
William Schofield, Republican, t)f Maiden was born in Dudley, Feb. 14,
18^7; educated in Nichols Academy of Dudley, Harvard College in 1879, Har-
vard Law School class of 1883. Afterwards instructor in Harvard Law School
and in Harvard College. Is a lawyer. On committee on metropolitan affairs in
House of 1899 ; House chairman of State House, and on metropolitan affairs in
Vote of district : Aaron C. Dowse, Republican, 2036 ; George H. Fall, Re-
publican, 2091 ; J. F. Harrington, Democrat, 509; L. E. Kilday, Democrat, 413 ;
W. F. Merrill, Prohibition, 247; H. T. Ouinn, Prohibition, 124; G.G.Saunders,
Prohibition, 132; William Schofield, Republican, 2111 ; J. P. White, Democrat,
District No. \2.— Wards 3, 6 of Medford, Winchester.— SX'Sixj'E.l. W.
TwoMBLY, Republican, of Winchester, oldest member and dean of the House, was
born in Tamworth, N. H., July 31, 1822 ; educated in the public schools. Was
a farmer and florist until 1886, and since then has been in the real estate business.
Member of William Parkman lodge of Masons, the Calumet clu\ the Channing
club, and the Republican Club of Massachusetts. In the House of Representatives
in 1 87 1, on the committee on agriculture. Has been selectman and assessor
eight years, and has held minor offices ; in now chairman of the cemetery com-
mission. On committees on federal relations, and metropolitan affairs in the
House cf 1900.
Vote of district : T. S Spurr, Democrat, 640 ; Samuel W. Twombly, Re-
publican, 697.
District A"o. 13 — Arlington, Lexington. — J. Howell Cro.sby, Republican,
of Arlington, was born in Belmont, Dec. 30, 1867 ; educated in the public schools.
Is a market gardener. Chairman of Arlington Republican town committee 1895-
6 ; member of school committee in 1896. On committees on banks and banking,
and taxation in House of 1899 ; on ways and means in House of 1900.
Vote of district; J. Howell Crosby, Republican, 895 ; all others, 9.
District No. 14 — Belmont, Watertown — Henry R. Skinner, Republican,,
of Watertown was born in Foxboro, May 9, [860 ; educated in the public schools
and in Brown Universitv, class of 1885. Is a lawyer. Member of school com-
mittee of Watertown 1892-8, chairman 1895S ; secretary Republican town com-
mittee 18949. Member of Pt:quossette lodge of Masons. Clerk of committe on
election laws in the House of 1899; on constitutional amendments, and probate
and insolvency in 1900.
Vote of district : Henry R. Skinner, Republican, S94 ; all others, 4.
District No. 15. — Walthavi. — George F. Leslie, Republican, was born in
.Machias, Me., Sept. 12, 1850; educated in the public schools. Is now in the real
estate and insurance business. Member of Ouinebequin tribe of Red Men.
Member of Republican city committee in 1891-8 inclusive ; member of the alder-
men in 1895-8 inclusive. On committee on public charitable institutions in the
House of 1S99 ; on drainage, and public charitable institutions in 1900.
Charles F. A. Smith, Republican, was born in Medford, July 18, 1866;
educated in private schools, studied at Harvard College and graduated at Har-
vard Law School in the class of 1893. Chairman Waltham city committee 1894-
5-6. Is a lawyer. Clerk of the committee on manufactures, and on probate and
insolvency in the House of 1889: House chairman of manufactures, and House
chairmarffef special on investigation of work of gypsy moth commission in 1900.'
Vote of district: George F. Leslie, Republican, 1516 ; B. J. Madden, Demo-
crat, 831 ; Charles F. A. Smith, Republican, 1329: E. I. Smith, Democrat, 819.
District No. 16 — Newton. — N. Henry Chadwick, Republican, of Newton,
was born in Bradford, Vt., March 17, 1838 ; educated in the public schools. Is a
builder with office at No 63 Equitable bmilding, Boston. Member of Dalhousie
lodge of Masons of Newtonville. Member of Sons of American Revolution. On
committee on cities in the House of 1899 ; on cities, and State House in 1900.
John T. Langford, Republican, was born in Fall River, Feb 8, 1842 ; ed-
ucated in public and private schools Has been engaged in mercantile and engi-
neering business. On conamittee on water supply in House of 1890 ; House
chairman of the committee on water supply, aud on federal relations in the House
of 1900.
Vote of district : N. Henry Chadwick, Republican, 2016; J. H. Kenslea,
Democrat, 903 ; John T. Langiord, Republican, 1770.
District No. 17. — Bedford, Concord, Lincoln, ^-F^i-/;?;/.— Henry L. Brown,
Republican, of Weston, was bor:» in that town, Jan. 10, 1840; educated in the
public schools. Enlisted in Co I, 44th regiment, in Sept., 1S62 ; served in North
Carolina ; promoted to be corporal ; mustered out June, 1863. Park commissioner;
on board of assessors since 1890, chairman since 1893. Is a farmer. On com-
mittee on towns in House of 1899 ; House chairman of towns in 1900.
Vote of district : Henry L. Brown, Republican, 550 ; A. L Cutting, Prohi-
bition, 100.
District Ao. 18 Natick — Horace B. Gale, Republican, of Natick was
born there Dec. 27, 1861 ; educated in its public schools, and Massachusetts In-
stitute of Technology in the class of 1883. Electrical engineer for New England
Weston Electric Light Co., Boston, 1883 86. Professor of mechanical engineer-
ing in Washington and Stanford Universities 1885-91, inclusive; consulting me-
chanical and electrical engineer 1891-190®, inclusive. Member of school commit-
tee 1898 9-1900 ; of national engineering societies, of Technology Club of Boston,
etc. On the committee on mercantile affairs in the House of 1900.
Vote of district; Horace B. Gale, Republican, 1088 ; T. F. Sullivan, Demo-
crat, 1057.
District No. 19. — Ash/and, Holliston, Hopkinlon, Sherborn. — Robert H.
Leland, Republican, of Sherborn was born March 9, 1865 ; educated in the
public schools, and Harvard College class of 1888. Teacher from 1888 to 1892.
In Harvard Law school one year and since then a lawyer. On committee on in-
surance in the House of 1900.
Vote of district : C. H. Dowse, Democrat, 651; R. H. Leland, Reoublican, 818.
District No. zo. — Franiinghavi Charles J. McPherson, Republican,
was born in Boston, Feb. 20, 1856, educated in its public schools and English
High school. Studied architecture and mechanical drawing and was in the build-
ing business for ten years. Spent a few months in the law office of Judj,'e Freder-
ick D Ely. Having spent some time ito newspaper work, in 1883 he established
the Framingham Tribune, selling it in 1897, having established The Evening
News, of which he is now editor and proprietor. Is treasurer and manager of
Tribune Building Co. Ex-president of Framingham Gas, Fuel and Power com-
pany, an incorporator and ex-expresident of South Framingham Co-operative bank;
vice president and director of Y. M. C. A. ; on board of managers of Chautauqua
Assembly; member of Historical society. Citizens' trade association, Middlesex
South Agricultural society, board of trade, hospital and other local organizations.
Member of Middlesex lodge of Masons, of Pericles lodge of Knights of Pythias,
of Garfield council of Royal Arcanum and Hope lodge of Ancient Order of United
Workmen. Recording secretary of Massachusetts Republican Editorial associa-
tion, and has held positions in the New England Suburban, the Massachusetts
Press and National Editorial associations. On the committees on manufactures,
and a monitor of the first division.
Vote of district : C. D. Lewis, Democrat, 866 ; Charles J. McPherson, Re-
publican, 943.
District No. z\. — Marlboro, Sudbury, Way land. — George Balcom, of
Marlboro, Democrat, born in Concord, Mass., Jan. 23, 1832; Cambridge public
schools. Co I, 5th regiment ; G. A. R. Shoemaker, manufacturer, dealer, janitor.
On committee on drainage, 1898; drainage and printmg 1899; same 1900.
William M. Brigham, Republican, of Mailboro, was born in that city, Jan.
23, 1864 ; educated in the Marlboro High school, Boston University C. L. A,
class of 1S87, degree of A. B. ; also Boston School of Law, class of 1889, degree
of LLB, admitted to bar in 1889. Is an attorney at law in Marlboro, and asso-
ciate justice of its police court since 1896 Member of F. C. Curtis camp of Sons
of Veterans. For six years chairman of Republican city committee." Treasurer
of the Brigham Family Assn. of the U. S. Member of the committee to draft
city charter of Marlboro, 1890 , trustee and manager of several trust estates. On
committee on the; judiciary in House of 1899 ; special committee on reception to
President McKinley, Feb. 17. On judiciary, and House chairman of constitu-
tional amendments in 1900.
Vote of district : George Balcom. Democrat, 1195; L. P. Bent, Republican,
II 18; William M. Brigham, Republican, 1598; G. A. Haynes, Democrat, 529.
District Xo. 22. — Boxboro. Hudson Maynard, Stow. — Charles H. Per-
sons. Republican, of Maynard, born in Holyoke, Jan. 5, 1859; educated in pub-
lic schools and at Powers' Institute, Bernardston. Taught school winters. Dealer
in pianos, organs and musical goods. Town clerk of Maynard and on board of
registrars for 12 years; on Maynard school committee four years, chairman two
years. Ju.stice of the peace, appointed by Gov. Russell and reappointed by Gov.
Wolcott. Member of Chas. A Welch lodge of Masons, of Walden royal arch
chapter ; Trinitv commandery Knights Templar; of Maynard lodge of Odd Fel-
lows and of Nashoba tribe of Red Men. On committee on street railways in
House of 1899; on street railways in 1900.
Vote of district : T. F. Mahoney, Democrat. 512; Charles H. Persons, Re-
publican, 745.
District A'^o 23. — Acton, Ayer, Littleton. Shirley, U'cstford. — Herbert E.
Fletcher, Republican, of Westford was born in that town May 10, 1862 ;
educated in its public schools, and Westford Academy. Is a dealer in granite
and a general contractor. Member of Republican town committee 1893-4-5-6 7 8,
chairman '99-1900; trustee .Vliddlese.x North Agricultural Society. Masons, 32 o ;
Knights Templar. On committees on street railways in the House of 1900.
Vote of district: Herbert E. Fletclier, Republican, 741 ; T. F. Mullin, Dem-
ocrat, 256.
District Xo. 24. — Ashhy, Groton, Pepperell, Townscnd — Edwin A. Huu-
iiARD, Republican, of Ashby was born in that town Nov. 26, 1848 ; educated in
its public schools, and Appleton Academy of New Ipswich, N. H. Has been en-
gaged in farming, market and undertaking business. On board of selectmen, as-
sessors and overseers of the poor in 189S-9 and chairman in 1900. Member of
Charles W. Moore looge of Masons and Thomas chapter of Fitchburg; of North
Star lodge of Odd Fellows of Townsend ; of Rebekah lodge of Townsend : and
of Ashby grange Patrons of Husbandry. Member of the House of 1804, serving
on committees on pay roll and elections : on committee on towns in the House
of 1900.
Vote of district: Edwin A. Hubbard, Republican, 539; all others, 5.
District Xo. 25. — Ciielmsford, Dunstable, Wards 4, 7, 8 of Lowell, Tyngs-
''oroui^h. — James H. McKinlf.v, Republican, of Lowell was born there May 21,
1S60 ; educated in the public schools. In the mill and grocery business. Member
of Lowell lodge No. 22 of Ancient Order of United Workmen. On committee
ou manufactures in the House of 1900.
Martin Robbins, Republican, of Chelmsford was born in Belfast, Me.,
Oct. 13, 1852; public schools. Carriage manufacturer, real estate. Odd Fel-
lows, Lincoln club. Selectman, overseer of the poor and assessor, 18926; tax
collector, 1890 i ; auditor 1895 to present. On committee on public charitable
institutions in House of 1900.
Walter S. VVatsox, Republican, of Lowell, was born in Ouincy, Sept 1 1 ?
1 85 1 ; public and private schools. Until 1865 on his father's farm in Barrington^
N. H ; from 1868 to 1875 worked at shoe trade, cleiked in Boston ; and was a
commercial traveler. April i, 1876, associated with John H. Howorth of Lowell
in manufacturing paper cop tubes. The firm's establi.^hment is said to be one of
the most extensive of its kind in the world. In 1S96. five branches of the firm were
incorporated, and Mr. Watson has been treasurer of this company ever since.
For 20 years interested in stock raising in the west, and in farming in Nebraska.
Summer home in Harvard. Member of Harvard Grange, Knights of Malta,
Odd Fellows, Kilwining lodge of Masons, Pilgrim commandery of Knights Tem-
plar, Highland club, associate member of N. E Ccvtton Manfg. association, presi-
dent of Lowell board of trade, vice president of state board of trade, for several
years treasurer of Republican city committee. On committee on ways and means
in the House of i8c;9 ; same in 1900.
Vote of district : James H McKinley, Republican, 2798; F. E. McNabb,
Democrat, 1839; William J. Quigley, Democrat, 1989 ; MartiT Robbins, Repub-
lican, 2534; F. H. Rourke, Democrat, 1877; William S. Watson, Republican,
District A'o. 26. — Wards i, 2, 3, 6 of Lowell. — Arthur H. Cluer, Repub-
lican, of Lowell was born in Stoughton, April 12, 1853 ; educated in the Stough-
ton public schools. Has been in the harness business for 23 years, now at No.
340 Bridge street. Member of Lowell common council, (888-9. Member of
Pentucket lodge of Masons, past grand of Cenlreville lodge of Odd Fellows of
Lowell, and past regent of council of Royal Arcanum. On committee on manu-
factures in House of 1899 ; on cities in 1900.
Matthew M. Mansfield, Democrat, was born in that city, Sept. 25, 1866;
educated in the public schools. Is a clothing clerk Member of common coun-
cil in [894-5. Member of Lowell council of Knights of Columbus, of Middlesex
court of Foresters of America and of the Hastings club. On committee on coun-
ties in House oi 1899; on counties in 1900, also on special on metropolitan
water board investigation.
George E. Varney, Republican, of Lowell was born in Thorndike, Me ,
July 8, 1865; educated in the public sceools. Has been watchman, machinist,
-Hid is now a corduroy cutter. Member of Pentucket lodge of Masons, ex coun-
cillor of O. U. A. M., K. of P., N. E. O. P. On committee on water supply in
House of 1899 ; on mercantile affairs in 1900.
Vote of district : P. H. Barry, Democrat, 2020; Arthur H. Cluer, Republi-
can, 2241 ; R. Dobbins, Republican, 2080; Matthew M. Mansfield, Democrat,
-303; F. B. McCarthy, Democrat, 1999; George E. Varney, Republican. 2287.
District A^o. 2"] — Billcrica, Burlington, Carlisle, Draciit, Wards 5, 9 of
Lowell, North Reading, Tewksbury, Wilmington. — Butler Ames, Republican,
of Lowell, was born in that city, Aug. 22, 1871 ; son of Gen. Adelbert Ames and
grandson of Gen. Benj. Y Butler; educated in Phillips Exeter Academy, gradu-
ating from United States military academy as 2d lieutenant, nth United States
Infantry in 1894 and from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as a B. B.
in mechanical engineering in 1896. Member of Lowell common council in 1897.
Senior ist lieutenant of Battery A, M. V. M. Agent of Wamesit power com-
pany. On committees on harbors and public lands, and military affairs in House
'o'f 189S. On May 17, was granted leave of absence at his own request for the
Temainder of the session, having been appointed adjutant of the "Old Sixth"
regiment, which was subsequently sent to "the front," after being in camp at
South FraminghaTi, Mass., and at Falls Church, near Washington, D. C. Pro-
;Tioted from ist lieut, and adjutant to lieut. colonel of his regiment at Ponce, Puerto
Rico. House chairman of the committee on street railways in the House of 1899;
House chairman of street railways, and on federal relations in igoo.
John T. Sparks, Democrat, of Dracut, was born in Uxbridge, T'j'y 9, 1865;
educated in Dracut public schools. Drug business. Member of Foresters, of
L. A. W^ Spindle City Wheelmen. On committee on prisons in House of 1899 i
same, 1900.
Vote of-district; Butler Ames, Republican, (.777 ; J, H. Riordan, Democrat,
:633 ; D. W. Robbins, Republican, 1542 ; John T. Sparks, Democrat, 1791.
Dis.trict No. 28. — Readings Webiirn Arthur E. Roberts, Republican,
of Reading was born in Charlestown, June 22, 1861 ", educated in the Boston
Latin and English High schools. Is a wholesale grocer. Member of Good Sa-
maritan lodge of .Masons, of the Horticultural society, chairman of the Republi-
can town committee three years and secretary one year. Trustee of Mechanics
savings bank. On committees on banks and banking, and State House in 1900.
Frank E, Wetkerell, Republican, of Woburn, was born in Worcester,
Dec. 18, 1843; educated in its public schools, graduating from the High school
there; in. the class of 1862. Until 1871 was employed as an accountant. From
I 87 1 to 1873 in Newspaper work with the Woburn Journal and Lexington Min-
^ate-man; from 18748, editor of the American Cabinet Maker, published in Bos-
ton ; from 1879-90, in retail shoe business in Providence, R. I. In 1890 the Wo-
burn News was established and Mr. Wetherell began as its editor with its first
number, a position he has held ever since. Registrar of voters in 1892-1900,
being chairman of the board for six years. Woburn has., normally, a large Demo-
cratic majority, but Mr. Wetherell led his nearest Democratic competitor by 380
votes in that city. Clerk of the committee on cities in the House of 1900.
Vote of district; J M. Berry, Socialist Labor, 191; M. [. Doyle. Demo
crat, 704; J. A. Johnson, Socialist Labor, 245 ; R. J. W. Phinney, Democrat,
616; Arthur E. Roberts, Republican, 1399; Frank E. Wetherell, Republican,
1 510.
District A^o. 29. — Wakejield. — Charles A. Dean, Democrat, of Wakefield,
was born in England ; educated in public schools. Been engaged in rattan busi-
ness, and farming. Member of Wakefield board of assessors, of boards of finance
and of sewer committee; secretary of public library; president of board of trade;
member of war relief committee in 1898 ; noble grand of Souhegan lodge of Odd
Fellovv's. On committee on taxation in House of 1898, taking active part on taxa-
tion questions and introducing an inheritance tax bill. On committee on taxation
in House of 1899 ; also in 1900, and introduced bill for cheaper fares for working-
men in "suburban district," which became lav/.
Vote of district : F. O. Clark, Republican, 736: Charles A. Dean, Demo-
crat, 851 .
District No. 30. — Stoneham. — Walter S. Keene, Republican, was born in
Palmyra, Me., Nov. 9, J858 ; came to Massachusetts in 1878 ; educated in the
public schools. Is a sole leather merchant. Member of the Republican town
committee 12 years ; of the Republican state central committee for 1900 ; of the
Republican Club of Massachusetts and the Middlesex club. Was a delegate to
the Republican national convention at St Louis in 1S96. Member of the board
of selectmen of Stoneham nine years, and five years as chairman ; is now serving
his fourth term as president of the vStoneham board of trade ; a director of th-e
Stoneham national bank, and Stoneham co-operative bank. Holds memljership in
Masons, Odd Fellows, Red Men and Grange. Interested in' farming-. 0\i comi-
mittee on banks and banking, and clerk of election laws in Hr>use of 1900.
Vote of district : Fred E. Buker, Socialist Labor, 182; Walter S. Keene,.
Republican, 680; J. T. Nowell, Democrat, 163.
District No. I'i Melrose, — Charles H. Ad A'MS, KepubAcaa, of Melrose
■fvas born in Rochester, N. H , April 22, 18S9: educated in the public schools Is-
publisher of Melrose Journal, and assistant business n>anager of Boston Adver-
tiser and Evening R-ecord Trustee of P»ielrose savings bank ; director of Union
trust company of Boston, and also of Medford national bank of Medford. Ex-
ehairman Melrose park commission and ex-president oi Melrose Repiiblican Club.
Member of Wyoming lodge of Masons. Clerk of committee on ways and means-
;n House of 1899 ; clerk of ways and means and on rules in the House of 1900.
Vote of district-- Charles H. Adaros, Republican, 1267; aU others, B.
District No. i. — Nantjecket Arthur H. Gardner, R'epublTcan, of Nan-
tucket was born in San Francisco, Aug. 4, 1854; educated in the public schools^
graduating from Nantucket High school in the class of iSyr. Editor and pub-
lisher of the Nantucket Joibrnal. Member of Union lodge of Masons of Nan-
tucket. Chairman of school committee. Mernber of the House of Rtpresenta-
tives in 1S91-2, serving on the committees on edueation, printing and House chair-
man of woman suffrage. On com'mrtSlees on counties and drainage in the House-
of 1900.
Vote of district ; Arthar H. Gardner, Republican, 264; Isaa/C Hills, Ind~
Democrat, 86 j David B. Andrews^ Ind. Citizens, 246.
District No. \. — DedJ.ain, Norwood. H^esfwood. — Arthir Clark, Demo-
crat, of Dedham was born m Newton, Aug. 30, 1877, and is the youngest member
of the House. Educated in Dedham public schools, graduating from Ames gram-
mar school, and Dedham High school in 1896. Founder of Hi-gh School Bulle-
tin and its editor for three years j prominent in athletic circles and class president
at graduation. At Boston University Law School for two years, being an ctticer
of his class, and editor of the Law School Magazine ; a founder and a president
of the William E. Russell debating elub, representing it in several public debates.
Park commissioner; member of Democratic town committee for the last three
years. Member of Good Templars and Sons of Temperance, also of Pilgrim
Fathers and Sons of Veterans. On the committee on education in the House of
Vote of district : J. W. Chase, Republican, 602 ; Arthur Clark, Democrat,
739; D. Neal, Republican Citizens N. P., 542.
District No. 2. — Brookline. — Bexjamlx C. Deax, Republican, of Brookline-
was boin in Lowell, March 8, 1843 ; educated in public schools, Brown Univer
sity class of 1864. Admitted to bar of Middlesex county in 1867. Private sec-
retary to Gov. Talbot in 1874, and assistant inspector general on bis staff with
rank of Lt. Col. Deputy insurance commissioner in 1875 ; president of Lowell
common council in 1876; superintendent of Manchester N H., print works 1876-
91 ; since 1891 and now treasurer of The Keweenaw Association, Limited, a
Michigan limited partnership association owning timber and mineral lands in
Michigan. Past master of Pentucket lodge of Masons and member of Mt. Ho-
reb chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Lowell, member of Council and of Trinity
frommandery of Knights Templar at Manchester, N. H., and of Scottish rite de-
i^jees, including the 3 2d Assistant clerk of the benate in 1864-8. On commit-
'lee on metropolitan affairs in House of 1899 ; on committees on rules, and ways
and means in the House of 1900.
Vote of district: Benjamin C. Dean, Republican, 1250 ; G. F. Quinlan, Dem-
ocrat, 601 .
Dktrict No. 3 Hyde Park — Walter S. Weston, Republican, was born
in Duxbury, Nov. 12, 1S52 ; educated in the public schools. Is a mason, con-
tractor and builder. Member of Aberdour lodge of Masons, of Norfolk royal
arch chapter, of Hyde Park council, of Cyprus commandery of Knights Templar;
of Forest lodge of Odd Fellov/s ; of Knights of Malta ; and of No. i Alphy coun-
cil of Royali Arcanum. On corRmittee on metropolitan affairs in House of 1899;
on railroads in 1 900.
Vote of district : M. M. Dean, Prohibition, 93 ; D. W. Murray, Democrat,
401 ; Walter S. Weston, Repablicas., 953.
District Ne 4 — Cattfon, Milton. — William W. Brooks, Democrat, of Can
ton, was born in Dorchester, and was educated in the public schools. Studied
•iTiedicine, and was a druggist in Canton for 35 years, until j8go, and since thea
has been in the insurance and real estate business there. Postmaster under Pres-
idents Pierce, Bischanan and Lincoln. Selectman, assessor and overseer of the
;ooor for 12 years, tax collector for 1,7 years, and member of the school committee
at present. Charter member of Blue Hill lodge of Masons, and last one living.
Director of Canton co-operative bank and on its committee on laws. Elected at
special election to fill vacancy caused by death of George R. R. Rivers of Milton,
".vho died Feb. 11, and therefore was too late to receive committee appointments.
Vote oi district : (Regular election) J. W. Bradley, Republican, 759 ; George
R. R. Rivers, Democrat, 8 to. Special election, April 3, J. W. Bradley, 659;
William W. Brooks, Democrat, 737.
District No. 5 — Quiiuiy. — Eben W. Sheppard, Republican, was born is
Greenwich, N. J., May 7, i860; educated in the public schools. Is a dealer in
coal and wood. Member of Rural lodge of Masons, St. Stephen chapter, and
South Shore commandery :, Mystic Shrine. On committee on public service in
House of 1899; on railroads in 1900.
EuGENti H. Sprague, Republican, of Quincy, was born in fslesboro. Me.,
May 23, 1864 ; educated in the public schools, and in Eastern state normal schooi.
In the wholesale provision business, member of firm of Sprague Bros. Co. located
at Nos. 99-101, Blackstone street, Boston. Member of common council in 1895-
6-7. Member of Rural lodge of Masons and of South Shore commandery of
Knights Templar. On committe or election laws in House of 1899; on fisheries
and game in the House of 1900.
Vote of district: T. F. Cain, Democrat, 1025, P. J. Halvosa, Democrat So-
cial N. P., 697 ; W. A. Jordan, Democrat, 800 ; J. A. Lamb, Democrat Social
N. P., 407; Eben W. Sheppard, Republican, 1277 ; Eugene H. Sprague, Repub-
lican, 1393.
District JVo. 6. — Braifitrec, irey///o/(f/i.— -Edward W. Hunt, Republican,
of Weymouth was born in that town, Nov. 29, 1859; educated in its public
school, graduating from the North High school. At 19 entered shoe finding bus-
iness in which he remained five y ars, then for lo years in manufacture of paper
boxes, and then for two years maker of boots, shoes and leather jackets. Since
Jan. 21, 1 89 1, in grocery and provision business. Past chancellor and trustee
of Delphi lodge of Knights of Pythias ; past warden and trustee of Safety
lodge of N. E O. P., trustee of Weymouth savings bank, and member of Wey-
mouth club. Director of Eraintree & Weymouth street railway company, uTitil its;
consolidation. Member of Republican town comminee for last 12 years. On>
committees on insurance and towns in the House of 1900. ♦
John B Whelan, Democrat, of Weymouth was born in that town, Feb. 19',
5S66; public schools. Clothing business. A Q. H. ; K. of C ; R. A. On
committee on banks and banking in House of.M899 ; on banks and banking, 190C1
Vote of district ; Edward W. Hunt, Republican, 1514; C. C. Mellen, Re-
publican, 1225 ; John B. Whelan, Democrat, 1378.
District No. T- — Avon, Holbrook, Randolph — Ch'ARLES F. King, Demo-
crat, of Holbrook, was born in Randolph, Jan. 29, 1871 : educated in the public
.schools. Is a piano salesman. Member of Vera Cruz council of Knights of
Columbus of Randolph. On committee on public health in House of 1S99 ; on
public health in 190c.
Vote of district : Charles F. King, Democrat, 734 ; R. T. Pratt, Republican.,
District No. S.— Sharon, Stoughto?i, Walpole. — Silas A. <^tone. Republi-
can, of Sharon, was born in Norton, Feb. 3, 1 843 ; educated in the public schools.
Was in blacksmith and carriage business for about 25 years ; dealer in horses,,
carriages etc. at the present time ; also farmer. Constable in Norton i-n 1866;
selectman, -assessor and overseer of the poor in Norton in i88r-2; selectman,
(chairman) assessor and overseer of the poor in Sharon for tlie past 16 years, and
is at present. Member of the Republ.can town committee for several years and
chairman in {8989 (900. A Mason since 1866 member of St. James lodge of
Mansfield. Member of Ancient Order of United Workmen ; also of Massapoag
grange of Patrons of Husbandry. On committee on street railways in House
of 1S99; on s?me committee in 1900.
Vote of district : E. F. Leonard, Democrat, 312 ; Silas A. Stone, Republican,
District No. g.— Dover, Medfield, Millis, Needham, Wellesley. — Stillman
j. S/'i:ab, Repulilican, of Medfield. was born in Boston, April 25, 1839; educated
in the Quincy school, Boston. Wolfeboro (N. H.) Academy, and New Hampshire
Conference Seminary. Is a printer. Enlisted in Co. A, ist U. S. Infantry, and
.served as ist sergeant under Gen. Grant in his western campaigns, and then was
chief clerk at Gen. Sheridan's headquarters in New Orleans. Town clerk for 16
years, trustee of public library 16 years and chairman of board for six ; member of
school board three years, and now serving 2d term as town treasurer. On com-
mittee on harbors and public lands in the House of 1900.
Vote of district : Stillman J. Spear, Republican, 686 ; all others, 9.
District No. \o Bellingham, Foxboro, Franklin, Medway, Norfollc,
IJ'rcntham. — Lester L. Burrixgton, Republican, of Franklin, was born in
r.urke, Vt.. March. 24, 1838 ; educated in the public schools and in Tufts College
class of 1866. Principal of Goddard Seminary from 1869 to 1873; principal of
higli school department of iUinois State Normal University from 1874 to 1879 ;
principal of Dean Academy of Franklin from 1879 to '896. Member of Tufts
chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, of the investment committees of Dean co-operative
bank and of the Benjamin Franklin savings bank of Franklin. On the committee
on education in the House of 1899 ; House chairman of the same committee, and
on parishes and religious societies in 1900.
Warren E. Fair];axks, Republican, of Bellingham was born in that town
Caryville) Aug. 28, 1854: educated in the public schools and two years in the
institute of Technology, Boston. Has been an operative in a shoe factory, clerk,
partner in variety store, and is now-salesman and clerk in a wholesale dry goods
house at 107 A Kingston street, Boston. Member of Masons, Odd Fellows,
Royal Arcanum. For 10 years rrember and tight years chairman of overseers of
the poor, and at present second year as selectman. On committee on printing,
and clerk of committee on towns in the House of 1900.
Vote of district : Lester L. Burrington, Republican, 826 ; Warren E. Fair-
banks, Republican, 792 ; P. O'Neill, Democrat, 257; D. F. O'Sullivan, Demo-
crat, 242.
]')istrut N^0. I. — Kingston, Plymouth William S. Kyle, of Plymouth, Re-
pul)lican, was born in Quebec, (Jan., in 1851, and was educated in the public and
private schools. Engaged in the wholesale drug business in Portland, Me., as
clerk and partner for 21 years, and is now a manufacturer of insulated electric
wires at Plymouth of the firm of Bradford, Kyle & Co. Member of Ancient
Landmark lodge, of Mount Vernon chapter, and Portland (Me.) commandery of
Knights Templars President of the Commercial club ; treasurer of the First par-
ish (1620) and chairman of the Republican town committee; chairman of the
school board; On committee on mercantile affairs in House of 1898 ; House
chairman of committee on mercantile affairs in House of 1899 5 o'l libraries, and
House chairman of mercantile affairs in 1900.
Vote of district ; William S. Kyle, Republican, 532, W.J. O'Brien, Demo-
crat, 223.
District Av?. 2. — Duxbury^ Marshfield, A^orwell, Pembroke, Scituate
Albert M. Goulding, Republican, (North; DuKbury, born in Worcester, May
17, 1844; public schools, Leicester \cademy. Enlisted July 11, 1864, in Co. F,
42d regiment, served in Alexandria, Va ; member of William Wadsworth post
165 G. A. R. vice commander, and commander for the past three years, now serv-
ing fourth term. Has been clerk, market gardener and farmer. Clerk of com-
mittee on military affairs in House of 1899; House chairman of military affairs
in 1900.
Vote of district; Albert M. Goulding, Republican, 464; E. L. Hitchcock,
Democrat, 1 18
District No. 3 Co/iasset, Hingham, Hull. — Frederic M. Hersey, Re^
publican, of Hingham was born there Jan. 8, 1853 ; educated in its public schools.
5s a civil engineer with office in Boston. Member of the school committee since
(S82, chairman of the municiapal light board since 1894; trustee of the public
library and Loring hall ; director of the co operative bank ; member of Boston
Society Civil Engineers and of Wompatuck club. Past grand dictator of the
Knights of Honor of Massachusetts, being member of John A. Andrew lodge.
On the committee on inercantile affairs in the House of 1900.
Vote of district: J. M. Ennice, Democrat, 268 ; Frederic M. Hersey, Repub-
lican, 665 ; T. G. Leigh, Prohibition, 34.
District No 4. — Hanover, Hanson, Rockland. — Frederic O. MacCartnev,
Social Democrat, of Rockland was born in Prairie du Chien, Wis., Nov 2, 1864;
educated in Storm Lake (la ) High school, Iowa College of Grinnell, Iowa, class
of 1889. and Andover Theological Seminary class of 1893 Is a student and
clergyman. Member of committee on elections in the House of 1900.
Vote of district ; O. L. Bonney, Democrat, 80 ; E. T. Harvell, Republican,
^loi ; Frederic O. MacCartney, Democrat Social, N. P., 703.
District No 5 — Abington, Whitman. — Wn liam S. O'Brien, Republican,
of Abington was born there Aug. 16, 1856 ; educated in the public schools of that
town Has been a manufacturer of heels, inner soles, etc. for the last 22 years.
Director of the Abington national bank, and a trustee of the Abington savings
bank. Clerk of the committee on roads and bridges in the House of 1900.
Vote of district : N. D. Gillespie, Democrat Social N. P., 476 ; A. A. Has-
kell, Prohibition, 35 ; E. C. Nash, Dem^ crat. 274; William S. O'Brien, Repub-
lican, 599 ; J. O'Fihelly, Socialist Labor, 79.
District N^o. 6 — Carver^ Lakeville, Ufarion, Mattapoisett, Rochester, Ware-
Jiam. — Joseph L. Cole, Republican, of Mattapoisett was born in Acushnet,.
March 26, 1842 ; educated in the public schools and Rochester Academy. En-
listed in Aug. 1864, in the 23d Unattached company, and was detailed for special
service. Member of R. A. Pierce post No. 190 of G. A. R. New Bedford. Is in
the marble and granite business. Member of Pythagorean lodge of Masons^
having served five years as master, being now a past master. For 17 years 00
the board of selectmen, assessors and overseers of the poor of Mattapoisett, be-
ing chairman of the bo rd for seven years ; also for 12 years on the school com-
mittee. On the committee on roads and bridges in the House of 1900.
Vote of district; Joseph L. Cole, Republican, 376; S, C. C. Finney, Demo-
crat, 194,
District N'o. 7. — Halifax, Middleboro, Plympton. — William C. Litch-
field, Republican, of Middleboro was born in Norwell, March 31, 1840; educa-
ted in the common schools, Hanover Academy and under Prof. F. H. Hedge
D. D. in Harvard Divinity School 1878-9. Selectman, assessor, overseer of the
poor ; chairman of the Republican district committee and town committee in
native town. Enlisted in May, 1861, in Co. G, i8th regiment, and in Aug., 1864,
in Co. E, 1st Batt. Heavy Artillery ; mustered out June 28, 1865, at close of the
war. Charter member of D. Willard Robinson Post 1 12 G. A. R. commander
four years, chaplain two years, adjutant one year ; aids,-de-camp on department
staff one year ; assistanc inspector two years, mustering officer three years ; aide-
de-camp on staff of national commander 1899 1900 ; has delivered 22 Memorial
Day addresses and preached 19 Memorial Day sermons. Seleotman, assessor
and overseer of poor in Norwell, 1877-8. In mercantile business before that of
ministry. Serving second term on school board, and chairman in 189B-91900.
Member of Old Colon) lodge of Masons, Massasoit lodge of Odd Fellows, Al-
berta lodge of Daughters of Rebekah, Arbutus lodge of Knights of Pythias, and
Gardner lodge of A. O. U. W. In House of Representatives in 1879, on com-
mittee (clerk) on fisheries ; in 1899, clerk of towns, and parishes and religious
societies; in 1900, chairman of parishes and religious societies, and on public
charitable institutions.
Vote of district: A. Hazard, Democrat Social N. P , 116; William C. Litch-
field, Republican, 464 ; C. Robbins, Democrat, 82.
District No. 8 — Bridge-water, East Bridgeivaier, West Bridgewater. —
Curtis Eddy, Republican, of West Bridgwater was born in Plymouth, May 18,
1838; educated in the public schools. Enlisted in Co. C, 29th regiment, May
18, 1 861, served in Virginia; mustered out June 3, 1864. Is a carpenter. On
school committee for three years ; trustee of public library. Member of House
in 1877, on committee on State House. On committee on towns in House ot
1899 ; on towns in 1900.
Vote of district: J. K. Alexander, Democrat Social N. P., 81 ; Curtis Eddy,
Republican, 450; H. A. Keith, Democrat, 107.
District No. 9. — Wards -^y, \ of Brockton — Edward W. Keith, Republi-
can, of Brockton (Campello) was born in West Bridgewater, Oct. 23, 1859; edu<-
cated in its public schools and Pierce Academy of Middleboro. Shoe cutter by
trade. Served on Republican town committee, also as registrar of voters. Became
a Brocktonian by annexation of that part or West Bridgewater, in 1893, in which
he was born, himself presenting to the Legislature the petition for such annexa-
tion. Director in Camptllo Co-operative bank. MeHiber of common council in
B 898-9, on finance committee. On committee on liquor law in House of 1900.
Vote of district,- S L. Beal, Democrat Social N. P., 553 ; Edward H. Keith,
Republican, 622 ; A. G. Tinkham, Ind. Republican Citizens, 66; L. J. Wilber,
Democrat. 461 .
District lYo. 10 — 'li'ardt i, 2, 5 of Brockton — George H. Garfield, Re-
publican of Brockton was born in (West) Dennis, July 18, 1858 ; educated in the
'pul)lic schools. Has been engaged in the dry goods and gents' furnishings busi-
ness, but is now in the pro^'ision business. Member of Robert Lash lodge of
Masons of Chelsea. Member of the House in {892-3, from Brockton, serving on
the Committees on pay roll and rapid transit, and a member of the Republican
caucus committee of 1S93. Appointed on joint special committee on taxation to
sit during the recess in (893 to revise and consolidate the taxation laws and
recommend changes therein, reporting to the Legislature of 1894. Member of
the Repul:)Iicau state committee in 1897-89-1900. On the committee on water
supply in 1900. and chairman of the House committee on elections.
PORTUS B Hancock, Democrat, born in Coventry, Vt., Feb. 19, 1836; pub-
lic schools. A produce dealer, real estate and insurance. K. of P., Red Men, Odd
Feilows, (associate member) of Grand Arm}'. On committees on libraries, and
public service i ". the House of 1899 ; on fisheries and game in 1900.
Vote of district: C. S. Beals, Democrat Social N. P.. 492; George H. Gar-
field, Republican, 963 ; Portus B. Hancock, Democrat, 933 ; A. P. Hazard, Re-
publican, 799; C, Ross, Democrat Social N. P., 323 ; F, L. Smith, Democrat,
District No 1 1 — JVards 6, 7 of Brock toft. — A. Webster Butler, Repub-
lican of Brockton was born in Avon, Aug. 22, 1858 ; educated in the public
schools and French s commercial college class of 1878. Shoe cutter ; proprietor
of A. W .Butler c'arriage company. Common council 1893-4; alderman 1895.
Member of Paul Revere lodge of Masons, and of Damocles 1 >dge of Knights of
Pythias. Honorary mem.ber of Union Veterans' Union In House of 1806, on
committee on public service; on libraries and manufactures in House of 1900.
Vote of district; A. Webster Butle^, Republican, 653 ; J J. Houlihan, Dem-
ocrat, 498; E. R. Perrj, Democrat Social N. P., 393.
District A^o i — IVard i of Boston. — A. Dudley Bagley, RepnbFican of
(East) Boston was born in Birmingham, England, Feb 27, 1869, but has lived
in Boston for 30 years and was educated in its public and commercial schools.
1« a grocer. Member of the Republican city committee iu 1895-6. Member of
th« common council in 1807-89, serving on the comn ittees on fire department,
%vater department, schools, streets, claims, public buildings department and city
clerk department. Member of the House in 1900, serring on the committee on
metropolitan affairs.
Hugh L Stalker, Republican, born in Nova Scotia, Dec. 31, 1859; pub-
lic schools. Grocer. Masons; Odd Fellows. On committee on metropolitan
affairs in House of 1897 ; banks and banking, and railroads, 189S : constitutional
amendments, and railroads, 1899; clerk of federal relations, and on railroads iu
1 900.
Vote of district : A. Dudley Bagley, Republican, 1728 ; T. A. Niland, Dem-
ocrat, 748; P O'Connor, Democrat, 635 ; Hugh L. Stalker, Republican, 1581.
District lYo. 2. — Ward 2 of Boston. — James H. Donovan, Democrat, was
born in Crydon, England, Aug. 31, 1855. Boston public schools. Produce
dealer. Knights of St. Rose, Knights of Columbus. American Order of Fraternal
Helpers, Foresters, A. O. H., A. O. U. W. Common council in 18978. On
committees on engrossed bills and election laws in the House of 1899 ; on elec-
tion laws in 1900.
John J. Douglass, Democrat, was born in (East) Boston, Feb. 9, 1873 ;
educated in the public schools, Boston College, and Georgetown University Law
School class of 1896. Is a journalist and attorney at law. Member of Excelsior
council of Knights of Columbus, of A. O. H. and M. C. O. F. On committees
on bills in the 3d reading, and probate and insolvency in the House of 1899 ; on
harbors and public lands in the House of 1900.
Vote of district : J. J. Dennison, Repubiicany 394 ; James H. Donovan,
Democrat, 1406; John J. Douglass, Democrat Citizens N. P., 1679; J. F.
Hickey, Democrat, 1370; W.J. Powers, Democrat Social N. P., 106; B. M.
Schwartz, Republican, 274.
District No 3. — Ward}, of Bostott Jeremiah F. McCarthy, Democr t,
was born in Boston (Charlestown), July 7, 1856; educated in the Charlestown
public schools. Foreman and division superintendent in the paving department
of the city of Boston for 16 years, receiving a personal letter of regret from Supt.
Benj. W. Wells when he resigned his position in the service of the city. Clerk of
the committee on public health in the House of 1899 ; on public health and street
railways in the House of 1900,
Charles S. Sullivan, Democrat, of Bo ton, was born in Boston, June 26,
1875 ; educated in the Boston public schools, and Boston University Law
School class of 1896. Is a lawyer. On committee on education in the House
of 1900,
Vote of district: D. Jerauld, Republican, 369; Jeremiah F. McCarthy,
Democrat, 1485; C. H. Paine, Republican, 393; Charles S. Sullivan, Democrat,
District iVo. 4. Ward ^ of Boston. — Thomas H, Green, Democrat, of
Boston, born in Ireland, March 17, 1847; public schools. Grocer. Member of
House of 1899, on committee on manufactures ; same in 1900. '
William E. Mahoney, Democrat, of Boston was born there May 15, 1872 ;
public schools, Rhode Island School of Design. Machinist, caterer. Common
council in 1895-6 7. Member of House in 1898, on committee on constitutional
amendments ; clerk of drainage, and on liquor law in 1900.
Vote of district : G. A. Garland, Republican, 589; Thomas H. Green,
Democrat, 947; G. H. Hayden, Republican, 520; William E. Mahoney, Demo-
crat, 956.
District A-o. 5. — IVnrd ^ of Boston — Arthur Harrington, Democrat, of
Boston was born in that city July 15, 1875 ; graduated from Charlestown High
school, John Hopkinson's school. Harvard College class of 1897, Harvard Law
School class of 1 899, admitted to the bar in 1899. Is a lawyer. At Harvard
received honorable mention in political economy. Sub-master of Warren evening
school for three years, and now a teacher in the Boston Evening High school.
Clerk of committee on taxation in the House of 1900.
Martin P. Higgins, Democrat, of Boston was born in Bangor, Me. Oct,
16, 1857 ; educated in the public schools. Is a printing pressman. On commit-
tees on elections, and printing in the House of 1900.
Vote of district : E. A. Carter, Republican, 525 ; Arthur Harrington, Demo-
crat, 1223 ; Martin P. Higgins, Democrat, 1230; A. S. Holman, Republican 457.
District No. 6. — Ward (> of Boston Samuel H. Borofsky, Democrat, of
Boston was born in Suvalk (Lithuania), Poland Russia, April, 1865. Educated
in schools of Manchester, England. Real estate and conveyancer. Member
Boston common council 1898. Past chancellor of Liberty lodge of Knights of
Pythias; I. O. S. B. ; Capt. of 6th company infantry M. V. M.. Clerk of com-
mitte* on water supply in the House of 1900.
Michael J. Donovan, Democrat, of Boston, born in that city, Nov. i, 1864 ;
public schools. Clerk. Division 69 .A. O. H. ; F. O. E. ; common council 1897-
8. Committee on constitutional amendments in House of 1899; same position
in 1900.
Vote of district: C. K. Babb, Republican, 380; Samuel H. Borofsky, Dem-
ocrat, 1465: Michael J Donovan, Democrat, 1568; D.J. Kane, Democrat Cit-
kizens' Republican N. P., 11 84.
District A'o. 7 — Ward"] of Boston. — John L. Donovan, of Boston, Demo-
crat, was born in that city, June 3, 1876 ; graduate of the Quincy grammar school.
Member of common council in 1898-9. Member of Fraternal Order of Eagles,
of A. O H., Be-Game club, and Tilden Braves. On committee on printing, and
on special committee to investigate the work of the gypsy moth commission in
the House of 1900.
William T. A. Fitzgerald. Democrat, born in Boston, Dec. 19, 187 1 ;
English High school 1887. Boston University Law School, 1897. Lawyer.
Common council, 1897. Grand knight of St. James council of Knights of Col-
umbus. On committee on metropolitaH affairs, 1898, and special on dedication
of Massachusetts monument at Antietam ; on metropolitan affairs in 1899 ; same
in 1900.
Vote of district : W. A. H. Crowley, Democrat Ind. N. P., 574; Jehn L.
Donovan, Democrat, 827; D. O. Felt, Republican, 548; William T. A. Fitz-
gerald, Democrat, 750; R. Middleton, Republican, 277 ; J. Robertson, Republi-
can Ind. N. P., 73.
District No. % Ward % of Boston. — Francis J. Horgan, Democrat, of
Boston was born there July 2, i86q ; educated in the public schools, Boston Col-
lege and Boston University Law School class of 1895 with degree of LLB. Re-
porter on Boston Daily Globe until 1895, and lawyer since then. Past grand
knight of West End council, and past and present district deputy supreme knight
of district 1 5 Knights of Columbus, member of the national council of Knights of
Columbus; member of division 44 Ancient Order of Hibernians ; of the Irish
Charitable Society, of West End lodge No. 134 Ancient Order of United Work-
men, of George Washington Literary Society, the Bostonian Dramatic club, and
the Hendricks club.^ In Boston common council in 1896-7, serving on the com-
mittees on ordinances, tenement districts, claims, legislation and building depart-
ment. In the House of 1898, serving on the committee on probate and insol-
vency; on elections and railroads in 1900.
Joseph P. Lomasney, Democrat, of Boston was born there March 10, 1863;
educated in public schools. Is in the real estate business. Member of common
council in 1888. Member of the House in 1 890-1 serving on the committees on
printing and constitutional amendments in '90, and on constitutional amendments
and insurance in '91, and on the special committee to dedicate the "Battle of Ben-
nington" monument at Bennington, Vt. in the latter year. Elected at special
election to take place of Edward J. Donovan, resigned to accept election as city
clerk of Boston. Being elected so late in the session, declined comimittee ap-
pointments. In 1 891 was on the special committee te redistrict the state into con-
gressional districts.
Vote of district : (Regular election) Edward J. Donovan, Democrat, 1499;
W. F. Flanders, Republican, 6i6; Francis J. Horgan, Democrat, 1528; B.
Ramin, Democrat Social N, P,, 201 ; J. 1 arplin. Republican, 514.
District N'o. 9. — Ward g of Boston — John J. Gartland, Jr., Democrat, of
Boston, was born in that city, Nov. 27, 1871 ; educated in public schools, Eng-
lish High school class of 1888. Is a book-keeper. Member of common council,
1895. On committee on printing in House of 1898 ; clerk of committee on taxa-
tion in House of 1899 ; on same committee in 1900.
Richard J. Hayes, Democrat, of Boston was born in that city, Oct. 4, 1861'
educated in Rice grammar and English High schools. In life insurance business-
M. C. O. F., A O. H. Member of House in 1893-4, on committees on insurance
and cities; on mercantile affairs in the House of 1900.
Vote of district: John J. Gartland, Jr., Democrat, 1475 ; Richard J. Hayes,
Democrat, 1360 ; M. J, Konikow, Democrat Social N. P., 115 ; J. F. Morgan,
Republican, 644 ; J. Schriftgiesser, Republican, 563.
District A^o. 10 — Ward 10 of Boston. — Freeman O. Emerson, Republi-
can, was born in Gorham, N. H., Jan. 12, 1859; educated in the public schools
and Hebron Academy of Hebrom, Me. Now senior member of Emerson Broth-
ers, furnishing goods, 39 Boylston street, Boston. Past grand of America lodge
of Odd Fellows, past chancellor of Beacon lodge No. i Knights of Pythias ; past
commander of Ancient Independent Order of Knights of Malta. Member of
Lincoln Republican Club ; managing editor of P. M. Bulletin of Odd Fellows.
Conimon council in 1893-4-5. Member of House of Representatives in 1896,
serving on committee on street railways. Declined all committee appointments in
House of 1900.
William Colvard Parker, Republican, was born in Wakefield, April 12,
1858 ; educated in public and private schools, in Phillips Academy of Andover,
Chauncy Hall school of Boston, Boston University of Liberal Arts 1880 B. S.,
Massachusetts Agricultural College 1880 B. S., Boston University School of Law
1889, LL.B. Is alawjer, office 340 Tremont Building. Member of Pacific lodge
of Masons of Amherst, 1880, and of Joseph Warren lodge of Masons in Boston,
1898. Member of Boston common council in 18923, with these committees, —
auditing department, inspection of buildings, legislative matters, ordinances and
law, registry, Chinese, Fourth of July, elections, rules and orders, memorial to
Col.Shaw, annual dinner, Columbus day, overtime work. Member of Massachusetts
Republican, Columbia, Tolstoi, and Boston Art clubs ; L. A. W., and Muni-
cipal league. Introduced bill for hospital at Concord Reformatory, which be-
came law ; also introduced bill to abolish use of a "dark cell," which passed a
third reading and failed on engrossment only 81 to 83 on a yea and nay vote.
On committee on prisons in House of 1899 ; on labor and clerk of prisons in [900.
Vote of district : Freeman O. Emerson, Republican, 1720; William Col-
vard Parker, Republican, 1621 ; all others, i.
District No. II. — Ward \\ of Boston — Charles R. Saunders, Republi-
can, born in Cambridge, Nov. 22, 1862 ; educated in the public schools of Cam-
bridge, Harvard College, class of 1884, and its Law School, class of 1888. Is a
lawyer, with office at No. 40 Water street, Boston. Admitted to Massachusetts
bar, Suffolk county, Jan. 1888; assistant to solicitor of N. Y. & N. E. R. R.
June, 1888, to Jan. 1890. President of Harvard Union, the Univers ty debating
society, 1882-4. Member of Harvard Phi Beta Kappa, University and Middle-
sex clubs. Member of executive committee of Republican Club of Massa-
chusetts, 1 896-7-8-9-1 900. Member of Boston Republican city committee, 1896-
7-8-9-1900 and chairman of its committee on rules, 1897-9. Member of Boston
common council 1897, being on committees on ordinances and law department.
major's address, and registry department. In the House of 1898, on committees
on election laws, and constitutional amendments (clerk) ; in 1899, House chair-
man of election laws, and on rules ; in 1900, same positions.
George S Selfkidge, Republican, was born in Portland Me., Sept. 25,
1868 : educated at U. S. Naval Academy, Mass. Institute of Technology, Har-
vard Law School. Lawyer Lieut, of U. S. navy during Spanish war. In House
in 1898, on committee on constitutional amendments. Clerk of committee on
judiciary, and on bills in 3d reading in House of 1899 ; House chairman of taxa-
tion, and on judiciary in 1900.
Vote of district: R. S. Hale, Democrat, 681 ; Charles R. Saunders, Repub-
lican, 1768 ; George S. Selfridge, Republican, 1559.
District No. \z. — J Vard 12 0/ Boston. — James F. Bliss, Republican, of
Boston was born in that city April 7, 1847 : educated in the Quincy grammar and
English High schools. Is a grocer and ship chandler. President of the Ridg-
way Furnace Company and of the Boothbay Land Company. Member of Joseph
Warren Lodge of Masons, St Andrews Royal Arch Chapter, Boston Council of
Royal and Select Masters, Boston Commandery of Knights Templar, Boston ;
Lafajette Lodge of Perfection, Giles F. Yates Council of Princes of Jerusalem,
Mt Olivet chapter of Rose Croix, and Massachusetts Consistory 32d degree.
Member of Boston Chamber of Commerce, Boston Art club. Mercantile library
association, Massachusetts Charitable Mechanics association, Boston Marine so-
ciety. Exchange club, Bostonian society. Presidtut of Highland co-operative
Bank. Senior member of firm of James Bliss & Co., grocers and ship chand-
lers, founded in 1832 by James Bliss. On committees on election laws and gypsy
moth investigation in the House of 1900.
John H. Colby, Republican, of Boston was born in Randolph, Jan. 13,
1862; educated in the Boston public schools, Dartmouth College class of 1885
and Boston University Law School class of 1789, Is a lawyer. Member of com-
mon council in 1893-4-5 '■ ^.nd of board of aldermen in 1897-99. Delegate to
national Republican convention in 1900. On the committee on the judiciary in
the House of 1900, atd on the special on the investigation of the Metropolitan
water board.
Vote of district : James F. Bliss. Republican, 11 53; D. B. Chamberlain,
Republican Ind. N. P., 657 ; John H. Colby, Republican, 942; J. J. Curley,
Democrat, 764 ; H. J. Quinn, Democrat, 730 ; W. Wixted, Democrat Social
N. P., 52.
District No. 13. — Ward \-i, of Boston. — Michael J. Lydon, Democrat, of
Boston was born there Sept. 13, 1872; educated in the public schools. Is a to-
bacconist. Member of Pere Marquette council of Knights of Columbus, presi-
dent of division 57 of A. O. H. ; member of Wolf Tone club, of Shawmut row-
ing association and other local organizations. In common council in 1898-9.
On committee on labor in House of 1900.
Frederick C. Mahony, Democrat, was born in (South) Boston, June 18,
1875 ; educated in public schools. Enlisted, April 28, 1898, in Co. C, of the 9th
Massachusetts infantry and served at Santiago, Cuba ; promoted to be corporal ;
mustered out NoV. 26, 1898. Is a clerk. Member of Legion of the Spanish-
American War; also of Division 58 of A. O. H. Elected to House of 1899, at
a special election to till vacancy caused by the death of his brother, James T. Ma-
hony, Jr. representative-elect, who died before taking the oath of office, and was
on committee on drainage ; on elec'.ion laws in 1900.
Vote of district : H. E. Goulding, Republican, 207 ; Michael J. Lydon, Dem
ocrat, 1 791 ; Frederick C. Mahony, Democrat, 1748 ; E. P. Searles, Republican,
Disttict A^o. \\, — Ward \^ of Boston. — David J. Gleason, Democrat,
was born in Boston, July 14, 1864; public schools. Machinist In the House
in 1898, on committee on fisheries and game ; on water supply in 1900
Michael J. Sullivan, Democrat, born in Boston, Oct. 23, 1878 ; public
schools. Boston University Law School 1896. Lawyer. K. of C, (D. G. K.,
G. K.) Committee on metropolitan affairs in House of 1899; sime, 1900.
Vote of district : M. H. A. Evans, Republican, 884; David J. Gleason,
Democrat, 1731 ; R. E. Harrison, Republican, 941 ; Michael J. Sullivan, Demo
brat, 1 610.
Diitrict No. \^, — Ward \t^ of Boston. — Daniel V. McIsaac, Democrat,
born in Pembroke, Me., Nov. 6, 1871 ; public schools, Boston University 1898.
Lawyer. Committee on ways and means in House in 1899; same, 1900.
William S. McNary, Democrat, of Boston was born in North Abinjfton,
March 29, 1863 ; educated in the public schools, and Boston Esglish High
school. Was a journalist but now in the insurance business. Member of the
common council 18867. Was lieutenant of Co. B, 9th regiment M. V. M.
Member of the House in 1889-90, serving on the committees on military affairs
and railroads; in the Senate in 1891-2, on the committees on cities (chairman),
taxation, administrative boards and commissions, redistricting, printing, rules,
rapid transit, and revising the judicial system. Water commissioner of Boston
1893-4. Democratic nominee for the loth Congressional district in 1892 and '94.
Secretary of Democratic state committee in 1898 9-19:0. Alternate delegate-at-
large to the national Democratic convention in 1892, and delegate-at-large to the
national Democratic convention in 1900. On the committee on metropolitan
affairs in the House of 1900.
Vote of district : T. F. Bradford, Republican, 640; Daniel V. McIsaac,
Democrat, 1481 ; Williim S. NcNary, Democrat, 1410; T. F, Moran, Republi-
can, 571.
District No. 16. — Ward \(y of Boston. — Frederick W. Farwell, Repub-
lican, was born in Boston Nov. 29, 1854; educated in the public schools and
Eaton's Commercial School. Is a kindling wood manufacturer. Member of
Massachusetts lodge of Masons. On committee on harbors and puWic hnds in
the House of 1899 ; on harbors and public lands in 1900.
Arthur H, Russell, Republican, was born in Leominster, June 16, 1871 ;
educated in the public schools. Clerk. Common council of Boston 1897 8 ; vice-
president Republican city committee of Boston 1898-9- 1900 Member of Massa-
chusetts lodge of Masons, Everett lodge of A. O U. W. On committee on met-
ropolitan affairs in House of 1899 ; clerk of same in 1900.
Vote ef district : W. J. Donovan, Democrat, 1128 ; L. J. Earle, Democrat,
996; Frederick W. Farwell, Republican, 1305; Arthur P. Russell, Republican,
District No. 17. — Ward 17 of Boston. — John P. Lanergax, Democrat,
born in Boston (Roxbury), Dec, 30, 1874; public schools. Clerk. K. of C. ;
A. O. H. Committees on elections, and parishes and religious societies in House
of 1899; liquor law, parishes and religious societies, 1900
John J. Mansfield, Democrat, of Boston was born in that city, Oct. 10,
1869; educated in its public schools and Boston University Law School class of
j886. Is a lawyer. Member of Dudley council Knights of Columbus. On com-
mittee on probate and insoivenc} in the House of 1900.
Vote of district ■. C W. Blanchard, Republican, 716; C. J. Kidney, Repub-
lican, 1041 ; John P. Lanergan, Democrat, 1341 ; John J. Mansfield, Democrat,
District i\o. \?>.— Ward \2, of Boston.— Mich AK\. E. Gaddis, Democrat,
born in Boston, Feb. 21, 1869; public schools. Common council, 1895-6-7.
^t'ommittees on libraries, and public service, 1898; liquor law, 1899; drainage,
James A. Watson. Democrat, of Boston was born in Boston, 1870 ;
educated in its public schools. Is a stenographer. Member of the common
• cou' cil in 1898-9, serving on committees on builnings, claims, city clerk, fire
■dept. etc. On committee on drainage in House of 1900-
Vote of district : C. H. Bryant. Republican, 980 ; Michael E. Gaddis, Dem-
ocrat, 1299 ; E. F. Tracey, Republican, 644 ; James A. Watson, Democrat, 1245.
District No. \() —Ward \c) of Boston. — William L. Mooxey, Democrat,
born in Rsxbury, Boston, 1867 ; educated in public schools and orivate academy.
Business is that of tire insurance and real estate with offices at No. 2 A, Park St.,
Boston. Member K. of C. ; Royal Arcanum ; M. C. O. F. ; Catholic Union of
Boston; A. O H : and other orgranizations. In 1893 a member of the Boston
board of aldermen. Member of the House of Representatives during the years
1891-2-1900 serving on the committees on county estimates, education and manu-
JOH.N E. Thomson, Democrat, of Boston was born in Boston, Sept. 22,
1861; educated in the public schools, Sherwin grammar school, is a watch-
maker and jewe'ler. Member of Good Fellows, Division 64 of A. O. H., Fra-
ternal Order of Eagles and Tremont lodge of N. E. O. P. Clerk of committee
on printing, and on State House in House of 1900.
Vote of district: William L Mooney, Democrat, 2073; B. L. Randall, Re-
publican, 634; John E. Thomson, Democrat, 1918; N. J. Wallace, Republi-
can, 690.
District No. 10. — Ward zo of Boston.— Ykk^v. A. Foster, Republican,
was born in that part of Boston known as Dorchester, Feb. 15, 1859, being the
seventh generation direct from Timothy Foster, a resident of that old towr in
1663. Educated in Dorchester schools; after leaving school spent two years in
voyaging around the world, visiting especially China and the Philippine Islands.
March I, 1880, entered employ of the city of Boston ; served fifteen years in city
enii;ineer's department ; after resigning had charge ot surveys for Metropolitan
Park Commission, Middlesex Fells Parkway and Blue Hill Reservation Parkway,
bince 1894 has had an office at 34 School street where he has been engaged in
development of property, construction of streets, sewers, etc. Ex president of
Dorchester Central club, Pres'dentof Dorchester Centre Improvement association,
and member of the leading fraternal organizations. On the committee on cities
in the House of 1899 ; also in 1900.
James Howell, Republican, of Boston was born in Simsbury, Conn., D.^c.
19, 1845 ; educated in the public schools of New Hampshire. Enlisted Nov. 14.
1.S64, in the 17th Mass. Unattached Company, serving on the coast of Massa-
chusetts. Has been in the shoe business, and is railroad claim agent. On com-
mittee on manufactures in the House of 1900.
Vote of district : J.J. Byrne, Democratic Social N. P., 102; W. L. Caha-
lan. Democrat, 990; D. J. Daly, Democrat, 1020 ; Frank A. Foster, Republican,
1962; James Howell, Republican, 1985.
District N'o. 21 Ward 21 of Boston. — Melancthox W Burlen, Republi-
can, of Boston was born there Sept. 24, 1852 : educated in the public schools. In
the zinc, lead and insurance business. Common council in 1889 90-1-2 ; appoint-
ed secretary of the Boston election commissioners in 1895 and served three terms,
unlil the office was abolished on recommendation of Mayor Quiucy. Appointed
a member of the same board in igoo by Mayor Hart to serve until May, 1903,
filling an unexpired term of Linus E. Pearson, deceased. Clerk of the committee
on manufactures in the House of 1900, and on special on investigation of Met-
ropolitan water board.
Temple A Winsloe, Republican, of Boston was born in Rustico, P. E I.,
Oct. 14, i876\; educated in the public schools of Boston, and Comer's Commer-
cial College. Is in the wood and coal business. In the common council in 1899,
on committees on education, police department, election laws, and sealer of weights
and measures. On the committee on education, and clerk of the special on in-
vestigation of the work of the gypsy moth commission in the House of 1900.
Vote of district : J. Brosnahan, Democrat, 1003; Melancthon W Burlen,
Republican, 1435 ; M. P. F. Curley, Democrat, 1256; Temple A. Winsloe, Re-
publican, 1472.
District No. 22 Ward 22 of Boston. — John Bleiler, Republican, was
born in Bavaria, Germany, May 29, 1837 ; public schools ; removed to this coun-
try in 1850. Provision dealer. K. of H. ; Pilgrim Fathers; Schwaban Verein ;
Kossuth lodge No 24 D. of H. In militia 32 years. Committee on liquor law
1897; same, 1898; liquor law and printing, 1899; liquor law and mercantile
affairs, 1900.
Charles O. Engstrom, Republican, of Boston, was born in Gothenburg,
Sweden, May 19, 1875. Educated in the Boston public schools and Boston Uni-
versity Law School, graduating in the class of 1897, being class orator and receiv-
ing the degree LL.B. Was admitted to the practice of law in the supreme court of
Massachusetts in August, 1897, and was admitted to the United States bar in
September, 1898. Is a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon and other Greek letter
college fraternities. Clerk of the committee on the judiciary in the House of
1900. Author of the order for the gas investigation in the city of Boston, 1900.
Vote of district : John Bleiler, Republican, 1 572 ; Charles O. Engstrom, Re-
publican, 1607 ; W. F. Prindeville, Democrat, 1196; J. Young, Jr., Democrat,
District A' 0. 23. — Ward 21 of Boston — Thomas F. I. Curley, of Boston,
was born in Boston, June 22, 1864; and was educated in its public schools. I'*
engaged in the clothing business. On committee on insurance in the House of
John M. Minton, Democrat, born in Jamaica Plain, March 23, 1872 ; pub-
lic schools. Harvard, Harvard Law School. Lawyer. Committee on judiciary
in House of 1899; same, 7900.
Vote of district : R. S Barrows, Republican, 1346; A. Brauer, Republican,
•335 ; Thomas F. I. Curley, Democrat, J 493; John M. Minton, Democrat, 1732.
District No. 2/^. — Ward 2^ of Boston. — Fred C. Gilpatric, Republican,
was born in Biddeford, Me., Aug. 22, 1865 ; educated in the public schools and
Boston University Law School class of 1889. Is a lawyer, office at 23 Court
street. Member of Macedonia lodge of Masons, and of Dorchester lodge of Odd
Fellows. In House of 1899, clerk of committee on street railways ; same posi-
tion in 1900.
Harry B. Whall, Republican, was born in Boston (Dorchester), Sept. 5,
1868 ; educated in the public schools. President of United States Steel Company
and director of International Jupiter Steel Company. Member of Union lodge of
Masons, of Dorchester chapter, and of Boston commaudery of Knights Templar.
Member of the common council in 1897-8. On committees on insurance, and
public service in the House of 1899. Chairman of engrossed bills, and on insur-
ance in House of 1900.
Vote of district : M. J. Barry, Democrat, 1053: M. J. Fish, Democrat, 990 ;
Fred C. Gilpatiic, Republican, 1672; Harry Whall, Republican, 1638.
District No. 25. — Ward zz, of Boston. — Austin Bigelow, Republican, of
Boston was born in Conway, Mass. Sept. 8, 1840; educated in its public schools
and Conway Academy. Engaged in wholesale beef business Past master of
Bethesda lodge of Masons, past high priest of Cambridge chapter, was a charter
member of Cambridge commandery of Knights Templar, and is a member of
Aleppo temple of Mystic Shrine ; past commander of Francis Washburn post
No 92 G. A R. Mustered into service May 23, 1861, in Co. G, of ist Massachu-
setts, served three years in the Army of the Potomac, and was mustered out May
26.1864; taken prisoner at the battle of Blackburn's Ford, July 18, 1861, and
spent 1 1 months in the Rebel prisons of Libby in Richmond, Va., in Tuscaloosa,
Ala., and Salisbury, N. C, when ht was exchanged. Was in the battles of Fred-
ericksburg, Chancellorsville, Mine Run, Gettysburg, Wilderness, and Spottsylva-
nia. Member of common council in 1880-1 2 and (898. being senior member '98.
For two years on board of Directors of Public Institutions, 188 1-2. On commit-
tee on street railways in ti.e House of 1900.
William D. Wheeler, Republican, was born in Boston (Charlestown),
May 7, 1868; educated in Cambridge public and private schools, and in Mass.
College of Pharmacy. Js an apothecary. M. W. of AUston lodge of A. O. U.
W. Member of common council in 1897-8. President of Massachusetts Phar-
maceutical association, member of American Pharmaceutical association, secre-
tary and trustee of Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, and member of Brighton
Independent club. On committee on public health in the House of 1899 ; clerk
of public health in 1900.
Vote of district : Austin Bigelow, Republican, 1551; F. H. Ricker, Demo-
crat, 1095; William D. Wheeler, Republican, 1333,
District A^o. 26. — Wards i, 2 of Chelsea. — Wallace Spooner, Republi-
can, was born in Boston, Nov. 28, 1856; educated in the public schools^ Is a
master printer. Member of Massachusetts lodge of Masons, past grand of Mv.s-
tic lodge of Odd Fellows, member of Chelsea council of Royal Arcanum. 6b
committee on cities in House of 1899 ; on the same committee in 1900.
Vote of district : D. M. O'Connell, Democrat, 738 ; Wallace Spooner, Re-
publican, 836; J. H. Whipple. Democrat Social N. P., 50.
District No. 27 — Wards 3, 4 of Chelsea. — Edward E. Willard, Repub
lican of Chelsea, born in Lancaster, Sept. 25, 1862 ; Worcester Academy and
Hinman's business college, Worcester. N. E. agent for M. H. Birge & Sons of
Buffalo, N. Y , wall paper and manufactures. Masons, K. of P., Veteran Fire-
man's Association. Common council of Chelsea, i8go ; aldermen, (892 3 4. Clerk
of committee on harbors and public lands in House of [895 ; committees on har-
bors and public lands, and printing, 1896; mercantile affairs, 1898 ; drainage and
mercantile affairs, 1809 ; House chairman of drainage, and on mercantile affairs-
in 1900
Vote of district : H. Hyams, Socialist Labor, 84 ; Edward E. Willard, Re
publican, 877 ; F. Zecha, Jr , Democrat Social N. P., 191.
District No, 28 — Ward 5 of Chelsea., Revere, Winthrop. — Willard How-
land, Republican, of Chelsea, was born in Pembroke, Dec. 3, 1852 ; educated
in the public schools. Member of all York right Masonic bodies, Robert Lash
lodge, Shekinah chapter, Naphthali council, Palestine commandery. Member of
the House in 1889 90, serving on the committees on judiciary, and street railways
(chairman); on committees on judiciary and rules in the House of 1899; House
chairman of judiciary, and on rules in 1900.
Vote of district ; Willard Rowland, Republican, 1600; P. Mitchell, Socialist
Labor, 231,
District No. i. — Athol, Phillipston, Royalstoti. — Charles A. Carruth, al-
ways a Republican but elected as a -'Citizens Independent," of Athol, was born in
Petersham, Dec. 13, i8s3; educated in the public schools and Highland Acade-
my of Worcester. Is a merchant. Clerk of the committee on counties, in the
House of 1900, and on special committee on investigation of the work of the
gypsy moth commission.
Vote of district : O. T. Brooks, Republican, 589 ; Charles A. Carruth, Citi-
izens Independent, 650
District No. 2 — Ashhirnham, Gardner, Tetnpleton, Winchendon. — J. Mv-
Kox Moore, Republican, of Gardner was born in that town Nov. 3, 1866 ; edu-
ted in its public schools, graduating from High school in 1884. Is a 'anker, hav-
ing been advanced from a clerkship in the First National to the position of man-
ager of the West Gardner Hanking Company. Member of Hope lodge of Ma-
sons ; tovyn auditor in 1894 5-6-7-8-9 1900. On committee on banks and banking
in the House of 1900, and clerk of special on Metropolitan water board investiga-
Orange Whitney, Republican, of Winchendon was born in Westminster,
M'Tch 16, 1849; educated in public schools and Weslej^n Academy of Wilbra-
ham. Is a chair manufacturer. Member of Manomonack lodge of Odd Fellows.
On the committee on taxation in House of 1900.
\'ote of district : J.W.Addison, Hrohibition, 52 ; G. N. Dyer, Democrat,
917; I. W. Hutchins. Democrat, 636; H. Lawrence, Prohibition, 47; J. Myron
Moore, Republican, 1 1 79 ; Orange Whitney, Republican, 1073.
District No. 3. — Barre, Dana, Hardwick. Hubbardston, Petersham. West-
minster.— Timothy Paige, Republican, of Hardwick was born in that town, July
14, 1 851; educated in its public schools. Is a farmer. Assessor since 1890;
town clerk since 1892. On committee on labor in the House of 1900.
Vote of district : G. Nichols, Democrat, 177; Timothy Paige, Republican,
District No. 4. — Ho/den, New Braintree., North Bmokjield, Oakha?n, Prince-
ton. Rtitland. — George R. Hamant, Republican, of North Brookfield was born
in Brookfield, Marcli 1 1, 1843 \ educated in public schools. Is a pharmacist, but
has retired from business. Town treasurer 25 years, and town clerk for the last
12 years. Trustee of the public library and treasurer of that board. President
of North Brookfield savings bank ; director and clerk of North Brookfield Rail
road Company. Chairman of Republican town committee. On committee on
public charitable institutions in the House of 1900.
Vote of district : George R. Hamant, Republican, 754 ; all others, 3.
District No. 5. — Brookfield, Sturbridge. Warreti, IJ'est Brookfield — Char-
les O'M. Edson, Republic-in, of West Brookfield was born in Chester, Vt.,
Oct. 23, 1857 ; educated in the public schools and Chester Academy. Is a mer-
chant. Town ckrk ; selectman in 1889-90 i ; trustee of public library. On com-
mittee on election laws, also on special committee on investigation of the gypsy
motli commission in the House of 1900.
Note of district ; D H. Chamberlain, Democrat, 537; Charles O'M. Ed-
son, Republican, 563.
District N^o. 6. — Leicester, Paxton, Speiicer. — Charles H. Allen, Repub-
lican, of Spencer was born in that town June 17, 1841 ; educated in its public
schools. Enlisted Aug. 20, 1862, in Co. F, 42d regiment, mustered out Aug. 20,
«863 ; member of F. A. Stearns post No. 37 G. A. R. Selectman five years,
Has'been in the boot and shoe business, but is now in the fire insurance business.
Member of Spencer lodge of Masons, and has held all its offices. On committees
on libraries and taxation in the House of 1900.
Vote of district: Charles H. Allen, Republican, 857; E. D Marchesseault,
Democrat, 823.
District No 7 — Charlton, Dudley^ Oxford, Sojithbridge, Webster. — WiL-
jMAM Herron, Republican, of Southbridge was born in Leicester, Aug. 8, 1864;
educated in the public schools and Leicester Academy class of 1881. Member of
state militia. 6th regiment, ist lieutenant 1888-90. Foreman of American Optical
Company, in the gold rimless spectac'e and eye-glass department. Member of
Amor lodge of Knights of Pythias, chancellor commander and representative to
tite grand lodge. Member of Ouiunebaug lodge of Masons. Member of Repub-
lican town committee 1 895-1 900, chairman in 18989, clerk of board of auditors
ill 1896; on board of registrars 1897 1900. Clerk of the committee on military
affairs, and on the committee on towns in the House of 1900.
Joseph P. Lov^e, Democrat, of Webster, was born in Kildare, Ireland, Aug.
26, 1852 ; educated in public schools. Marble and granite dealer, and in real
estate business. Assessor of Dudley i88[, and in Webster in 18845. Deputy
sheriff of Worcester county from E890 to 1893. District deputy grand chief
ranger of Foresters of America; grand knight of Knights of Columbus. On
committee on public charitable institutions in House of 1899 ; on same in House
■of 1900.
Vote of district : S. R, Barton, Democrat, 99? ; William F. Herron, Repub-
Hcan, 1438-, Joseph P. Love, Democrat, 1503 . A, F. Putnam, Republican, 1286,
District No. 8 — Auburn. Douglas, Millbury, Sutton — Samuel E. Hull,
Republican, of Millbury was born in that town Aug. 12, 1843 ! educated in its
public schools. Enlisted in May, 1864, in Co. F, Massachusetts Heavy Artillery,
served at Fort Warren, mustered out in Aug., 1864; member of George A. Cus-
ter post No. 70 G. A. R. Has been a farmer, wood worker, held an office in the
state prison, and is now a cotton and wool dealer. Selectman seven years, chair-
man of the board four years. Master of Olive Branch lodge of Masons, high priest
of Tyrian royal arch chapter of Millbury, Hiram council of Worcester, Worces-
ter county commandery of Knights Templar and of Massachusetts consistory
14th degree lodge of perfection. President of Millbury national bank, trustee of
Millbury savings bank, director of Millbur) water company. On committee on
banks and banking in the House of 1900.
Vote of district : Samuel E. Hull, Republican, 591 ; A. S. Wolfe, Demo-
crat, 372.
District No. 9. — Blackstone, Grafton, N'orthbridge, Shrewsbury, Uxbridge. —
Sa.muel Verry Crane, Republican, of Blackstone was born in Worcester, Oct.
4, 185s ; educated in the public schools and Bryant «& Stratton's business college
of Boston. Has been a farmer, also engaged in the ice, wood and lumber busi-
ness Master of Blackstone grange of Patrons of Husbandry for 1887 ; member
of Ames lodge of Ancient Order of United Workmen. On committee on agricul-
ture in the House of 1900.
Walter C. Knowlton, Republican, of Shrewsbury was born there, July 12,
!S6o ; educated in public and private schools. Is a farmer, and also in the wood
and lumber business. An honorary member of E. A. Andrews post G. A. R.
Member of Evening Star lodge of Odd Fellows of North Grafton, also of Shrews-
bury grange of Patrons of Husbandry. Selectman for three years and an asses-
sor five years. On the committees on elections and towns in the House of 1900.
Vote of district : Samuel Verry Crane, Republican, 1243 ; W. Hickey, Uem-
ocrat, 769 ; Walter C. Knowlton, Republican, 11 15; G. E. Taylor, Dem crat,
District No 10 — Hopedale, Mendon, Milford, Upton, Westboro. — Henry
L. Chase, Republican, of Westboro, was born in Lynn, Feb. 6, 1853 ; educated
in the public schools. Has been in the meat and grocery, real estate and insur-
ance business. Town clerk 1890-7 ; selectman 1898, assessor, 1884-5 ; deputy
sheriff two terms 1886 ; probation officer 18925; chief of the fire department
1886 to 1897 ; president of the board of trade. Member of Siloam lodge of Ma-
sons. On committee on public health in House of 1S99; on pay roll (chairman)^
aud on public health in 1900.
Clifford A. Cook, Republican, of Milford was born in that town, Sept. 3^
i86d; educated in public and private schools, in Boston University Law School
class of 1895. Is a lawyer. Town treasurer from 1889 to the present. Trustee
of Milford savings bank. Member cf Montgomery lodge of M sons, of Mt Le-
banon royal arch chapter, of Milford conimandery of Knights Templar ; past mas-
ter of Montgomery lodge and P, D. D. G. M. of 20th Masonic district of Massa-
chusetts. Clerk of committee on banks and banking, and on labor in the House
of 1899; clerk of banks and banking, and House chairman of labor in 1900.
Vote of district: Henry L. Chase, Republican, 1302; Clifford A Cook, Ke-
publican, 1340; G. H. Stoddard, Democrat, 854; W. J. Welch, Democrat, 810.
District No. 11. — Berlin, Boylston, Clinton, Northboro, Southboro, Sterlina;,
[Vest Boylston. — Frederick H. Bates, Republican, of Sterling, was born in Clin-
ton, Sept. 15, 1857 ; public schools Station agent, post-master, dealer in grain
and coal. Republican town committee ; Masons. In House of 1894, clerk of
committee on street railways ; on committees on manufactures and public service
in 1900.
David I. Walsh, Democrat, of Clinton was born in Leominster, Nov. 11,
1872 ; educated in the public schools of Clinton and Holy Cross College class of
1893, and Boston University Law School class of 1897. Is a lawyer with offices
in Fitchburg and Clii ton, being senior member of the law firm of Walsh &
Walsh. Is chairman of Democratic town committee, president of the Clinton
High School Alumni- Association and until the time of election to the Legislature
was a member of the board of registrars of Clinton.
Vote of district : Frederick H. Bates, Republican, 1147 ; T. S Davis, Re-
publican, iioi ; C. H. Gentsch, Democratic Citizens N. P., 322; M. B. Hey
wood Democrat, 808 ; R. Lawrance, Democrat Social N. P., 191 ; S. I. Wallace.
Republican Ind. N. P., looi ; David I. Walsh, Democrat, 1450.
District No. \z. — Ward d of Fitchburg. — Isaac C. Wright, Republican,
of Fitchburg was born in Ashby, Dec 21, 1824 ; educated in the public schools.
Was in the wholesale and retail hardware business. Appointed on the committee
on public charitable institutions, where he served efficiently and acceptably until
his death, April 10. He was succeeded by S. G. Cushing, Republican, born Sept.
7, 1844; in Ashby; public schools. Co. H. 4th H. A. ; G. A. R. Machinist,
wood turner.
Vote of district : J. C. Smith, Democrat Social N. P., 246 ; Isaac C. Wright,
Republican, 542.
District No. x^.— Wards i, 2, 3, 4, 5 of Fitc/tbnrg.—CHAK-LY.^. H. Blood,
Republican, of Fitchburg was born in that city, Dec. 10, 1858 ; educated in the
public schools, and Harvard College class of 1879. Is a lawyer. Member of
Fitchburg lodge of Royal Arcanum, regent in 1878. On committee on railroads
in House of 1899 ; on bills in 3d reading, and clerk of railroads in 1900.
Jamks Pearce, Republican, of Fitchburg was born in TrQw Bridge, England,
May 7, 1843, coming to this country in 1848. Lived in Rhode Island until 1872,
receiving his education m its public schools. Removed to Fitchburg in 1872,
and since then has been superintendent of the Beoli woolen mills there. Member
of common council and is at present a member of the school committee, as he
has been for the last 12 years. Member of Charles W. Moore lodge of Masons^
.and of Jerusalem commandery cf Knights Templar; of Apollo lodge of Odd Fel-
Fellows, of King David encampment and of Canto« Hebron. On committee on
manufactures in the House of 1900
Vote of district : F. P. Allen, Democrat, 490; Charles H. Blood, Repub-
lican, I2i6; H. M. Kendall, Democrat, 500; James Pearce, Republican, 1114
J. H. Sullivan, Democrat N. P., 256.
District No. x/i^.— Leominster. — Alexander S. Paton, of Leominster, Re-
publican, was born iu Dunbarton, Scotland, Nov. 20, 1854; educated in the
public schools. Is a manufacturer of horn goods. Selectman 1891-2-3, chairman
3893. Moderator frequently of town meetings. Member of Wilder lodge of
Masons, and Jerusalem commandery of Knights Templar; has passed all the
chairs in Leominster lodge of Odd Fellows, and Wachuset tribe of Red Men ;
also member Columbia lodge of Knights of Pyth-as, and of Prosperity lodge of
Daughters of Rebekah ; member of B. A. A. Member of Republican club of
Massachusetts, and of Home Market club, and is official correspondent of Ameri-
can Protective Tariff League ; also president of Worcester & Clinton street rail-
way, and a director of Greenfield & Turners Falls, Gardner, and Leominster &
Clinton street railway companies; director of Safety Fund national bank of Fitch-
burg. On committees on ways and means in House of 1898 ; House chairman
of committee on banks and banking, and on ways and means in House of 1899;
on banks and banking (House chairman), and prisons in 1900.
Vote of district : H.Cook, Republican ind. N P., 592 ; P. H. Killelea,
Democrat, 183; Alexander S. Paton, Republican, 718.
District No \i. — Ward \ of Worcester. — J. Lewis Ellsworth, Republi-
can, of Worcester, was born in Barre, Nov. 8, 1848; educated in the public
school.s and Worcester Academy. In market gardening and real estate business.
Member of common council 1880 4 inclusive, and of aldermen in 1885-91 ; member
of Hancock club. President of Worcester agricultural society 1888 93, now mem-
ber of state board of agriculture ; member of overseers of poor of Worcester ;
trustee of city hospital, 1885-91 ■ ^" House of 1899, on committee on agriculture;
clerk of same committee in 1900.
Vote cf district: J. Lewis Ellsworth, Republican, 753; C. H. Writer, Demo-
crat, 205.
District No. 16. — Ward 2 of Worcester. — John P. Muxroe, Republican,
of Worcester, born in Concord, N. H., June 28, 1850; public schools. Night
editor and city editor on Worcester Spy, 1872 98 ; life insurance agent. Masons,
Knights Templar, Massachusetts consistory. Odd Fellows. On committee on
street railways in House of 1899 5 O"^ railroads in 1900.
Vote of district : E. S. Goodwill, Socialist Labor, 206; John P. Munroe,
Republican, 845.
Di.\-trict No i-j.—Ward i of Worcester. — William I. McLoughlin, Dem-
ocrat, born in Worcester, Jan. 16, 1872; public schools, Holy Cross College
1893, Georgetown University Law School 1895. Lawyer. A. O. H. ; Foresters
of America. On committees on constitutional amendments, and probate and in-
solvency in House of 1898, on constitutional amendments (clerk), and probate
and insolvency in 1899 ; on same, 1900.
Vote of district : E. Desmarteau, Republican, 334 ; D. Doyle, Socialist La-
bor. 42; William I. McLoughJin, Democrat, 669; P. F. Sullivan, Democrat Ind,
N. P., 531-
District No. 18. — Ward \ of Worcester. — Ja.aies Henry Mellen, Demo-
crat, editor, of Worcester, born in that city, Nov. 7, 1845. public schools. In
the House in 1877-8-9, '81, '83, '86, and 1888-9 '91 2 ^"4'5 ^9, serving on commit-
tees on labor, prisons, public charitable institutions, revision of the statutes, con-
vict labor, rules, expediting legislative business, and mercantile aft'airs, railroads,
rules, taxation, ways and means. Has been State master workman of District
Assembly 30, K. L. Introduced mauy important labor measures that subse
quently became law. Served on Tewksbury investigation committee in 1883.
He is a tax reform man, and for ten years was editor of the Worcester Daily
Times, Democratic labor-paper. Monitor several years. On committees on
rules, and wa^s and means in House of iqoo.
Vote of district . G. A. Greil, Republican, 369 ; James H. Mellen, Democrat,
District No. 19. — Ward 5 of Worcester — John G. Hagberg, Republican,
of Worcester, born in Sweden, Aug. 24, 1873; public schools. Retail clothing
and custom tailoring business. Enlisted in Co. A, 2d Mass. Vol. regiment. May
3, 1898, served in Cuba -, mustered out Nov. 3, i8c;8. Joined Co. A, 2d regiment,
in June 14, 1894, and is now a sergeant in same company. On committee on
military affairs in House of 1899; on military affairs, and taxation in 1900.
Vote of district ; John G. Hagberg, Republican, 1046; J. F. Ryan, Demo-
crat, 1029; J T. Youngjohns, Socialist Labor, 53.
District No. 20. — Ward (y of Worcester. — J.ames Hunt, Republican, was
born in England, Jan. 27. 1833 ; educated in private schools. Removed to the
United States in 1850. Dealer in boots and shoes until 1888, and was then
appointed constable for civil business. On Feb. i, 1891;, was appointed deputy
sheriff, which office he now holds. Member of Montacute lodge of Masons, of
Regulus lodge No. 71 of Knights of Pythias, both of Worcester. Member of
the common council for [897-89, on committees on public buildings, education,
legislative matters and bills in 3d reading ; member of Worcester board of trade.
i>n committees on cities, and parishes and religious societies in House of 1899 ;
on cities in 1900. Elected in Jan. 1900, by the city council, overseer of the poor
for three years.
Vote of district: J. T. Hargraves, Socialist Labor, 89; James Hunt, Repub-
lican, 812; J. S. Kavanaugh, Democrat, 256.
District No. 21. — Ward 7 of Worcester. — David Manning. Republican, of
Worcester was born in Paxton, Aug. 29, 1846; educated in Worcester public
schools, Yaie College class of 1869, and Harvard Law School. Is a lawyer. For
three vears member of the Republican state central committee. Member of the
House in 1888, serving as House chairman of the committee on liquor law.
On the judiciary committee in the House of 1900.
Vote of district : J. F. Harrigan, Democrat, 181 ; W. J. Hoar, Socialist La-
bor, 54; David Manning, Republican, 821.
District No. 22. — Ward Z of Worcester. — Charles T. Taxman, Republi-
can, was born in that city, Dec. 16, 1871 ; educated in its public schools, in Wor-
cester Polytechnic Institute for two years, and graduated from Harvard Law
School in the class of 1894. Was admitted to the bar in the same year and is
now a practicing lawyer in Worcester. Chairman of the Republican city com-
mittee in 1898. Member of Montacute lodge of Masons, of Worcester county
commandery, and a 32d degree Mason; member of University club. Common-
wealth club, Middlesex club, Home Market club. On committees on insurance.
and probate and insolvency in the House of 1899; clerk of insurance in 1900,
and on special on investigation of the Metropolitan water board.
Vote of district : T.J. Hurley, Democrat, 113; Charles T. Tainan, Re-
publican, 943.
Daniel Wingate V/aldron. the chaplain of the House, was born in
Augusta, Me., Nov. ii, 1840. Graduated from Bowdoin Colletje in 1861 and
from Andover Theologcal Seminary in 1869. Ordained and installed pastor of
the Congregational church, East Weymouth, Mass., April 3, 1867; dismissed
May 14, 1 87 1, to become pastor of the Maverick church, East Boston, which
position he held until Dec i. 1872 Since Feb. 1873, connected with the City
Missionary Society, Boston, being now its secretary and superintendent. Elected
chaplain of the House in 1879, and reelected each year since. Preached the
"Election Sermon," Jan. 7, 1880.
James W. Kimbalt, clerk. Republican, was born in Lynn, Dec. 17, 1&58.
He received his education in the public schools ; and on leaving school he entered
the printing business, which trade he has since followed. In 1882 he was
appointed a page of the House of Representatives, afterwards appointed a mes-
senger of the same branch, and in 1888, when a vacancy occurred in the assistant
clerkship of the House, he was appointed to fill that position. Nominated for
clerk by House Republicans in caucus and elected by full House of 1S97 8 9-1900.
Frank E. Bridgman, assistant clerk, was born in Springfield, March 28,
1869. Now resides at Hyde Park. Graduated from High school of Toledo, O.,
being salutatorian of class of 1887. Entered business life Aug. 8, 1887, with
Mechanics' Iron Foundry Co. of Roxbury, in whose employ he remained until
appointed clerical assistant to the clerk of the Senate, Jan. i, 1894. After serving
in the last named position during three sessions of the Legislature, he was ap-
pointed assistant clerk of the House, Jan. 6, 1897.
Carl Raymond was born in Westminster, Sept. 19, 1876-, educated in its
public schools, graduating from the High school in 1892. Attended school in
Boston one year. Appointed page of the House in Jan. 1894, and transferred to
present position of first clerical assistant in Jan , 1897. In June, 1898, enlisted
in Co. E, ist U. S. V. Engineers and took part in the Porto Rican cam.paign ;
mus ered out of the service, Jan. 21, 1899, by reason of the close of the war.
' Clarence J Smith was born in Boston, Sept. 3, 1875; graduated from the
Boston public schools, and from the English High School in 1893. Took a post-
graduate course. Appointed page to the Speaker of the House, Hon. George v.
L. Meyer in 1895 ; reappointed by Hon. John L. Bates in 1897 ; appointed sec-
ond clerical assistant to the clerk of the House of Representatives, Mr. J. W.
Kimball, in 5899.
Capt. John G. B. Adams, sergeant-at-arms, born in Groveland, Oct. 6, 1841.
April 19, 1 86 1 enlisted in Major Ben Perley Poore's Rifle Battalion, later part of
Nineteenth regiment. Left with regiment Aug. 28, 1861, sixth corporal of Co. A;
first sergeant, .March i, 1862; soon captain, which rank he held until close of
war Was in every battle of Army of the Potomac in which his regiment took
part ; twice saved regimental colors at Fredericksburg ; twice severely wounded
at Gettysburg ; rejoined his regiment so as to be with it from the Wilderness to
Petersburg, being captured at latter June 22, 1864; nine months in Libby,
Macon, Charleston, Columbia, and Raleigh, being one of 600 kept imder fire a?
Charleston ; escaped twice ; recaptured each time. Since the war, foreman in ai
Lynn shoe factory, inspector in Boston Custom House for 15 months, postmaster
at Lynn eight years, deputy warden of Concord reformatory one year, resigning ;.
sergeant-at-arms, January i886j and tver since. Past commander-in-chief of
G. A. R. ; first recruit of post 5, G. A. R. of Lynn •,. its commander three times ;
department commander of tate one year ; 20 times delegate to National encamp-
ment ; past senior vice commander of Loyal Legion ; many years president of
Association of Survivors of Rebel Prisons. President of board of trustees of
Soldiers' Home at Chelsea, for 18 yeairs. Messenger to carry the electoral vote of
state to Washington in 1868.
Major Charles G. Davis, first clerk, born in New York city, Nov. 29,
1839 ; public schools. Enhsted Sept, 4, 1861, C&. C, cavalry } istsergt , 2dlieut.,
1st lieut., captain, major. Wounded at Kelly's Ford, Va. ; wounded arid captured
at Aldie, Va. Prisoner at Libby Prison, Danville, Macon, Charleston, Columbia,
escaping from latter Nov. 4, 1864; mustered out as major. Has been secretary,
vice-president and president of several organizations of veterans ; Loyal Legion ;
post 15, G. a. R., its commander in 1871 ; adjutant of Ancient and Honorable
Artillery in 1875, ^^'^ 'st lieut. in 1S87 ; President of Nat. Assn. of ex-Prisoners
of War.
Charles A. Legg, chief engineer, born in Dover, N. H., Nov. ei, 1848 ;
educated in public schools of Lowell. Apprenticeship in Lowell machine shops,
finished trade at McKay & Alden'^s locomotive works, East Boston ; some years
for Merrimack manufacturing company of Lowell ; for various railroads in me-
chanical departnrents, and for 14 years had charge of mechanical department of
Harvard University before taking his present place, at opening of State House
Extension. Member of National association of stationary engineers. Member
of Montacute lodge of Masons of Worcester,
Daniel W. Taft, of Palmer, \Tatchman, was born in Pittsford, Vt., Feb. 7,
1845 ; educated in the public schools. Has been farmer and mill operative.
Enlisted in ist Vt. cavalry, Oct. 2, 1861, discharged June 15, 1862; re-enlisted
July 14, 1863, in 95th N. Y. infantry, discharged July 18, 1865. Lost right fore-
arm at Gravelly Run, Va , March 31, 1865, Prisoner at Libby and Belle Isle.
Commander post 107 G. A. R. Been justice of the peace. Appointed House
messenger, 18S6 ; watchman, April i, 1887.
Robert J. Taylor, in charge of elevator on west side next Mount Vernon
street entrance, born in Virginia in 1852; educated in the Hampton school.
Came to Boston in 1872, and followed hotel business until 1886, when he was
appointed to position of legislative elevator man in old State House. Prominent
member of G. U. O. and O. F., past officer of Sumner lodge, past grand master
of council of same order and past officer of military order. Represented his lodge
in T5. M. C. held in Washington in 1892, and is a trustee of the Odd Fellows
Building Association.
David T. Remington, of Northampton, Senate door-keeper, was born in
Plainfield, June 5, 1846; educated in common schools. Enlisted Oct. 9, 1861,
in Co. B, 31st Mass , discharged Oct. 23, 1865, with rank of corporal. Severely
wounded at Sabine Cross Roads, La., April 8, 1864 ; wounded again at Blakely-
near Mobile, April 8, 1865. Held all offices of Jerusalem lodge of Masons, of
Northampton: deputy of the 13th Masonic district, 1891-4; W. L. Baker post
G. A. R., and all its offices but commander. Appointed messenger, 1890 ; door-
keeper, 1S92.
James E. Armstrong, of Chelsea, born in Perry, Me., in i83[. Served in
Co. B. 1st Mass, and as captain of ist, N. C. Colored Volunceers in War of
Rebellion ; wounded three times. Appointed Senate messenger in 1875.
Benjamin H. Jellison of Haverhill, born in Byfield, Nov. 29, 1846. Serv-
ed in Co. C, 19th regiment in War of Rebellion, 3 years in 6th M. V. M. ; and
53 in 8th, and 10 as captain of Co. F in same. Appointed Senate messenger in
Charles H. Johnson of Woburn, born there, Sept. 19, 1843. Served in
Co. K, 39th regiment in War of Rebellion. Grand Arn^.y, A. O. U W. Appoint-
ed Senate messenger in 1891.
J. Henry Locke, of Worcester was born in Boylston, Dec. 17, 1842; edu-
cated in the public schools. Enlisted Sept. 27, 1861, in Co. D, 25th regiment,
army of the Potomac and army of the James ; wounded June 30, 1864 ; mustered
<xit July 13, 5865 ; past oflficer of the guard of post 10 G. A. R,, Worcester ; has
been a janitor ; appointed messenger of Senate, Jan. 1897.
Francis A. Ireland of Pittsfield, was born in Dexter, Me,, July 57, 18435
educated in the public schools. Overseer 20 years in a woolen mill. Private in
Co. E, 22d Maine regiment. Past commander of post No. 125 G. A. R. ; past
warden in N. E. O. P. ; aide-de camp to Commander-in-chief J. P. S. Gobin of
G. A. R. Appointed Senate messenger, Jan., 1898.
Albro G. Bean of Everett, born in Bethlehem, N. H., May 29, 1838. Co,
G, I St H. a. nth Vt. Vol. G. A. R ; N. E. O. P. Printer (foreman). Ap-
pointed Senate messenger, Jan, i, 1898.
Edward C. Cook of Westfield was born in New Marlborough, Aug. 13,
1845; educated in the public schools. Is a carpenter. Enlisted Dec. 13, 1861,
in Co. H, 31st regiment, and served in the Department of the Gulf; discharged
Oct. 9, 1865. Member of Lyon post of G. A R, of Westfield but formerly of
Scott Bradley post of Lee. Member of Woronoco lodge of Odd Fellows of West-
iield. Appointed Senate messenger in Jan., 1900.
Lawrence G. Mitchell, Dorchester, was born in Boston, Jan. 24, 1880;
educated in public schools, including High school. Appointed Senate page, Jan.,
Herbert C. Marsh of Northampton was born there March 19, 1880;
educated in its public schools, including the High school. Appointed Senate
page in Jan. 1900.
Sterling Palmer of Medford was born in St. Louis, Mo. May 5, 1884 ;
educated in the public schools of Brookline, Everett and Medford, including the
grammar schools of the latter. Appointed Senate page in Jan., 1900.
Thomas J. Tucker, House door-keeper, was born in Boston, Dec, 21, 1831;
graduated from the Mayhew school ; engaged in business until appointed on the
messenger corps of the Legislature under Sergeant-at-arms Benjamin Stevens ;
appointed assistant door-keeper in 1869, and door-keeper in 1875. Mr. Tucker
has been prominent in temperance work, having served in all the honorary offices
of the Sons of Temperance of Massachusetts, and was grand worthy patriarch,
1874-5 ; 3.1so member of the National division and life director of the Massachu-
setts Total Abstinence Society.
John Kinnear, assistant doorkeeper, born in Glasgow, Scotland, Nov. 24,
1836, came to this country wheti 22 months old; lived in Cambridge ever since.
Commissioned 3d lieut. Co. C, 2d regiment, first volunteer company of Rebellion,
but later received commission as first sergeant, July 25, i86[; discharged ; recruit-
ed Co. E, 30th regiment, ist lieut by special order from President Lincoln, Jan.
19. 1862 ; mustered out Sept. 22, 1862. Appointed messenger of House in 1880,
and assistant door-keeper in 18S4.
James Beatty, postmaster, born in Manchester, England, Aug. 26, 1845,
came to this country when only two years old, going at once to Salem ; educated in
common schools. Enlisted Sept. 22, 1 861, in Co. I, 22d Massachusetts; three
years as bugler in Fifth Corps of Army of the PototHac, taking part in all engage-
ments. Mustered out Oct. 18, 1864. Auctioneer and furniture business in
Waltham, Alderman, 1897-8. Appointed messenger at State House in 1886;
legislative post-master, 1893. Waltham G. A. R. post ; Prospect lodge of Odd
Fellows ; A. O. U. W.
Ezra T. Pope, of Sandwich, was born in that town, Aug 27, 1825, edu-
cated in public and private schools. Is a farmer Member of the House from
First Barnstable District in 1864 5. Been constable and deputy sheriff; appoint-
ed messenger in 1874.
John H. Hollis, of Duxbury was born ib Weymouth, Jan. 8. 1833 ; edu-
cated in public schools. Was a member of state police under Major Jones, Wm. H.
Clemence, next under Gen. .Stevenson. Messenger of House since 1881. Member
of Corner Stone lodge of Masons. At lime of invention of Blake sole sewing
machines, became interested with others in foreign patents and spent some time
in Europe introducing and exhibiting the machine, Leeds, Eng., and Paris,
France, being among cities visited. Member of Standish monument association,
and member of its executive committee ; also on building committee for the com-
pletion of the monument.
Henry W. Sykes of Pittsfield, was born in Sheffield, Jan. 12, 1839 ; public
schools. Enlisted Aug. 4, 1862, in Co. C, 37th regiment; lost right arm at Cold
Harbor, Va , June 3, 1864; discharged June 17, 1865 ; post 196 G. A. R. Ap-
pointed messenger, 1 884.
Benjamin B. Brown of Fall River was born in that city, in 1842. Enlisted
in Co. E 30th Illinois, Aug. 2, 1861 ; wounded at Fort Donelson, Feb. 15, 1862;
color guard of regiment ; taken prisoner at Atlanta, July 23, 1864; escaped to
Union lines ; discharged Aug. 28, 1864, at expiration of term of service. Appoint-
ed messenger of House in 1886.
Edwin C. Gould of Melrose, born Aug. 19, 1840 at Wilmington; educated
Bath, Me , schools. In 1856, printed at Melrose its first paper, Melrose Adver-
tiser now Melrose Journal ; went to Atchison, Kan., 18157 ; crossed the plains in
i860, time of Pike's Peak gold fever, and was employed in mines whtn war broke
out. Enlisted Sept. i, 1861, in Co. F, ist Col. cavalry, wounded at Glorietta,
N M. ; discharged Oct. 16, 1864 ; post-master at military post. Fort Lyon. Col ,
1862-5 5 in 1866. entered employ of Bridgeport, Conn. Rubber Company, remain-
ing 13 years. Cashier for F. M. Holmes Furniture Co., Boston, 1879 91, P. C.
of U. S. Grant post G, A. R. ; member of Sons of American Revolution ; tyler
of Wyoming lodge of Masens ; city auditor, justice of the peace, notary public.
Appointed messenger in 1891.
Sidney Hol.mes of Boston (South) was born in Plymouth, Aug. 21, 1843 ;
educated in the public schools. Is a cabmet maker. Past noble grand of
Tremont lodge No. 15 and P. C. P. of Massasoit encampment No. i of Odd Fel-
lows. Appointed House messenger in 1898 (Jan.), especially assigned to the
Speaker's room, and has held that position ever since.
C.J Tarbell of Springfield, was born at Mt. Holly, Vt., Nov. 11, 1842;
educated in the public schools. Enlisted Sept. i, 1862, in Co. E, i6th Vermont,
wounded at Getty- burg, mustered out Aug. 10, 1863; re-ealisted Jan. 30, 1865,
in 2 ith New York cavalry ; mustered out June 27th, 1865, at close of the war.
Cabinet maker and furniture business. Member Roswcll Lee lodge and Morning
Star chapter of Masons; also of Odd Fellows. Appointed House messenger,
Jan. I, T898
Thomas P. Fkost of Lawrence was born, Sept. 13, 1840, in Eastport, Me.;
educated in the public schools. Has been engaged in the furniture busine^^s.
Enlisted in Co. F, ist regiment, Au^r. 14- '862 ; served in the Army of the Po-
tomac; mustered out March i, 1861;; taken prisoner at Spottsylvania and was
confined for seven months in Andersonville, Florence and Charleston; member of
Needham Post of C. A. R. Appointed messenger in Jan , 1900.
Edward S. Backman, of Maiden, was born in Bridgeport, Ct., Oct. 32,
1878 ; educated in the public schools and Boston Commercial College. Appointed
page, Jan. i, 1896 ; appointed page to the speaker, Jan. t, 1899.
Fred Wilson of Somerville was born in Amherst, Nov. 30, 1882 ; gradu-
ate of the public schools and of the Boston Evening School of Architecture. Ap-
pointed page of the House, Jan. i, 1897. ■
James H. Hazelwood, of East Boston was born in St John, N, B, March
7, 1884 ; educated in the public schools. Appointed page of the House, Jan. i,
William C. Marden, of Stoneham, was born in that town March 5, 1885 ;
educated in its public schools, including the High school. Appointed page in
Jan., 1900.
Clarence H. Davis, of New Bedford was born in Westport, Nov. 9, 1882 ;
educated in the public schools. Appointed page in Jan., 1900.
George P. Brigg^, of Cambridge, was born at Moncton, N. B, June 29.
1844; educated in the public schools of Cambridge. Appointed House page in
Jan., 1900.
Floyd A. Havv/ard, of Brockton, was born in Brooklyn, N. Y., June 16,
1884 ; educated in the Brockton public schools. Appointed House page in 1900.
The deaths during the session were more numerous thaiv usual and almost,
if nut quite, unprecedented. Hon. Oliver H. Durrell, member of the Council,
Republican, from Cambridge died Jan. 31. Senators Parry, Joy and Maxwell and
Representatives Apsey, Stalker, Spooner, McPherson, Leland, Langford and White
were a special committee on his funeral and resolutions. Representative George R.
R. Rivers of Milton died Feb. 11, and Messrs. Dean of Brookline, Reed,
Whelan, Carleton, Roads, Whall, Belden and Crosby of Arlington were appointed
to attend the funeral and prepare resolutions. Representative Nicholas B. Keyou
of Medford died, March' 10, and Representatives Twombly, Ames, Dean of Wake-
field. Barber, Wetherell, Keene, Roads and Gouiding were appointed to a'tend the
funeral and prepare resolutions. Representative Isaac C. Wright of Fitchburg
died April 10, and Messrs Pearce, Blood, Coolidge, Litchfield, Walsh, Hubbard,
Pator. and Love were appointed to prepare resolutions and attend the funeral.
Representative Edward J. Donovan, having been elected city clerk of Boston,
resigned his position as member, Feb. 15. Mr. Joseph P. Lomasney was sworn
in, March 28, as his succissor.
On March 23, Hon, John D. Long, United States Secretary of the Navy,
and Speaker of the House in 1876-7-8, visited the House. Speaker Myers made
the Secretary "Speaker" again, pro tern., and the latter addressed the members to
their great delight and appreciation.
Senators Washburn, Luscombe and Patch of Middlesex and Representatives
Ames, Stone of Springfield, Brown of Weston, Crosby of Arlington, Fletcher,
Wetherell and McNary were appointed with the President of the Senate and
Speaker of the House, to represent the Legislature at the r25th anniversary of
the opening of the Revolutionary War, celebrated by the town of Concord,
April 19.
On April 27, Gov. Nash of Ohio and Representative Smith of Mich, visited
the Senate and House, being "received" by each branch, while in the House both
guests made brief addresses.
On Jan. 19, Capt. Walker of the gunboat "Concord" was presented to the
senators during a recess.
On May 31, both Senate and House received Messrs. A. D. W. Wolmarans,
member of the Executive Council of the South American Republic. A I. Fishcer
of the executive council of the Orange Free State C. H. Wessels, chairman of
the Volkraad of the Orange Free State and J. N. de Bruyn, secretary of the en-
voys. The latter briefly addressed the House.
On June i, the Senate passed resolutions commending President McKinley
for his offer to mediate in the South African war; later the House concurred.
The President and Speaker and Senators Parry, Joy and Tagfue and Repre-
sentatives Keith of Cambridge, Saunders, White, Chadwick, O'Brien, Roads,
Crosby of Arlington and McCarthy were a special committee to attend the 125th
anniversary exercises in Cambridge, July 3, of Washington's taking command of
the Continental Army.
The annual legislative dinner was held at Hotel Vendome, May 23, with
Congressman McCall, Rear Admiral Sampson, Gov. Crane, Lieut. Gov. Bates,
Hon. P. A. Collins and Hon. T. J. Gargan as invited guests.
Mr. Casey of Lee was appointed on the committees on ways and means in
place of the late Mr. Rivers and Mr. McCarthy of Boston on street railways in
place of the late Mr. Keyou.
The criticism by the press of the vote on the Westminster Chambers bill
caused much feeling among the Representatives and a number made personal ex-
planations. A subsequent investigation by the committee on rules exonerated
all members from having been influenced by improper means, and showed that the
insinuations of the press were unfounded.
Rear Admiral Sampson and Congressman McCall were visitors of the House,
May 24, and were presented to the members.
At the close of the session, the Senate presented President Smith with a
beautiful bronze "Venus of Milo," Clerk Coolidge with a pair of field glasses, and
Door-keeper Remington with a travelling bag. In the House, the members pre-
sented Speaker Myers with a costly hall clock. Clerk Kimball with a beautiful
mantel clock and Chaplain Waldron with silver candelabra.
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Tn the arrangement of the illustrations in "A Legislative Souvenir," the
State officers, the Executive Council and officers of the Senate and House are
followed by the joint legislative committees arranged alphabetically, and these
groups are separated by miscellaneous pictures that have more or less relation to
our State government. They include views of all the principal halls and corridors
of the Capitol, views from the cupola of the same, the offices of the various state
de{ artments, etc., the whole making a collection valuable historically and intrin-
sically, as well as because, in some cases, the views are the only ones of the kind
that have been or can be obtained.
Crane, W. M.
Yerxa, H. D.
Bates, John L.
Quirk, C. I.
Olin, Wm. M.
Harwood, G. F.
Bradford, E. S.
Howe, S. H.
Kimball, J. W.
Jefferson, M. V. B.
Knowlton, H. M.
Russell, P. A.
Slade, D. F.
Smith, J. B.
Davis, W. W.
9 •
Hamlin, E. F.
Attwill, H. C,
Baldwin, J. E.
43 55-59
Butler, W. A.
Chamberlain, L. E
27 39-49-97
Clemence, G. L.
23-39 73
Currier, Guy W.
Fales, F. A.
Gardner, A. P.
Gleason, S. S.
65-81 91
Hanson, C. H.
Harrington, F. A
Hazelion, C. W.
Huntress, F. E.
luues, C. H.
Joy, Fred
Keliher,J. A.
Kenefick, T. W. 29 37-49 83-97
Lawrence, A. A.
Leach, W. S.
Lott, W. H.
Luscombe, W. O.
Mahoney, J. E.
Mahoney, W. B.
Maxwell, A. A.
McClellan, J. E.
Moran. William
Parry, J. E.
Patch, F. A.
Post, Thomas
Ray, Albert H.
Reynolds, William
Ross, L. W.
Sanderson, H. K.
Smith, G. E.
Soule, R. F.
Tague, P. F.
Tolman, William
Washburn, C. G.
Witt, C. T.
Woodsum, B. H.
31-65 73-98
2961 71
51 81-87
47 51 95
3'-33 6i
65 73-95
69 79-83-85
41-61 69
45-63 95
57-77 93
Adams, C. H. 83-95 i7o
Aldrich, E. J 51-65 161
Allen, C. H. 53-89 184
Ames. Butler 41 87 168
Apsey. Albert S. 39 57 '62
Bagley, A Dudley 59 I75
Balcom, George 33-67 167
Ball, John N. 27 163
Barber, William L. 87 163
Bartlett, Frank 69-77 146
Bates, Fred H. S7 77 '86
Beebe, Charles C. 23 158
Belcher, George C. 89 147
Belden. Harry L. 45 156
Bennett, Frank P. 23-95 154
Bigelow, Austin 87 183
Bleiler, John 55-59 182
Bliss, lames F. 37-97 I7Q
Blood, Charles H. 39 79 186
Borofsky, S. H. 77-93 ^77
Briggs, C. A. 59 148
Brigham, W. M. 29-49 167
Brooks, C C. 38-67 158
Brooks, W. W. too 171
Brown, Edward L. 35-85 146
Brown, Henry L 91 166
Brown. W. M. 27 145
Bugbee, N. A. 31 158
bulfinch, H. C 33 153
Bullock, W. J. 38-75 149
Burlen, M. W. 57 98 18 r
Burnham, W. A. 43 155
Burns, James 6593 154
Burrington. L. L. 35-65 172
Buswell, J. E. . 05 151
Butler, A. W. 53-57 175
Card, Charles A. 89 146
Carey, James F. 31-53 ^51
Carleton, G. H. 95 151
Carruth, C. A. 31-97 184
Casey, John H. 8995 146
Chadwick, N. H. 27 85 165
Chase, Henry L. 38-75 186
Clark, Arthur 35 170
Clouti^r, Amedee 27 151
Cluer. Arthur H. 47 168
Colby, John H. 4998 179
Cole, Joseph D. 81 174
Collins, B. G. 43 '5°
Conwell, Robert E. 43 145
Cook, C. A. 25-51 186
Coolidge, Daniel S. 65-73 162
Crane, Samuel V.
Crosby, Aaron .S,
Crosby, J H
Curley, T. F. I.
Gushing, S. G.
Dalton, J. F.
Daly, VVm.
Davenport, W. A.
Davis, Daniel W.
Davis, T. L.
Davis, W. R.
Dean, Benj. C.
Dean, C. A.
Dewey, F. S., Jr.
Dillon, Thomas J.
Donahue, Thomas
Donovan, E. J.
Donovan, J. H.
Donovan, John L.
Donovan, Michael J.
Dooling, T. |.
Douglass, John J.
Dow, Geo'ge F.
Dowse, Aaron C.
Driscoil, D. J., 2d
Eddy, Curtis
Edson, C. O'M.
Ellsworth, J L.
Emerson, F. O.
Engstrom, C. O.
Esleeck, A. W.
Fairbanks, W. E.
Fall, George H
Farwell, F. W.
Feiker, William H.
Fessenden, G. R.
Fitts, Frank E.
Fitzgerald, W. T. A.
Fletcher, Herbert E.
Foster, Frank A.
Francis Frank W.
Frost, Archie N.
Gaddis, M. E.
Gale, Horace B.
Gardner, A H.
Garfield, George H.
Gartland, John J. Jr.
George, Samuel B.
Gibney, Thomas E.
Gilpatric, Fred C.
Gleason, David J.
Goulding, Albert M.
51 69
37 97
31 41
3 '-45
65 71
Green, Thomas H. 57 176
Hagberg, JohnG. 63-89 188
Hamant, George R. 73 184
Hancock, Portus B. 43 175
Hapgood, George H. 93 i&o
Harrington, Arthur 89 176
Harvey, Benjamin C. 67-87 159
Haskell, Ulysses G. 29-38-39 156
Haskins, F. N. 23 146
Hayes, Richard J. 59 178
Haywood, C. E. ' 29-71 153
Heaih, James F. S5 '47
Henderson, F. D. 25-45-85 156
Herron, W. F. 63-91 185
Hersey, F. M. 59 173
Higgins, M, P. 38 67 176
Hopewell William 73 149
Horgan, F. J. 38- 79 177
How, Carleton F. 79 i so
Howell, James i;7 181
Howland, Willard 49-83 183
Hubbard, E A. 91 167
Hull, Samuel E. 25 185
Humphrey, B. B. 37 152
Hunt, Edward W. 47-91 171
Hunt, Harry D. 43 98 147
Hunt, James 27 188
Jones, Michael B. 45 149
Kavenaugh, J. E. 29-71 157
Keeue, Walter S. 25-37 '69
Keith, Charles P. 61-63 162
Keith, Edward H. ^S '74
Kelly, Michael 31 155
Keyou, N. H. 163
King, Charles F. 75 172
Knowlton. W. C 38-91 185
K\le, William S. 53-59 '73
Lanergan, John P. 5565 180
Langford, John T. 4 '-93 '66
Leland, Robert H. 47 166
Leonard, Jacob A. 91 147
Leslie, George F. 33-73 165
Litchfield, W. C. 65-73 '74
Lomasney, J P. 100 177
Love, Joseph P. 73 185
Lydpn, M. J 51 179
MacCartney, F. O. 38-97 173
MacCord, W A. 49 148
Mahoney, W. E. 33-55 '76
Mahony, F. C. 37 179
Manning, David 49 188
Mansfield, J. J. 71 180
Mansfield, M. M. 31-98 168
Marchant, C. S. 81 156
Marsh. John F.
Marshal), J. M.
McCarthy, J F.
Mc Isaac, D V.
McKinley, J. H.
McLoughlin, W. I
McNary, W. S.
McPhtrson, C J
Mead. Edward C.
Mellen, James H.
Mills, Charles P.
Mills. Edwin J.
Minihan. Cornelius
Minton, John M
Montgomery, J. A.
Mooney, W. L.
Moore, J. Myron
Morse. M. A.
Munroe, John P.
Murphy, M. D. A.
Myers. James J.
Newton, H. H
Nickcrson, D M , Jr.
O'Brien. W. S.
Odlin, James E.
O'Neill, John E.
Paige, Timothy
Parker, W. C.
Patou A. S.
Pearce, James
Persons, C. H.
Pettengill J. Q. A.
Poor, James C.
Porter, Thomas F,
Retd, Silas D.
Roads. Samuel, Jr.
Robbins, Martin
Roberts, A. E.
Robinson, L. D.
Russell, A. P.
Salter, W. R.
Saunders, C, R,
Schofield, William
Selfridge, G. S.
bheppard, Eben W.
Shufelt, Harvey F.
'ikinner, Henry R.
Smith, C. F. A.
Smith, George E.
Snow, Levi M.
Sparks, John T.
Spear, Stillman J.
l^ooner, Wallace
Sprague, Eugene H.
61 85
49 89
Stackpole, George H
Stalker, Hugh L.
Stone, Silas A.
Stone, Willmore B.
Sullivan, C. S.
Sullivan, M. J.
Tarbox, French O J
Tatman, Charles T.
Thomson, John E,
Thurston, E. M.
Tobin, P. H.
Turtle, William
Twombly, S. W.
Upson, C. H,
Varney, G. E.
Walsh, David I.
Warriner, W. S.
Watson, James A.
Watson, Walter S.
Weeks, Alvin G.
Weston, Walter S.
Wetherell, F. E.
Whall, Harry B.
Wheeler, W. D.
Whelan, John B.
White, Horace C.
Whitney. Orange
Willard, E. E.
Winsloe, T. A.
Wright, I. C.
35 97
Bridgman, F. E.
Raymond, Carl
Coolidge, H. D.
Sanger, W. H.
Dowse, Rev. E
Smith, C J.
Grier, F. H.
Waldron, Rev. D.
Kimball, J. W.
Adams, J. G B.
Armstrong, J. E.
Backman, E. S.
Bean, A. G.
Beatty, James
Briggs, G. P.
Brown, B. B.
Cook, E. C.
Davis, C. G.
Davis, C. H.
Frost, T. P.
Gould, E. C.
Hayward, F. A.
Hazelwood, J. H.
HoUis, John
Holmes, Sidney
Ireland, F. A.
Jellison, B. H.
Johnson, C. H.
Kinnear, John
Legg, C. A.
Locke, J. H.
Marden, W. C.
Marsh, H. C.
Mitchell, L. G.
Palmer, Sterling
Pope, E. T.
Remington, D. 1
Sykes, H W.
Taft, D. W.
Tarbell, C. J.
Taylor, R. J.
Tucker, T. J.
Wilson, Fred